從最新的快照還原根磁碟區 - AWS Systems Manager



根磁碟區上的作業系統可能會因各種原因而損毀。例如,在修補操作之後,執行個體可能會因為核心損毀或登錄而無法成功啟動。自動化常見的故障診斷任務 (例如從修補操作前的最新快照還原根磁碟區),可以減少停機時間並加速您的故障診斷工作。AWS Systems Manager自動化動作可以協助您達成此目標。自動化是 AWS Systems Manager 的功能。

下列範例 AWS Systems Manager 執行手冊會執行這些動作:

  • 使用 aws:executeAwsApi 自動化動作從執行個體的根磁碟區擷取詳細資訊。

  • 使用 aws:executeScript 自動化動作來擷取根磁碟區的最新快照。

  • 如果找到了根磁碟區的快照,請使用 aws:branch 自動化動作來繼續自動化。

--- description: Custom Automation Troubleshooting Example schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}" parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String description: "(Required) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to use this runbook." default: '' InstanceId: type: String description: "(Required) The Instance Id whose root EBS volume you want to restore the latest Snapshot." default: '' mainSteps: - name: getInstanceDetails action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - "{{ InstanceId }}" outputs: - Name: availabilityZone Selector: "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].Placement.AvailabilityZone" Type: String - Name: rootDeviceName Selector: "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].RootDeviceName" Type: String nextStep: getRootVolumeId - name: getRootVolumeId action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeVolumes Filters: - Name: attachment.device Values: ["{{ getInstanceDetails.rootDeviceName }}"] - Name: attachment.instance-id Values: ["{{ InstanceId }}"] outputs: - Name: rootVolumeId Selector: "$.Volumes[0].VolumeId" Type: String nextStep: getSnapshotsByStartTime - name: getSnapshotsByStartTime action: aws:executeScript timeoutSeconds: 45 onFailure: Abort inputs: Runtime: python3.8 Handler: getSnapshotsByStartTime InputPayload: rootVolumeId : "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" Script: |- def getSnapshotsByStartTime(events,context): import boto3 #Initialize client ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') rootVolumeId = events['rootVolumeId'] snapshotsQuery = ec2.describe_snapshots( Filters=[ { "Name": "volume-id", "Values": [rootVolumeId] } ] ) if not snapshotsQuery['Snapshots']: noSnapshotFoundString = "NoSnapshotFound" return { 'noSnapshotFound' : noSnapshotFoundString } else: jsonSnapshots = snapshotsQuery['Snapshots'] sortedSnapshots = sorted(jsonSnapshots, key=lambda k: k['StartTime'], reverse=True) latestSortedSnapshotId = sortedSnapshots[0]['SnapshotId'] return { 'latestSnapshotId' : latestSortedSnapshotId } outputs: - Name: Payload Selector: $.Payload Type: StringMap - Name: latestSnapshotId Selector: $.Payload.latestSnapshotId Type: String - Name: noSnapshotFound Selector: $.Payload.noSnapshotFound Type: String nextStep: branchFromResults - name: branchFromResults action: aws:branch onFailure: Abort inputs: Choices: - NextStep: createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot Not: Variable: "{{ getSnapshotsByStartTime.noSnapshotFound }}" StringEquals: "NoSnapshotFound" isEnd: true - name: createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateVolume AvailabilityZone: "{{ getInstanceDetails.availabilityZone }}" SnapshotId: "{{ getSnapshotsByStartTime.latestSnapshotId }}" outputs: - Name: newRootVolumeId Selector: "$.VolumeId" Type: String nextStep: stopInstance - name: stopInstance action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StopInstances InstanceIds: - "{{ InstanceId }}" nextStep: verifyVolumeAvailability - name: verifyVolumeAvailability action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeVolumes VolumeIds: - "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" PropertySelector: "$.Volumes[0].State" DesiredValues: - "available" nextStep: verifyInstanceStopped - name: verifyInstanceStopped action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 120 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstances InstanceIds: - "{{ InstanceId }}" PropertySelector: "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name" DesiredValues: - "stopped" nextStep: detachRootVolume - name: detachRootVolume action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DetachVolume VolumeId: "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" nextStep: verifyRootVolumeDetached - name: verifyRootVolumeDetached action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 30 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeVolumes VolumeIds: - "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" PropertySelector: "$.Volumes[0].State" DesiredValues: - "available" nextStep: attachNewRootVolume - name: attachNewRootVolume action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AttachVolume Device: "{{ getInstanceDetails.rootDeviceName }}" InstanceId: "{{ InstanceId }}" VolumeId: "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" nextStep: verifyNewRootVolumeAttached - name: verifyNewRootVolumeAttached action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 30 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeVolumes VolumeIds: - "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" PropertySelector: "$.Volumes[0].Attachments[0].State" DesiredValues: - "attached" nextStep: startInstance - name: startInstance action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: StartInstances InstanceIds: - "{{ InstanceId }}"
