使用豆類、地圖、清單和集等屬性 - AWS SDK for Java 2.x



如下所示的Person類別等 Bean 定義可能會定義參考具有其他屬性之類型的屬性 (或屬性)。例如,在 Person類別中, mainAddress 是一個屬性,它是指定義其他值屬性的 Address Bean。 addresses 是指 Java Map,其元素是指 Address Bean。這些複雜的類型可以想像您在 DynamoDB 的內容中用於其資料值的簡單屬性容器。

DynamoDB 是指巢狀元素的值屬性,例如地圖、清單或豆類,作為巢狀屬性 Amazon DynamoDB 開發人員指南是指儲存的 Java 地圖、清單或 Bean 格式的文件類型 。您在 Java 中用於其資料值的簡單屬性在 DynamoDB 中稱為純量類型。集合,其中包含相同類型的多個純量元素,稱為集合類型

請務必了解,DynamoDB 增強型用戶端會在儲存時將 Bean 的屬性API轉換為 DynamoDB 映射文件類型。

@DynamoDbBean public class Person { private Integer id; private String firstName; private String lastName; private Integer age; private Address mainAddress; private Map<String, Address> addresses; private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers; private Set<String> hobbies; @DynamoDbPartitionKey public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public Address getMainAddress() { return mainAddress; } public void setMainAddress(Address mainAddress) { this.mainAddress = mainAddress; } public Map<String, Address> getAddresses() { return addresses; } public void setAddresses(Map<String, Address> addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() { return phoneNumbers; } public void setPhoneNumbers(List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers) { this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers; } public Set<String> getHobbies() { return hobbies; } public void setHobbies(Set<String> hobbies) { this.hobbies = hobbies; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{" + "addresses=" + addresses + ", id=" + id + ", firstName='" + firstName + '\'' + ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' + ", age=" + age + ", mainAddress=" + mainAddress + ", phoneNumbers=" + phoneNumbers + ", hobbies=" + hobbies + '}'; } }
@DynamoDbBean public class Address { private String street; private String city; private String state; private String zipCode; public Address() { } public String getStreet() { return this.street; } public String getCity() { return this.city; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public String getZipCode() { return this.zipCode; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; } public void setCity(String city) { this.city = city; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public void setZipCode(String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Address address = (Address) o; return Objects.equals(street, address.street) && Objects.equals(city, address.city) && Objects.equals(state, address.state) && Objects.equals(zipCode, address.zipCode); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(street, city, state, zipCode); } @Override public String toString() { return "Address{" + "street='" + street + '\'' + ", city='" + city + '\'' + ", state='" + state + '\'' + ", zipCode='" + zipCode + '\'' + '}'; } }
@DynamoDbBean public class PhoneNumber { String type; String number; public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getNumber() { return number; } public void setNumber(String number) { this.number = number; } @Override public String toString() { return "PhoneNumber{" + "type='" + type + '\'' + ", number='" + number + '\'' + '}'; } }



您只需為自訂類別加上註釋,即可儲存巢狀屬性。先前顯示的Address類別和PhoneNumber類別只會以@DynamoDbBean註釋進行註釋。當 DynamoDB 增強型用戶端使用下列程式碼片段API建置 Person類別的資料表結構描述時, 會API探索 AddressPhoneNumber類別的使用,並建置對應的映射以搭配 DynamoDB 使用。

TableSchema<Person> personTableSchema = TableSchema.fromBean(Person.class);



AddressPhoneNumber類別的資料表結構描述抽象,因為它們無法與 DynamoDB 資料表搭配使用。這是因為它們缺少主索引鍵的定義。不過,它們會在 Person類別的資料表結構描述中用作巢狀結構描述。

在 定義的註解行 1 和 2 之後PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA,您會看到使用摘要資料表結構描述的程式碼。在 EnhanceType.documentOf(...) 方法documentOf中使用 並不表示 方法傳回增強型文件 的EnhancedDocument類型API。在此內容中, documentOf(...)方法會傳回物件,該物件知道如何使用資料表結構描述引數,將其類別引數對應至 DynamoDB 資料表屬性。

