使用命令列工具建立變更範本 - AWS Systems Manager



下列程序說明如何使用 AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) (在 Linux、 或 Windows 上) macOS或在 中 AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell 建立變更請求Change Manager,即 中的工具 AWS Systems Manager。

  1. AWS Tools for PowerShell如果您尚未安裝和設定 AWS CLI 或 。

    如需相關資訊,請參閱安裝或更新 AWS CLI的最新版本安裝 AWS Tools for PowerShell

  2. 在您的本機電腦建立名稱如 MyChangeTemplate.json 的 JSON 檔案,然後將您變更範本中的內容貼至其中。


    變更範本會使用 0.3 版本的結構描述,其中並不包含與自動化 Runbook 相同的所有支援。



    使用參數 minRequiredApprovals 來指定必須要有多少指定層級的審查者核准使用此範本建立的變更請求。


    在第一級中,特定使用者 "John-Doe" 必須核准每個變更請求。接下來,IAM 角色 Admin 的任何三個成員必須核准變更請求。


    { "description": "This change template demonstrates the feature set available for creating change templates for Change Manager. This template starts a Runbook workflow for the Automation runbook called AWS-HelloWorld", "templateInformation": "### Document Name: HelloWorldChangeTemplate\n\n ## What does this document do?\n This change template demonstrates the feature set available for creating change templates for Change Manager. This template starts a Runbook workflow for the Automation runbook called AWS-HelloWorld.\n\n ## Input Parameters\n* ApproverSnsTopicArn: (Required) Amazon Simple Notification Service ARN for approvers.\n * Approver: (Required) The name of the approver to send this request to.\n * ApproverType: (Required) The type of reviewer. * Allowed Values: IamUser, IamGroup, IamRole, SSOGroup, SSOUser\n\n ## Output Parameters\nThis document has no outputs\n", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "parameters": { "ApproverSnsTopicArn": { "type": "String", "description": "Amazon Simple Notification Service ARN for approvers." }, "Approver": { "type": "String", "description": "IAM approver" }, "ApproverType": { "type": "String", "description": "Approver types for the request. Allowed values include IamUser, IamGroup, IamRole, SSOGroup, and SSOUser." } }, "executableRunBooks": [ { "name": "AWS-HelloWorld", "version": "1" } ], "emergencyChange": false, "autoApprovable": false, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "ApproveAction1", "action": "aws:approve", "timeoutSeconds": 3600, "inputs": { "Message": "A sample change request has been submitted for your review in Change Manager. You can approve or reject this request.", "EnhancedApprovals": { "NotificationArn": "{{ ApproverSnsTopicArn }}", "Approvers": [ { "approver": "John-Doe", "type": "IamUser", "minRequiredApprovals": 1 } ] } } }, { "name": "ApproveAction2", "action": "aws:approve", "timeoutSeconds": 3600, "inputs": { "Message": "A sample change request has been submitted for your review in Change Manager. You can approve or reject this request.", "EnhancedApprovals": { "NotificationArn": "{{ ApproverSnsTopicArn }}", "Approvers": [ { "approver": "Admin", "type": "IamRole", "minRequiredApprovals": 3 } ] } } } ] }
  3. 執行以下命令來建立變更範本。

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm create-document \ --name MyChangeTemplate \ --document-format JSON \ --document-type Automation.ChangeTemplate \ --content file://MyChangeTemplate.json \ --tags Key=tag-key,Value=tag-value
    aws ssm create-document ^ --name MyChangeTemplate ^ --document-format JSON ^ --document-type Automation.ChangeTemplate ^ --content file://MyChangeTemplate.json ^ --tags Key=tag-key,Value=tag-value
    $json = Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\file\MyChangeTemplate.json" | Out-String New-SSMDocument ` -Content $json ` -Name "MyChangeTemplate" ` -DocumentType "Automation.ChangeTemplate" ` -Tags "Key=tag-key,Value=tag-value"

    如需您可以指定之相關選項的資訊,請參閱 create-document


          "Description":"Use this template to update an EC2 Linux AMI. Requires one
          approver specified in the template and an approver specified in the request.",
                "Description":"Level one approvers",
                "Description":"Level one approver type",
       "cloudWatchMonitors": {
          "monitors": [

您組織或帳戶中已在 Change Manager 中的 Settings (設定) 標籤上指定為範本檢閱者的使用者會收到通知:新的變更範本正待其檢閱。

如果已為變更範本指定 Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) 主題,則會在變更範本遭到拒絕或獲得核准時傳送通知。如果您沒有收到與此變更範本相關的通知,您可以稍後返回 Change Manager,以檢查其狀態。