Key AWS services - Connected Mobility Lens

Key AWS services

The following services and features are important in the five areas of cost optimization previous covered in this document:

  • Cost-effective resources: Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator, AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT FleetWise, API Gateway, CloudFront are AWS services that enable you to optimize storage of raw data, optimize network consumption to improve the cost effectiveness of compute resources.

  • Expenditure and usage awareness: AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, Anomaly Detector, AWS Cost and Usage Reports are AWS services that enable you to view and analyze your costs and usage.

  • Matching supply and demand: Analyzing the demands of workloads over time can help in matching the supply. Amazon QuickSight, and AWS Cost and Usage Reports, are two services that can help you perform a visual analysis of workload demand.

  • Cloud Financial Management: AWS Config, AWS CloudFormation resource tags, service control policies, AWS tags are AWS services that can help enable a cost-conscious culture that drives accountability across all teams and functions.

  • Optimize over time: In AWS, you optimize over time by reviewing new services and implementing them in your workload. The AWS What's New with Cost Optimization page is a resource for learning about what is newly launched as part of AWS's Cost Optimization Pillar.