// Abstract table schema that cannot be used to work with a DynamoDB table, // but can be used as a nested schema. public static final TableSchema<Address> TABLE_SCHEMA_ADDRESS = TableSchema.builder(Address.class) .newItemSupplier(Address::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("street") .getter(Address::getStreet) .setter(Address::setStreet)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("city") .getter(Address::getCity) .setter(Address::setCity)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("zipcode") .getter(Address::getZipCode) .setter(Address::setZipCode)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("state") .getter(Address::getState) .setter(Address::setState)) .build(); // Abstract table schema that cannot be used to work with a DynamoDB table, // but can be used as a nested schema. public static final TableSchema<PhoneNumber> TABLE_SCHEMA_PHONENUMBER = TableSchema.builder(PhoneNumber.class) .newItemSupplier(PhoneNumber::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("type") .getter(PhoneNumber::getType) .setter(PhoneNumber::setType)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("number") .getter(PhoneNumber::getNumber) .setter(PhoneNumber::setNumber)) .build(); // A static table schema that can be used with a DynamoDB table. // The table schema contains two nested schemas that are used to perform mapping to/from DynamoDB. public static final TableSchema<Person> PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA = TableSchema.builder(Person.class) .newItemSupplier(Person::new) .addAttribute(Integer.class, a -> a.name("id") .getter(Person::getId) .setter(Person::setId) .addTag(StaticAttributeTags.primaryPartitionKey())) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("firstName") .getter(Person::getFirstName) .setter(Person::setFirstName)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("lastName") .getter(Person::getLastName) .setter(Person::setLastName)) .addAttribute(Integer.class, a -> a.name("age") .getter(Person::getAge) .setter(Person::setAge)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.documentOf(Address.class, TABLE_SCHEMA_ADDRESS), a -> a.name("mainAddress") .getter(Person::getMainAddress) .setter(Person::setMainAddress)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.listOf(String.class), a -> a.name("hobbies") .getter(Person::getHobbies) .setter(Person::setHobbies)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.mapOf( EnhancedType.of(String.class), // 1. Use mapping functionality of the Address table schema. EnhancedType.documentOf(Address.class, TABLE_SCHEMA_ADDRESS)), a -> a.name("addresses") .getter(Person::getAddresses) .setter(Person::setAddresses)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.listOf( // 2. Use mapping functionality of the PhoneNumber table schema. EnhancedType.documentOf(PhoneNumber.class, TABLE_SCHEMA_PHONENUMBER)), a -> a.name("phoneNumbers") .getter(Person::getPhoneNumbers) .setter(Person::setPhoneNumbers)) .build();


對於 query()scan()方法,您可以使用 addNestedAttributeToProject()和 等方法呼叫,指定要在結果中傳回的屬性attributesToProject()。DynamoDB 增強型用戶端會在傳送請求之前,將 Java 方法呼叫參數API轉換為投影表達式




第三個掃描操作使用attributesToProject()建置器方法來傳回第一級屬性 的資料hobbies。的屬性類型hobbies是清單。若要存取個別清單項目,請在清單上執行 get()操作。

personDynamoDbTable = getDynamoDbEnhancedClient().table("Person", PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA); PersonUtils.createPersonTable(personDynamoDbTable, getDynamoDbClient()); // Use a utility class to add items to the Person table. List<Person> personList = PersonUtils.getItemsForCount(2); // This utility method performs a put against DynamoDB to save the instances in the list argument. PersonUtils.putCollection(getDynamoDbEnhancedClient(), personList, personDynamoDbTable); // The first scan logs all items in the table to compare to the results of the subsequent scans. final PageIterable<Person> allItems = personDynamoDbTable.scan(); allItems.items().forEach(p -> // 1. Log what is in the table. logger.info(p.toString())); // Scan for nested attributes. PageIterable<Person> streetScanResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(b -> b // Use the 'addNestedAttributeToProject()' or 'addNestedAttributesToProject()' to access data nested in maps in DynamoDB. .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street") )); streetScanResult.items().forEach(p -> //2. Log the results of requesting nested attributes. logger.info(p.toString())); // Scan for a top-level list attribute. PageIterable<Person> hobbiesScanResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(b -> b // Use the 'attributesToProject()' method to access first-level attributes. .attributesToProject("hobbies")); hobbiesScanResult.items().forEach((p) -> { // 3. Log the results of the request for the 'hobbies' attribute. logger.info(p.toString()); // To access an item in a list, first get the parent attribute, 'hobbies', then access items in the list. String hobby = p.getHobbies().get(1); // 4. Log an item in the list. logger.info(hobby); });
// Logged results from comment line 1. Person{id=2, firstName='first name 2', lastName='last name 2', age=11, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='city 21', state='state 21', zipCode='33333'}, home=Address{street='street 2', city='city 2', state='state 2', zipCode='22222'}}, phoneNumbers=[PhoneNumber{type='home', number='222-222-2222'}, PhoneNumber{type='work', number='333-333-3333'}], hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=1, firstName='first name 1', lastName='last name 1', age=11, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='city 11', state='state 11', zipCode='22222'}, home=Address{street='street 1', city='city 1', state='state 1', zipCode='11111'}}, phoneNumbers=[PhoneNumber{type='home', number='111-111-1111'}, PhoneNumber{type='work', number='222-222-2222'}], hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]} // Logged results from comment line 2. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=null} Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=null} // Logged results from comment lines 3 and 4. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} hobby 21 Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]} hobby 11

