Scheduling and running visual flows with workflows
You can schedule the Visual ETL flows you authored to run based on a schedule using Workflows. The following is an example of how to do this:
Create a Visual ETL flow and name it "mwaa-test".
Save your draft flow (“mwaa-test.vetl”) to your project.
Navigate to Build → Workflows menu, click on the “Create workflow in editor”.
You will now see an example DAG template in JupyterLab.
Modify the lines of python code as below, then save it as “”. We will execute the dataflow at 8AM everyday. By default, the dataflow’s notebook file is under the path “src/dataflows”.
WORKFLOW_SCHEDULE = '0 8 * * *' NOTEBOOK_PATH = 'src/dataflows/mwaa-test.vetl' dag_id = "workflow-mwaa-test" # optional, set to give your workflow a meaningful name
Pull the file “dataflows/mwaa-test.vetl” from the project’s source code repository to JupyterLab.
Navigate back to the Workflows console, now we can see the DAG is created. We can access Airflow UI via the “Actions” dropdown list.
Manually trigger the DAG.