Maximum IP addresses per network interface
Each instance type supports a maximum number of network interfaces, maximum number of private IPv4 addresses per network interface, and maximum number of IPv6 addresses per network interface. The limit for IPv6 addresses is separate from the limit for private IPv4 addresses per network interface. Note that all instance types support IPv6 addressing except for the following: C1, M1, M2, M3, and T1.
Available network interfaces
The Amazon EC2 Instance Types Guide provides the information about the network interfaces available for each instance type. For more information, see the following:
To retrieve network interface information using the AWS CLI
You can use the describe-instance-types
aws ec2 describe-instance-types \ --filters "Name=instance-type,Values=c5.*" \ --query "InstanceTypes[].{ \ Type: InstanceType, \ MaxENI: NetworkInfo.MaximumNetworkInterfaces, \ IPv4addr: NetworkInfo.Ipv4AddressesPerInterface}" \ --output table
The following is example output.
| DescribeInstanceTypes |
| IPv4addr | MaxENI | Type |
| 30 | 8 | c5.4xlarge |
| 50 | 15 | c5.24xlarge |
| 15 | 4 | c5.xlarge |
| 30 | 8 | c5.12xlarge |
| 10 | 3 | c5.large |
| 15 | 4 | c5.2xlarge |
| 50 | 15 | c5.metal |
| 30 | 8 | c5.9xlarge |
| 50 | 15 | c5.18xlarge |
To retrieve network interface information using the AWS Tools for PowerShell
You can use the Get-EC2InstanceType PowerShell command to display information about an instance type, such as its supported network interfaces and IP addresses per interface. The following example displays this information for all C5 instances.
Get-EC2InstanceType -Filter @{Name = "instance-type"; Values = "c5.*" } | ` Select-Object ` @{Name = 'Ipv4AddressesPerInterface'; Expression = {($_.Networkinfo.Ipv4AddressesPerInterface)}}, @{Name = 'MaximumNetworkInterfaces'; Expression = {($_.Networkinfo.MaximumNetworkInterfaces)}}, InstanceType | ` Format-Table -AutoSize
The following is example output.
Ipv4AddressesPerInterface MaximumNetworkInterfaces InstanceType
------------------------- ------------------------ ------------
30 8 c5.4xlarge
15 4 c5.xlarge
30 8 c5.12xlarge
50 15 c5.24xlarge
30 8 c5.9xlarge
50 15 c5.metal
15 4 c5.2xlarge
10 3 c5.large
50 15 c5.18xlarge