NotebookInstanceSummary - Amazon SageMaker


Provides summary information for an SageMaker AI notebook instance.



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the notebook instance.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Required: Yes


The name of the notebook instance that you want a summary for.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9])*

Required: Yes


An array of up to three Git repositories associated with the notebook instance. These can be either the names of Git repositories stored as resources in your account, or the URL of Git repositories in AWS CodeCommit or in any other Git repository. These repositories are cloned at the same level as the default repository of your notebook instance. For more information, see Associating Git Repositories with SageMaker AI Notebook Instances.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Maximum number of 3 items.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Pattern: ^https://([^/]+)/?(.*)$|^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9])*

Required: No


A timestamp that shows when the notebook instance was created.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


The Git repository associated with the notebook instance as its default code repository. This can be either the name of a Git repository stored as a resource in your account, or the URL of a Git repository in AWS CodeCommit or in any other Git repository. When you open a notebook instance, it opens in the directory that contains this repository. For more information, see Associating Git Repositories with SageMaker AI Notebook Instances.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Pattern: ^https://([^/]+)/?(.*)$|^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9])*

Required: No


The type of ML compute instance that the notebook instance is running on.

Type: String

Valid Values: ml.t2.medium | ml.t2.large | ml.t2.xlarge | ml.t2.2xlarge | ml.t3.medium | ml.t3.large | ml.t3.xlarge | ml.t3.2xlarge | ml.m4.xlarge | ml.m4.2xlarge | ml.m4.4xlarge | ml.m4.10xlarge | ml.m4.16xlarge | ml.m5.xlarge | ml.m5.2xlarge | ml.m5.4xlarge | ml.m5.12xlarge | ml.m5.24xlarge | ml.m5d.large | ml.m5d.xlarge | ml.m5d.2xlarge | ml.m5d.4xlarge | ml.m5d.8xlarge | ml.m5d.12xlarge | ml.m5d.16xlarge | ml.m5d.24xlarge | ml.c4.xlarge | ml.c4.2xlarge | ml.c4.4xlarge | ml.c4.8xlarge | ml.c5.xlarge | ml.c5.2xlarge | ml.c5.4xlarge | ml.c5.9xlarge | ml.c5.18xlarge | ml.c5d.xlarge | ml.c5d.2xlarge | ml.c5d.4xlarge | ml.c5d.9xlarge | ml.c5d.18xlarge | ml.p2.xlarge | ml.p2.8xlarge | ml.p2.16xlarge | ml.p3.2xlarge | ml.p3.8xlarge | ml.p3.16xlarge | ml.p3dn.24xlarge | ml.g4dn.xlarge | ml.g4dn.2xlarge | ml.g4dn.4xlarge | ml.g4dn.8xlarge | ml.g4dn.12xlarge | ml.g4dn.16xlarge | ml.r5.large | ml.r5.xlarge | ml.r5.2xlarge | ml.r5.4xlarge | ml.r5.8xlarge | ml.r5.12xlarge | ml.r5.16xlarge | ml.r5.24xlarge | ml.g5.xlarge | ml.g5.2xlarge | ml.g5.4xlarge | ml.g5.8xlarge | ml.g5.16xlarge | ml.g5.12xlarge | ml.g5.24xlarge | ml.g5.48xlarge | ml.inf1.xlarge | ml.inf1.2xlarge | ml.inf1.6xlarge | ml.inf1.24xlarge | ml.trn1.2xlarge | ml.trn1.32xlarge | ml.trn1n.32xlarge | ml.inf2.xlarge | ml.inf2.8xlarge | ml.inf2.24xlarge | ml.inf2.48xlarge | ml.p4d.24xlarge | ml.p4de.24xlarge | ml.p5.48xlarge | ml.m6i.large | ml.m6i.xlarge | ml.m6i.2xlarge | ml.m6i.4xlarge | ml.m6i.8xlarge | ml.m6i.12xlarge | ml.m6i.16xlarge | ml.m6i.24xlarge | ml.m6i.32xlarge | ml.m7i.large | ml.m7i.xlarge | ml.m7i.2xlarge | ml.m7i.4xlarge | ml.m7i.8xlarge | ml.m7i.12xlarge | ml.m7i.16xlarge | ml.m7i.24xlarge | ml.m7i.48xlarge | ml.c6i.large | ml.c6i.xlarge | ml.c6i.2xlarge | ml.c6i.4xlarge | ml.c6i.8xlarge | ml.c6i.12xlarge | ml.c6i.16xlarge | ml.c6i.24xlarge | ml.c6i.32xlarge | ml.c7i.large | ml.c7i.xlarge | ml.c7i.2xlarge | ml.c7i.4xlarge | ml.c7i.8xlarge | ml.c7i.12xlarge | ml.c7i.16xlarge | ml.c7i.24xlarge | ml.c7i.48xlarge | ml.r6i.large | ml.r6i.xlarge | ml.r6i.2xlarge | ml.r6i.4xlarge | ml.r6i.8xlarge | ml.r6i.12xlarge | ml.r6i.16xlarge | ml.r6i.24xlarge | ml.r6i.32xlarge | ml.r7i.large | ml.r7i.xlarge | ml.r7i.2xlarge | ml.r7i.4xlarge | ml.r7i.8xlarge | ml.r7i.12xlarge | ml.r7i.16xlarge | ml.r7i.24xlarge | ml.r7i.48xlarge | ml.m6id.large | ml.m6id.xlarge | ml.m6id.2xlarge | ml.m6id.4xlarge | ml.m6id.8xlarge | ml.m6id.12xlarge | ml.m6id.16xlarge | ml.m6id.24xlarge | ml.m6id.32xlarge | ml.c6id.large | ml.c6id.xlarge | ml.c6id.2xlarge | ml.c6id.4xlarge | ml.c6id.8xlarge | ml.c6id.12xlarge | ml.c6id.16xlarge | ml.c6id.24xlarge | ml.c6id.32xlarge | ml.r6id.large | ml.r6id.xlarge | ml.r6id.2xlarge | ml.r6id.4xlarge | ml.r6id.8xlarge | ml.r6id.12xlarge | ml.r6id.16xlarge | ml.r6id.24xlarge | ml.r6id.32xlarge | ml.g6.xlarge | ml.g6.2xlarge | ml.g6.4xlarge | ml.g6.8xlarge | ml.g6.12xlarge | ml.g6.16xlarge | ml.g6.24xlarge | ml.g6.48xlarge

Required: No


A timestamp that shows when the notebook instance was last modified.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


The name of a notebook instance lifecycle configuration associated with this notebook instance.

For information about notebook instance lifestyle configurations, see Step 2.1: (Optional) Customize a Notebook Instance.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9])*

Required: No


The status of the notebook instance.

Type: String

Valid Values: Pending | InService | Stopping | Stopped | Failed | Deleting | Updating

Required: No


The URL that you use to connect to the Jupyter notebook running in your notebook instance.

Type: String

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: