Run a workflow - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

Run a workflow

To run a workflow, navigate to the workflow details page by selecting a workflow from the Workflows page list. Then choose Run. You can then choose one of the following two options:

  1. Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.

  2. Navigate to a project that was created with the All capabilities project profile. To do this, use the center menu at the top of the landing page and choose Browse all projects, then choose the name of the project that you want to navigate to.

  3. In the Build menu, choose Workflows. This takes you to the Workflows page.

  4. Choose the name of a workflow to navigate to the workflow details page.

  5. Expand the Run menu, then choose one of the following options:

    • Run with default parameters. This option starts running the workflow using the parameters already defined in the DAG file. To review these parameters, see the Default parameters tab.

    • Run with custom parameters. This option opens a window where you can change the inputs for the parameters defined in the DAG file. Enter the variables you want to use, and then choose Start run to start running the workflow.

The workflow run then appears on the workflow details page. The workflow runs until it is complete or until you choose to stop it.

Running a workflow puts tasks together to orchestrate Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio artifacts. You can view multiple runs for your workflows by navigating to the Workflows page.

If you want to see more runs, you can view them using the Airflow UI. Navigate to the Workflows page, choose the three dots in the Action column for a workflow, then choose Open Airflow UI. This page displays charts and graphics about the workflow.


To open the Airflow UI, your browser should allow cross-site cookie sharing. If you receive an error message, check the cookie settings in your browser.