將增強的文件屬性存取為自訂物件 - AWS SDK for Java 2.x



除了提供 API 來讀取和寫入具有無結構描述結構的屬性之外,增強型文件 API 還可讓您將屬性轉換為自訂類別的執行個體,以及從屬性轉換。

增強型文件 API 使用控制屬性轉換區段中顯示的 AttributeConverterProvider AttributeConverter s 和 s 做為 DynamoDB 增強型用戶端 API 的一部分。

在下面的例子中,我們使用 a CustomAttributeConverterProvider 與它的嵌套AddressConverter類來轉換Address對象。


public static void attributeToAddressClassMappingExample(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbClient standardClient) { String tableName = "customer"; // Define the DynamoDbTable for an enhanced document. // The schema builder provides methods for attribute converter providers and keys. DynamoDbTable<EnhancedDocument> documentDynamoDbTable = enhancedClient.table(tableName, DocumentTableSchema.builder() // Add the CustomAttributeConverterProvider along with the default when you build the table schema. .attributeConverterProviders( List.of( new CustomAttributeConverterProvider(), AttributeConverterProvider.defaultProvider())) .addIndexPartitionKey(TableMetadata.primaryIndexName(), "id", AttributeValueType.N) .addIndexSortKey(TableMetadata.primaryIndexName(), "lastName", AttributeValueType.S) .build()); // Create the DynamoDB table if needed. documentDynamoDbTable.createTable(); waitForTableCreation(tableName, standardClient); // The getAddressesForCustomMappingExample() helper method that provides 'addresses' shows the use of a custom Address class // rather than using a Map<String, Map<String, String> to hold the address data. Map<String, Address> addresses = getAddressesForCustomMappingExample(); // Build an EnhancedDocument instance to save an item with a mix of structures defined as needed and static classes. EnhancedDocument personDocument = EnhancedDocument.builder() .putNumber("id", 50) .putString("firstName", "Shirley") .putString("lastName", "Rodriguez") .putNumber("age", 53) .putNull("nullAttribute") .putJson("phoneNumbers", phoneNumbersJSONString()) // Note the use of 'EnhancedType.of(Address.class)' instead of the more generic // 'EnhancedType.mapOf(EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(String.class))' that was used in a previous example. .putMap("addresses", addresses, EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(Address.class)) .putList("hobbies", List.of("Hobby 1", "Hobby 2"), EnhancedType.of(String.class)) .build(); // Save the item to DynamoDB. documentDynamoDbTable.putItem(personDocument); // Retrieve the item just saved. EnhancedDocument srPerson = documentDynamoDbTable.getItem(Key.builder().partitionValue(50).sortValue("Rodriguez").build()); // Access the addresses attribute. Map<String, Address> srAddresses = srPerson.get("addresses", EnhancedType.mapOf(EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(Address.class))); srAddresses.keySet().forEach(k -> logger.info(addresses.get(k).toString())); documentDynamoDbTable.deleteTable(); // The content logged to the console shows that the saved maps were converted to Address instances. Address{street='123 Main Street', city='Any Town', state='NC', zipCode='00000'} Address{street='100 Any Street', city='Any Town', state='NC', zipCode='00000'}
public class CustomAttributeConverterProvider implements AttributeConverterProvider { private final Map<EnhancedType<?>, AttributeConverter<?>> converterCache = ImmutableMap.of( // 1. Add AddressConverter to the internal cache. EnhancedType.of(Address.class), new AddressConverter()); public static CustomAttributeConverterProvider create() { return new CustomAttributeConverterProvider(); } // 2. The enhanced client queries the provider for attribute converters if it // encounters a type that it does not know how to convert. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> AttributeConverter<T> converterFor(EnhancedType<T> enhancedType) { return (AttributeConverter<T>) converterCache.get(enhancedType); } // 3. Custom attribute converter private class AddressConverter implements AttributeConverter<Address> { // 4. Transform an Address object into a DynamoDB map. @Override public AttributeValue transformFrom(Address address) { Map<String, AttributeValue> attributeValueMap = Map.of( "street", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getStreet()), "city", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getCity()), "state", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getState()), "zipCode", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getZipCode())); return AttributeValue.fromM(attributeValueMap); } // 5. Transform the DynamoDB map attribute to an Address oject. @Override public Address transformTo(AttributeValue attributeValue) { Map<String, AttributeValue> m = attributeValue.m(); Address address = new Address(); address.setStreet(m.get("street").s()); address.setCity(m.get("city").s()); address.setState(m.get("state").s()); address.setZipCode(m.get("zipCode").s()); return address; } @Override public EnhancedType<Address> type() { return EnhancedType.of(Address.class); } @Override public AttributeValueType attributeValueType() { return AttributeValueType.M; } } }
public class Address { private String street; private String city; private String state; private String zipCode; public Address() { } public String getStreet() { return this.street; } public String getCity() { return this.city; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public String getZipCode() { return this.zipCode; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; } public void setCity(String city) { this.city = city; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public void setZipCode(String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; } }

下列輔助程式方法提供使用自訂Address執行個體來表示值,而非使用泛型Map<String, String>執行個體來表示值的對應。

private static Map<String, Address> getAddressesForCustomMappingExample() { Address homeAddress = new Address(); homeAddress.setStreet("100 Any Street"); homeAddress.setCity("Any Town"); homeAddress.setState("NC"); homeAddress.setZipCode("00000"); Address workAddress = new Address(); workAddress.setStreet("123 Main Street"); workAddress.setCity("Any Town"); workAddress.setState("NC"); workAddress.setZipCode("00000"); return Map.of("home", homeAddress, "work", workAddress); }