如果attributesToProject()方法遵循任何其他新增要投影屬性的建置者方法,則提供給 的屬性名稱清單會attributesToProject()取代所有其他屬性名稱。


ScanEnhancedRequest lastOverwrites = ScanEnhancedRequest.builder() .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street")) .addAttributeToProject("firstName") // If the 'attributesToProject()' method follows other builder methods that add attributes for projection, // its list of attributes replace all previous attributes. .attributesToProject("hobbies") .build(); PageIterable<Person> hobbiesOnlyResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(lastOverwrites); hobbiesOnlyResult.items().forEach(p -> logger.info(p.toString())); // Logged results. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]}

下列程式碼片段會先使用 attributesToProject()方法。此排序會保留所有其他請求的屬性。

ScanEnhancedRequest attributesPreserved = ScanEnhancedRequest.builder() // Use 'attributesToProject()' first so that the method call does not replace all other attributes // that you want to project. .attributesToProject("firstName") .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street")) .addAttributeToProject("hobbies") .build(); PageIterable<Person> allAttributesResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(attributesPreserved); allAttributesResult.items().forEach(p -> logger.info(p.toString())); // Logged results. Person{id=null, firstName='first name 2', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=null, firstName='first name 1', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]}


您可以在運算式中使用複雜的類型,例如篩選運算式和條件運算式,方法是使用取消參考運算子來導覽複雜類型的結構。對於物件和地圖,請使用 . (dot)和 來列出元素 [n](圍繞元素的序號的方括號)。您無法參考集合的個別元素,但可以使用 contains函數

下列範例顯示掃描操作中使用的兩個篩選條件表達式。篩選條件運算式會指定結果中所需項目的比對條件。此範例使用先前顯示的 AddressPersonPhoneNumber類別。

public void scanUsingFilterOfNestedAttr() { // The following is a filter expression for an attribute that is a map of Address objects. // By using this filter expression, the SDK returns Person objects that have an address // with 'mailing' as a key and 'MS2' for a state value. Expression addressFilter = Expression.builder() .expression("addresses.#type.#field = :value") .putExpressionName("#type", "mailing") .putExpressionName("#field", "state") .putExpressionValue(":value", AttributeValue.builder().s("MS2").build()) .build(); PageIterable<Person> addressFilterResults = personDynamoDbTable.scan(rb -> rb. filterExpression(addressFilter)); addressFilterResults.items().stream().forEach(p -> logger.info("Person: {}", p)); assert addressFilterResults.items().stream().count() == 1; // The following is a filter expression for an attribute that is a list of phone numbers. // By using this filter expression, the SDK returns Person objects whose second phone number // in the list has a type equal to 'cell'. Expression phoneFilter = Expression.builder() .expression("phoneNumbers[1].#type = :type") .putExpressionName("#type", "type") .putExpressionValue(":type", AttributeValue.builder().s("cell").build()) .build(); PageIterable<Person> phoneFilterResults = personDynamoDbTable.scan(rb -> rb .filterExpression(phoneFilter) .attributesToProject("id", "firstName", "lastName", "phoneNumbers") ); phoneFilterResults.items().stream().forEach(p -> logger.info("Person: {}", p)); assert phoneFilterResults.items().stream().count() == 1; assert phoneFilterResults.items().stream().findFirst().get().getPhoneNumbers().get(1).getType().equals("cell"); }
public static void populateDatabase() { Person person1 = new Person(); person1.setId(1); person1.setFirstName("FirstName1"); person1.setLastName("LastName1"); Address billingAddr1 = new Address(); billingAddr1.setState("BS1"); billingAddr1.setCity("BillingTown1"); Address mailing1 = new Address(); mailing1.setState("MS1"); mailing1.setCity("MailingTown1"); person1.setAddresses(Map.of("billing", billingAddr1, "mailing", mailing1)); PhoneNumber pn1_1 = new PhoneNumber(); pn1_1.setType("work"); pn1_1.setNumber("111-111-1111"); PhoneNumber pn1_2 = new PhoneNumber(); pn1_2.setType("home"); pn1_2.setNumber("222-222-2222"); List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers1 = List.of(pn1_1, pn1_2); person1.setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers1); personDynamoDbTable.putItem(person1); Person person2 = person1; person2.setId(2); person2.setFirstName("FirstName2"); person2.setLastName("LastName2"); Address billingAddress2 = billingAddr1; billingAddress2.setCity("BillingTown2"); billingAddress2.setState("BS2"); Address mailing2 = mailing1; mailing2.setCity("MailingTown2"); mailing2.setState("MS2"); person2.setAddresses(Map.of("billing", billingAddress2, "mailing", mailing2)); PhoneNumber pn2_1 = new PhoneNumber(); pn2_1.setType("work"); pn2_1.setNumber("333-333-3333"); PhoneNumber pn2_2 = new PhoneNumber(); pn2_2.setType("cell"); pn2_2.setNumber("444-444-4444"); List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers2 = List.of(pn2_1, pn2_2); person2.setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers2); personDynamoDbTable.putItem(person2); }
{ "id": 1, "addresses": { "billing": { "city": "BillingTown1", "state": "BS1", "street": null, "zipCode": null }, "mailing": { "city": "MailingTown1", "state": "MS1", "street": null, "zipCode": null } }, "firstName": "FirstName1", "lastName": "LastName1", "phoneNumbers": [ { "number": "111-111-1111", "type": "work" }, { "number": "222-222-2222", "type": "home" } ] } { "id": 2, "addresses": { "billing": { "city": "BillingTown2", "state": "BS2", "street": null, "zipCode": null }, "mailing": { "city": "MailingTown2", "state": "MS2", "street": null, "zipCode": null } }, "firstName": "FirstName2", "lastName": "LastName2", "phoneNumbers": [ { "number": "333-333-3333", "type": "work" }, { "number": "444-444-4444", "type": "cell" } ] }