{ "description": "Custom Automation Troubleshooting Example", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "assumeRole": "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "parameters": { "AutomationAssumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to run this runbook.", "default": "" }, "InstanceId": { "type": "String", "description": "(Required) The Instance Id whose root EBS volume you want to restore the latest Snapshot.", "default": "" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "getInstanceDetails", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ InstanceId }}" ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "availabilityZone", "Selector": "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].Placement.AvailabilityZone", "Type": "String" }, { "Name": "rootDeviceName", "Selector": "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].RootDeviceName", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "getRootVolumeId" }, { "name": "getRootVolumeId", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeVolumes", "Filters": [ { "Name": "attachment.device", "Values": [ "{{ getInstanceDetails.rootDeviceName }}" ] }, { "Name": "attachment.instance-id", "Values": [ "{{ InstanceId }}" ] } ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "rootVolumeId", "Selector": "$.Volumes[0].VolumeId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "getSnapshotsByStartTime" }, { "name": "getSnapshotsByStartTime", "action": "aws:executeScript", "timeoutSeconds": 45, "onFailure": "Continue", "inputs": { "Runtime": "python3.8", "Handler": "getSnapshotsByStartTime", "InputPayload": { "rootVolumeId": "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" }, "Attachment": "getSnapshotsByStartTime.py" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "Payload", "Selector": "$.Payload", "Type": "StringMap" }, { "Name": "latestSnapshotId", "Selector": "$.Payload.latestSnapshotId", "Type": "String" }, { "Name": "noSnapshotFound", "Selector": "$.Payload.noSnapshotFound", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "branchFromResults" }, { "name": "branchFromResults", "action": "aws:branch", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Choices": [ { "NextStep": "createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot", "Not": { "Variable": "{{ getSnapshotsByStartTime.noSnapshotFound }}", "StringEquals": "NoSnapshotFound" } } ] }, "isEnd": true }, { "name": "createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateVolume", "AvailabilityZone": "{{ getInstanceDetails.availabilityZone }}", "SnapshotId": "{{ getSnapshotsByStartTime.latestSnapshotId }}" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "newRootVolumeId", "Selector": "$.VolumeId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "stopInstance" }, { "name": "stopInstance", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "StopInstances", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ InstanceId }}" ] }, "nextStep": "verifyVolumeAvailability" }, { "name": "verifyVolumeAvailability", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 120, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeVolumes", "VolumeIds": [ "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.Volumes[0].State", "DesiredValues": [ "available" ] }, "nextStep": "verifyInstanceStopped" }, { "name": "verifyInstanceStopped", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 120, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeInstances", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ InstanceId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name", "DesiredValues": [ "stopped" ] }, "nextStep": "detachRootVolume" }, { "name": "detachRootVolume", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DetachVolume", "VolumeId": "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" }, "nextStep": "verifyRootVolumeDetached" }, { "name": "verifyRootVolumeDetached", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 30, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeVolumes", "VolumeIds": [ "{{ getRootVolumeId.rootVolumeId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.Volumes[0].State", "DesiredValues": [ "available" ] }, "nextStep": "attachNewRootVolume" }, { "name": "attachNewRootVolume", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AttachVolume", "Device": "{{ getInstanceDetails.rootDeviceName }}", "InstanceId": "{{ InstanceId }}", "VolumeId": "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" }, "nextStep": "verifyNewRootVolumeAttached" }, { "name": "verifyNewRootVolumeAttached", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 30, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeVolumes", "VolumeIds": [ "{{ createNewRootVolumeFromSnapshot.newRootVolumeId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.Volumes[0].Attachments[0].State", "DesiredValues": [ "attached" ] }, "nextStep": "startInstance" }, { "name": "startInstance", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "StartInstances", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ InstanceId }}" ] } } ], "files": { "getSnapshotsByStartTime.py": { "checksums": { "sha256": "sampleETagValue" } } } }