使用 SDK for JavaScript (v3) 的 Amazon Comprehend 範例 - AWS SDK for JavaScript

AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 API參考指南會詳細說明第 3 版 (V3) 的所有API操作 AWS SDK for JavaScript 。


使用 SDK for JavaScript (v3) 的 Amazon Comprehend 範例

下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) 搭配 Amazon Comprehend 來執行動作和實作常見案例。

案例是向您展示如何呼叫服務中的多個函數或與其他 AWS 服務組合來完成特定任務的程式碼範例。





SDK for JavaScript (v3)

示範如何使用 Amazon Transcribe 建置應用程式,以即時記錄、轉錄和翻譯即時音訊,並使用 Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon) 傳送電子郵件結果SES。

如需完整的原始程式碼和如何設定和執行的指示,請參閱 上的完整範例GitHub

  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Amazon SES

  • Amazon Transcribe

  • Amazon Translate


SDK for JavaScript (v3)

示範如何使用 Amazon Lex 在 Web 應用程式中API建立聊天機器人,以吸引您的網站訪客。

如需完整的原始程式碼和如何設定和執行的指示,請參閱 AWS SDK for JavaScript 開發人員指南中的建置 Amazon Lex 聊天機器人的完整範例。

  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Amazon Lex

  • Amazon Translate


SDK for JavaScript (v3)

此範例應用程式會分析和存儲客戶的意見回饋卡。具體來說,它滿足了紐約市一家虛構飯店的需求。飯店以實體評論卡的形式收到賓客以各種語言撰寫的意見回饋。這些意見回饋透過 Web 用戶端上傳至應用程式。評論卡的影像上傳後,系統會執行下列步驟:

  • 文字內容是使用 Amazon Textract 從影像中擷取。

  • Amazon Comprehend 會決定擷取文字及其用語的情感。

  • 擷取的文字內容會使用 Amazon Translate 翻譯成英文。

  • Amazon Polly 會使用擷取的文字內容合成音訊檔案。

完整的應用程式可透過  AWS CDK 部署。如需原始程式碼和部署指示,請參閱 GitHub中的專案。以下摘錄顯示如何在 Lambda 函數內 AWS SDK for JavaScript 使用 。

import { ComprehendClient, DetectDominantLanguageCommand, DetectSentimentCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-comprehend"; /** * Determine the language and sentiment of the extracted text. * * @param {{ source_text: string}} extractTextOutput */ export const handler = async (extractTextOutput) => { const comprehendClient = new ComprehendClient({}); const detectDominantLanguageCommand = new DetectDominantLanguageCommand({ Text: extractTextOutput.source_text, }); // The source language is required for sentiment analysis and // translation in the next step. const { Languages } = await comprehendClient.send( detectDominantLanguageCommand, ); const languageCode = Languages[0].LanguageCode; const detectSentimentCommand = new DetectSentimentCommand({ Text: extractTextOutput.source_text, LanguageCode: languageCode, }); const { Sentiment } = await comprehendClient.send(detectSentimentCommand); return { sentiment: Sentiment, language_code: languageCode, }; };
import { DetectDocumentTextCommand, TextractClient, } from "@aws-sdk/client-textract"; /** * Fetch the S3 object from the event and analyze it using Amazon Textract. * * @param {import("@types/aws-lambda").EventBridgeEvent<"Object Created">} eventBridgeS3Event */ export const handler = async (eventBridgeS3Event) => { const textractClient = new TextractClient(); const detectDocumentTextCommand = new DetectDocumentTextCommand({ Document: { S3Object: { Bucket: eventBridgeS3Event.bucket, Name: eventBridgeS3Event.object, }, }, }); // Textract returns a list of blocks. A block can be a line, a page, word, etc. // Each block also contains geometry of the detected text. // For more information on the Block type, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_Block.html. const { Blocks } = await textractClient.send(detectDocumentTextCommand); // For the purpose of this example, we are only interested in words. const extractedWords = Blocks.filter((b) => b.BlockType === "WORD").map( (b) => b.Text, ); return extractedWords.join(" "); };
import { PollyClient, SynthesizeSpeechCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-polly"; import { S3Client } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { Upload } from "@aws-sdk/lib-storage"; /** * Synthesize an audio file from text. * * @param {{ bucket: string, translated_text: string, object: string}} sourceDestinationConfig */ export const handler = async (sourceDestinationConfig) => { const pollyClient = new PollyClient({}); const synthesizeSpeechCommand = new SynthesizeSpeechCommand({ Engine: "neural", Text: sourceDestinationConfig.translated_text, VoiceId: "Ruth", OutputFormat: "mp3", }); const { AudioStream } = await pollyClient.send(synthesizeSpeechCommand); const audioKey = `${sourceDestinationConfig.object}.mp3`; // Store the audio file in S3. const s3Client = new S3Client(); const upload = new Upload({ client: s3Client, params: { Bucket: sourceDestinationConfig.bucket, Key: audioKey, Body: AudioStream, ContentType: "audio/mp3", }, }); await upload.done(); return audioKey; };
import { TranslateClient, TranslateTextCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-translate"; /** * Translate the extracted text to English. * * @param {{ extracted_text: string, source_language_code: string}} textAndSourceLanguage */ export const handler = async (textAndSourceLanguage) => { const translateClient = new TranslateClient({}); const translateCommand = new TranslateTextCommand({ SourceLanguageCode: textAndSourceLanguage.source_language_code, TargetLanguageCode: "en", Text: textAndSourceLanguage.extracted_text, }); const { TranslatedText } = await translateClient.send(translateCommand); return { translated_text: TranslatedText }; };
  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Polly

  • Amazon Textract

  • Amazon Translate