  • 方法 1:先擷取項目 (使用 getItem)、更新物件,然後呼叫 DynamoDbTable#updateItem

  • 方法 2:不要擷取項目,而是建構新的執行個體、設定您要更新的屬性,以及DynamoDbTable#updateItem設定適當的 IgnoreNullsMode 值來提交執行個體。此方法不需要您在更新項目之前先擷取項目。

本節中顯示的範例使用先前顯示的 AddressPersonPhoneNumber類別。

更新方法 1:擷取,然後更新

透過使用此方法,您可以確保更新時不會遺失任何資料。DynamoDB 增強型用戶端會使用儲存在 DynamoDB 中的項目的屬性,包括複雜類型的值,API來重新建立 Bean。然後,您需要使用 getters 和 setters 來更新 bean。此方法的缺點是您首先擷取項目所產生的成本。


public void retrieveThenUpdateExample() { // Assume that we ran this code yesterday. Person person = new Person(); person.setId(1); person.setFirstName("FirstName"); person.setLastName("LastName"); Address mainAddress = new Address(); mainAddress.setStreet("123 MyStreet"); mainAddress.setCity("MyCity"); mainAddress.setState("MyState"); mainAddress.setZipCode("MyZipCode"); person.setMainAddress(mainAddress); PhoneNumber homePhone = new PhoneNumber(); homePhone.setNumber("1111111"); homePhone.setType("HOME"); person.setPhoneNumbers(List.of(homePhone)); personDynamoDbTable.putItem(person); // Assume that we are running this code now. // First, retrieve the item Person retrievedPerson = personDynamoDbTable.getItem(Key.builder().partitionValue(1).build()); // Make any updates. retrievedPerson.getMainAddress().setCity("YourCity"); // Save the updated bean. 'updateItem' returns the bean as it appears after the update. Person updatedPerson = personDynamoDbTable.updateItem(retrievedPerson); // Verify for this example. Address updatedMainAddress = updatedPerson.getMainAddress(); assert updatedMainAddress.getCity().equals("YourCity"); assert updatedMainAddress.getState().equals("MyState"); // Unchanged. // The list of phone numbers remains; it was not set to null; assert updatedPerson.getPhoneNumbers().size() == 1; }

更新方法 2:先使用IgnoreNullsMode列舉而不擷取項目

若要更新 DynamoDB 中的項目,您可以提供一個新物件,其中只有您要更新的屬性,並將其他值保留為 null。透過此方法,您需要了解 物件中的 null 值如何受到 處理,SDK以及如何控制行為。

