JSON的結構 AWS Secrets Manager 秘密 - AWS Secrets Manager


JSON的結構 AWS Secrets Manager 秘密

您可以將任何文本或二進製文本存儲在秘 Secrets Manager 密碼中,最大為 65,536 字節的大小上限。

如果您使用依 Lambda 函數輪換,密碼必須包含旋轉函數期望的特定JSON欄位。例如,對於包含資料庫認證的密碼,輪換函數會連線至資料庫以更新認證,因此密碼必須包含資料庫連線資訊。

如果您使用主控台編輯資料庫密碼的輪替,密碼必須包含可識別資料庫的特定JSON索引鍵值配對。Secrets Manager 會使用這些欄位來查詢資料庫,以尋找正確的資料庫VPC來儲存循環函數。


Amazon RDS 和 Aurora 憑據

若要使用 Secrets Manager 提供的旋轉函數範本,請使用下列JSON結構。您可以新增更多索引鍵/值配對,例如包含其他區域中複本資料庫的連線資訊。


對於 Amazon RDS Db2 執行個體,因為使用者無法變更自己的密碼,因此您必須以單獨的密碼提供管理員登入資料。

{ "engine": "db2", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 3306>, "masterarn": "<ARN of the elevated secret>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }
{ "engine": "mariadb", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 3306>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }
{ "engine": "mysql", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 3306>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }
{ "engine": "oracle", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 1521>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }
{ "engine": "postgres", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to 'postgres'>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 5432>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }
{ "engine": "sqlserver", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to 'master'>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 1433>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbInstanceIdentifier": <optional: ID of the instance. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": <optional: ID of the cluster.Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }

Amazon Redshift 憑據

若要使用 Secrets Manager 提供的旋轉函數範本,請使用下列JSON結構。您可以新增更多索引鍵/值配對,例如包含其他區域中複本資料庫的連線資訊。

{ "engine": "redshift", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "dbClusterIdentifier": "<optional: database ID. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" "port": <optional: TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 5439> "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>" }


若要使用 Secrets Manager 提供的旋轉函數範本,請使用下列JSON結構。您可以新增更多索引鍵/值配對,例如包含其他區域中複本資料庫的連線資訊。

{ "engine": "redshift", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "namespaceName": "<optional: namespace name, Required for configuring rotation in the console.> " "port": <optional: TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 5439> "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>" }

Amazon DocumentDB 憑據

若要使用 Secrets Manager 提供的旋轉函數範本,請使用下列JSON結構。您可以新增更多索引鍵/值配對,例如包含其他區域中複本資料庫的連線資訊。

{ "engine": "mongo", "host": "<instance host name/resolvable DNS name>", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "dbname": "<database name. If not specified, defaults to None>", "port": <TCP port number. If not specified, defaults to 27017>, "ssl": <true|false. If not specified, defaults to false>, "masterarn": "<optional: ARN of the elevated secret. Required for the 輪換策略:交替使用者.>", "dbClusterIdentifier": "<optional: database cluster ID. Alternately, use dbInstanceIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" "dbInstanceIdentifier": "<optional: database instance ID. Alternately, use dbClusterIdentifier. Required for configuring rotation in the console.>" }

Amazon Timestream 的 InfluxDB 秘密結構

要旋轉時間流秘密,您可以使用InfluxDB 的 Amazon Timestream輪換模板。

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon InfluxDB 的時間流如何使用機密,請參閱 Amazon Time stream 開發人員指南中的秘密

時間流密碼必須位於正確的JSON結構中,才能使用輪換模板。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon Timestream 開發人員指南的秘密內容

Amazon ElastiCache 憑據

下列範例顯示儲存 ElastiCache 認證之密碼的JSON結構。

{ "password": "<password>", "username": "<username>" "user_arn": "ARN of the Amazon EC2 user" }

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon ElastiCache 使用者指南中的自動輪替使用者的密碼


AWS Directory Service 使用密碼來儲存使用中目錄認證。如需詳細資訊,請參閱將 Amazon EC2 Linux 執行個體無縫加入您的受管 AD 活動目錄 AWS Directory Service 管理指南。無縫網域加入需要下列範例中的金鑰名稱。如果您不使用無縫網域加入,您可以使用環境變數來變更密碼中金鑰的名稱,如循環函數範本程式碼所述。


Active Directory credential
{ "awsSeamlessDomainUsername": "<username>", "awsSeamlessDomainPassword": "<password>" }

如果您想要旋轉密碼,請包含網域目錄 ID。

{ "awsSeamlessDomainDirectoryId": "d-12345abc6e", "awsSeamlessDomainUsername": "<username>", "awsSeamlessDomainPassword": "<password>" }

如果密碼與包含 keytab 的密碼結合使用,您可以包含 keytab 密碼。ARNs

{ "awsSeamlessDomainDirectoryId": "d-12345abc6e", "awsSeamlessDomainUsername": "<username>", "awsSeamlessDomainPassword": "<password>", "directoryServiceSecretVersion": 1, "schemaVersion": "1.0", "keytabArns": [ "<ARN of child keytab secret 1>, "<ARN of child keytab secret 2>, "<ARN of child keytab secret 3>, ], "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-07-19 17:06:58" }
Active Directory keytab

如需使用金鑰標籤檔案向 Amazon 上的活動目錄帳戶進行驗證的相關資訊EC2,請參閱在 Amazon Linux 2 上使用SQL伺服器 2017 部署和設定使用中目錄身份驗證

{ "awsSeamlessDomainDirectoryId": "d-12345abc6e", "schemaVersion": "1.0", "name": "< name>", "principals": [ "aduser@MY.EXAMPLE.COM", "MSSQLSvc/test:1433@MY.EXAMPLE.COM" ], "keytabContents": "<keytab>", "parentSecretArn": "<ARN of parent secret>", "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-07-19 17:06:58" "version": 1 }