程式碼範例 AWS WAF 移動 SDK - AWS WAFAWS Firewall Manager、 和 AWS Shield Advanced


程式碼範例 AWS WAF 移動 SDK




let url: URL = URL(string: "Web ACL integration URL")! let configuration = WAFConfiguration(applicationIntegrationUrl: url, domainName: "Domain name") let tokenProvider = WAFTokenProvider(configuration) //onTokenReady can be add as an observer for UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification self.tokenProvider.onTokenReady() { token, error in if let token = token { //token available } if let error = error { //error occurred after exhausting all retries } } //getToken() let token = tokenProvider.getToken()

Java 的例子:

String applicationIntegrationURL = "Web ACL integration URL"; //Or URL applicationIntegrationURL = new URL("Web ACL integration URL"); String domainName = "Domain name"; WAFConfiguration configuration = WAFConfiguration.builder().applicationIntegrationURL(applicationIntegrationURL).domainName(domainName).build(); WAFTokenProvider tokenProvider = new WAFTokenProvider(Application context, configuration); // implement a token result callback WAFTokenResultCallback callback = (wafToken, error) -> { if (wafToken != null) { // token available } else { // error occurred in token refresh } }; // Add this callback to application creation or activity creation where token will be used tokenProvider.onTokenReady(callback); // Once you have token in token result callback // if background refresh is enabled you can call getToken() from same tokenprovider object // if background refresh is disabled you can directly call getToken()(blocking call) for new token WAFToken token = tokenProvider.getToken();

Kotlin 範例:

import com.amazonaws.waf.mobilesdk.token.WAFConfiguration import com.amazonaws.waf.mobilesdk.token.WAFTokenProvider private lateinit var wafConfiguration: WAFConfiguration private lateinit var wafTokenProvider: WAFTokenProvider private val WAF_INTEGRATION_URL = "Web ACL integration URL" private val WAF_DOMAIN_NAME = "Domain name" fun initWaf() { // Initialize the tokenprovider instance val applicationIntegrationURL = URL(WAF_INTEGRATION_URL) wafConfiguration = WAFConfiguration.builder().applicationIntegrationURL(applicationIntegrationURL) .domainName(WAF_DOMAIN_NAME).backgroundRefreshEnabled(true).build() wafTokenProvider = WAFTokenProvider(getApplication(), wafConfiguration) // getToken from tokenprovider object println("WAF: "+ wafTokenProvider.token.value) // implement callback for where token will be used wafTokenProvider.onTokenReady { wafToken, sdkError -> run { println("WAF Token:" + wafToken.value) } } }

如果setTokenCookieTRUE,則令牌提供程序會在您的 Web 請求中為您包含令牌 cookie,以發送到在中指定的路徑下的所有位置tokenCookiePath。默認情況下,setTokenCookietokenCookiePathTRUE/

您可以透過指定權杖 Cookie 路徑來縮小包含權杖 Cookie 的要求範圍,例如,/web/login。如果你這樣做,檢查你的 AWS WAF 規則不會檢查您發送到其他路徑的請求中的令牌。使用AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet規則群組時,您需要設定帳戶註冊和建立路徑,規則群組會檢查傳送至這些路徑的要求中是否有 Token。如需詳細資訊,請參閱將ACFP受管規則群組新增至您的網站 ACL。同樣地,當您使用AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet規則群組時,您會設定登入路徑,規則群組會檢查傳送至該路徑之要求中的 Token。如需詳細資訊,請參閱將ATP受管規則群組新增至您的網站 ACL


如果setTokenCookieTRUE,令牌提供程序存儲 AWS WAF 令牌中,HTTPCookieStorage.shared並自動將 cookie 包含在對您指定的域的請求中WAFConfiguration

let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: domainEndpointUrl)!) //The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, urlResponse, error in }.resume()

如果setTokenCookieTRUE,令牌提供程序存儲 AWS WAF 在共享應用程序範圍內的CookieHandler實例中的令牌。權杖提供者會自動將 Cookie 包含在對您在中指定的網域的要求中WAFConfiguration

Java 的例子:

URL url = new URL("Domain name"); //The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.getResponseCode();

Kotlin 範例:

val url = URL("Domain name") //The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header val connection = (url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection) connection.responseCode

如果您已經初始化了CookieHandler默認實例,令牌提供商將使用它來管理 cookie。如果沒有,令牌提供者將初始化一個新的CookieManager實例 AWS WAF 權杖,CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER然後將此新執行個體設定為中的預設執行個體CookieHandler

下面的代碼顯示了如何SDK初始化 cookie 管理器和 cookie 處理程序時,它們在您的應用程序中不可用。

Java 的例子:

CookieManager cookieManager = (CookieManager) CookieHandler.getDefault(); if (cookieManager == null) { // Cookie manager is initialized with CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER cookieManager = new CookieManager(); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); }

Kotlin 範例:

var cookieManager = CookieHandler.getDefault() as? CookieManager if (cookieManager == null) { // Cookie manager is initialized with CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER cookieManager = CookieManager() CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager) }

如果設置setTokenCookieFALSE,則需要在向受保護端點的請HTTP求中手動提供令牌 cookie 作為 Cookie 請求標頭。下面的代碼演示了如何做到這一點。

var request = URLRequest(url: wafProtectedEndpoint) request.setValue("aws-waf-token=token from token provider", forHTTPHeaderField: "Cookie") request.httpShouldHandleCookies = true URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in }

Java 的例子:

URL url = new URL("Domain name"); HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String wafTokenCookie = "aws-waf-token=token from token provider"; connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", wafTokenCookie); connection.getInputStream();

Kotlin 範例:

val url = URL("Domain name") val connection = (url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection) val wafTokenCookie = "aws-waf-token=token from token provider" connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", wafTokenCookie) connection.inputStream