處理來自的CAPTCHA回應 AWS WAF - AWS WAFAWS Firewall Manager、 和 AWS Shield Advanced




同時 AWS WAF 規則與 CAPTCHA 如果請求沒有具有有效CAPTCHA時間戳的令牌,則操作將終止匹配 Web 請求的評估。如果請求是GET文本/HTML 調用,則 CAPTCHA 然後,行動為客戶提供一個插頁式的謎題。CAPTCHA當您未整合時 CAPTCHA JavaScript API,插頁式會執行謎題,如果最終使用者成功解決,則會自動重新提交要求。

當您整合CAPTCHA JavaScript API並自訂CAPTCHA處理時,您需要偵測終止CAPTCHA回應、提供您的自訂項目CAPTCHA,然後如果最終使用者成功解決難題,請重新提交用戶端的 Web 要求。



所以此 AWS WAF CAPTCHA 動作響應的狀態碼為 HTTP 405,我們用它來識別 CAPTCHA 在此代碼中的響應。如果您的受保護端點使用 HTTP 405 狀態碼來通信同一調用的任何其他類型的響應,則此示例代碼也將為這些響應提供CAPTCHA難題。

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="<Integration URL>/jsapi.js" defer></script> </head> <body> <div id="my-captcha-box"></div> <div id="my-output-box"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> async function loadData() { // Attempt to fetch a resource that's configured to trigger a CAPTCHA // action if the rule matches. The CAPTCHA response has status=HTTP 405. const result = await AwsWafIntegration.fetch("/protected-resource"); // If the action was CAPTCHA, render the CAPTCHA and return // NOTE: If the endpoint you're calling in the fetch call responds with HTTP 405 // as an expected response status code, then this check won't be able to tell the // difference between that and the CAPTCHA rule action response. if (result.status === 405) { const container = document.querySelector("#my-captcha-box"); AwsWafCaptcha.renderCaptcha(container, { apiKey: "...API key goes here...", onSuccess() { // Try loading again, now that there is a valid CAPTCHA token loadData(); }, }); return; } const container = document.querySelector("#my-output-box"); const response = await result.text(); container.innerHTML = response; } window.addEventListener("load", () => { loadData(); }); </script> </body> </html>