若要指定您要SDK忽略的 null 值屬性,請在建置 IgnoreNullsMode 時提供 enumUpdateItemEnhancedRequest。以下程式碼片段使用 IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY 模式,作為使用列舉值之一的範例。

// Create a new Person object to update the existing item in DynamoDB. Person personForUpdate = new Person(); personForUpdate.setId(1); personForUpdate.setFirstName("updatedFirstName"); // 'firstName' is a top scalar property. Address addressForUpdate = new Address(); addressForUpdate.setCity("updatedCity"); personForUpdate.setMainAddress(addressForUpdate); personDynamoDbTable.updateItem(r -> r .item(personForUpdate) .ignoreNullsMode(IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY) .build()); /* With IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY provided, The SDK ignores all null properties. The SDK adds or replaces the 'firstName' property with the provided value, "updatedFirstName". The SDK updates the 'city' value of 'mainAddress', as long as the 'mainAddress' attribute already exists in DynamoDB. In the background, the SDK generates an update expression that it sends in the request to DynamoDB. The following JSON object is a simplified version of what it sends. Notice that the SDK includes the paths to 'mainAddress.city' and 'firstName' in the SET clause of the update expression. No null values in 'personForUpdate' are included. { "TableName": "PersonTable", "Key": { "id": { "N": "1" } }, "ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW", "UpdateExpression": "SET #mainAddress.#city = :mainAddress_city, #firstName = :firstName", "ExpressionAttributeNames": { "#city": "city", "#firstName": "firstName", "#mainAddress": "mainAddress" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":firstName": { "S": "updatedFirstName" }, ":mainAddress_city": { "S": "updatedCity" } } } Had we chosen 'IgnoreNullsMode.DEFAULT' instead of 'IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY', the SDK would have included null values in the "ExpressionAttributeValues" section of the request as shown in the following snippet. "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":mainAddress": { "M": { "zipCode": { "NULL": true }, "city": { "S": "updatedCity" }, "street": { "NULL": true }, "state": { "NULL": true } } }, ":firstName": { "S": "updatedFirstName" } } */

Amazon DynamoDB 開發人員指南包含更新表達式 的詳細資訊。

IgnoreNullsMode 選項的說明

  • IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY - 使用此設定更新任何層級的純量屬性。會SDK建構更新陳述式,僅將非 Null、純量屬性傳送至 DynamoDB 。SDK 會忽略 Bean 或映射的 null 值純量屬性,保留 DynamoDB 中儲存的值。

    當您更新地圖或 Bean 的純量屬性時,地圖必須已經存在於 DynamoDB 中。如果您將地圖或 Bean 新增至 DynamoDB 中不存在於物件的物件,您會取得DynamoDbException具有訊息的 更新運算式中提供的文件路徑對於更新 而言無效。在更新任何屬性之前,您必須使用 MAPS_ONLY 模式來新增 Bean 或映射至 DynamoDB。

  • IgnoreNullsMode.MAPS_ONLY - 使用此設定新增或取代 Bean 或地圖的屬性。會SDK取代或新增物件中提供的任何地圖或 Bean。會忽略物件中為 null 的任何豆類或地圖,保留 DynamoDB 中存在的地圖。

  • IgnoreNullsMode.DEFAULT - 使用此設定,SDK永遠不會忽略 null 值。任何 null 層級的純量屬性都會更新為 null。SDK 會將物件中任何 null 值的 Bean、地圖、清單或屬性設定為 DynamoDB 中的 null。當您使用此模式時,或由於模式為預設模式,因此未先擷取 DynamoDB 中的項目值設定為 Null,而該值在物件中提供更新時,除非您的意圖是將值設定為 Null。

在所有模式下,如果您提供updateItem具有非空清單或設定的物件,則清單或集會儲存至 DynamoDB 。

為什麼選擇 模式?

當您為物件提供 Bean 或對應至 updateItem 方法時, SDK 無法判斷是否應該使用 Bean 中的屬性值 (或對應中的項目值) 來更新項目,或者整個 Bean/map 是否應該取代儲存到 DynamoDB 的內容。

使用先前顯示項目先擷取的範例,讓我們嘗試更新 city 的屬性,mainAddress而不進行擷取。

/* The retrieval example saved the Person object with a 'mainAddress' property whose 'city' property value is "MyCity". /* Note that we create a new Person with only the necessary information to update the city value of the mainAddress. */ Person personForUpdate = new Person(); personForUpdate.setId(1); // The update we want to make changes the city. Address mainAddressForUpdate = new Address(); mainAddressForUpdate.setCity("YourCity"); personForUpdate.setMainAddress(mainAddressForUpdate); // Lets' try the following: Person updatedPerson = personDynamoDbTable.updateItem(personForUpdate); /* Since we haven't retrieved the item, we don't know if the 'mainAddress' property already exists, so what update expression should the SDK generate? A) Should it replace or add the 'mainAddress' with the provided object (setting all attributes to null other than city) as shown in the following simplified JSON? { "TableName": "PersonTable", "Key": { "id": { "N": "1" } }, "ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW", "UpdateExpression": "SET #mainAddress = :mainAddress", "ExpressionAttributeNames": { "#mainAddress": "mainAddress" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":mainAddress": { "M": { "zipCode": { "NULL": true }, "city": { "S": "YourCity" }, "street": { "NULL": true }, "state": { "NULL": true } } } } } B) Or should it update only the 'city' attribute of an existing 'mainAddress' as shown in the following simplified JSON? { "TableName": "PersonTable", "Key": { "id": { "N": "1" } }, "ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW", "UpdateExpression": "SET #mainAddress.#city = :mainAddress_city", "ExpressionAttributeNames": { "#city": "city", "#mainAddress": "mainAddress" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":mainAddress_city": { "S": "YourCity" } } } However, assume that we don't know if the 'mainAddress' already exists. If it doesn't exist, the SDK would try to update an attribute of a non-existent map, which results in an exception. In this particular case, we would likely select option B (SCALAR_ONLY) to retain the other values of the 'mainAddress'. */


public void mapsOnlyModeExample() { // Assume that we ran this code yesterday. Person person = new Person(); person.setId(1); person.setFirstName("FirstName"); personDynamoDbTable.putItem(person); // Assume that we are running this code now. /* Note that we create a new Person with only the necessary information to update the city value of the mainAddress. */ Person personForUpdate = new Person(); personForUpdate.setId(1); // The update we want to make changes the city. Address mainAddressForUpdate = new Address(); mainAddressForUpdate.setCity("YourCity"); personForUpdate.setMainAddress(mainAddressForUpdate); Person updatedPerson = personDynamoDbTable.updateItem(r -> r .item(personForUpdate) .ignoreNullsMode(IgnoreNullsMode.MAPS_ONLY)); // Since the mainAddress property does not exist, use MAPS_ONLY mode. assert updatedPerson.getMainAddress().getCity().equals("YourCity"); assert updatedPerson.getMainAddress().getState() == null; }
public void scalarOnlyExample() { // Assume that we ran this code yesterday. Person person = new Person(); person.setId(1); Address mainAddress = new Address(); mainAddress.setCity("MyCity"); mainAddress.setState("MyState"); person.setMainAddress(mainAddress); personDynamoDbTable.putItem(person); // Assume that we are running this code now. /* Note that we create a new Person with only the necessary information to update the city value of the mainAddress. */ Person personForUpdate = new Person(); personForUpdate.setId(1); // The update we want to make changes the city. Address mainAddressForUpdate = new Address(); mainAddressForUpdate.setCity("YourCity"); personForUpdate.setMainAddress(mainAddressForUpdate); Person updatedPerson = personDynamoDbTable.updateItem(r -> r .item(personForUpdate) .ignoreNullsMode(IgnoreNullsMode.SCALAR_ONLY)); // SCALAR_ONLY mode ignores null properties in the in mainAddress. assert updatedPerson.getMainAddress().getCity().equals("YourCity"); assert updatedPerson.getMainAddress().getState().equals("MyState"); // The state property remains the same. }

請參閱下表,查看每個模式要忽略哪些 null 值。除了使用豆類或地圖MAPS_ONLY之外,您通常可以使用 SCALAR_ONLY 和 。

提交至 的物件中的哪些空值屬性updateItem會針對每個模式進行SDK忽略?
屬性類型 在 SCALAR_ONLY 模式中 在 MAPS_ONLY 模式中 在 DEFAULT 模式下
Bean 或地圖
豆類或地圖項目的純量值 1 No2

1這假設 DynamoDB 中已存在映射。您在物件中提供更新時的任何純量值,無論值是否為 Null,都需要在 DynamoDB 中存在該值的路徑。在提交請求之前, 會使用 dereference . (dot) 運算子SDK建構屬性的路徑。

2由於您使用 MAPS_ONLY 模式來完全取代或新增豆類或地圖,因此豆類或地圖中的所有 null 值都會保留在儲存至 DynamoDB 的地圖中。