Specifications for Amazon EC2 high-performance computing instances - Amazon EC2

Specifications for Amazon EC2 high-performance computing instances

High-performance computing instances are purpose built to offer the best price performance for running HPC workloads at scale on AWS. These instances are ideal for applications that benefit from high-performance processors, such as large, complex simulations and deep learning workloads.

Available sizes

Instance type Available sizes
Hpc6a hpc6a.48xlarge
Hpc6id hpc6id.32xlarge
Hpc7a hpc7a.12xlarge | hpc7a.24xlarge | hpc7a.48xlarge | hpc7a.96xlarge
Hpc7g hpc7g.4xlarge | hpc7g.8xlarge | hpc7g.16xlarge

Platform summary

Instance type Hypervisor Processor type (architecture) Metal instances available Dedicated Hosts support Spot support Hibernation support Supported operating systems
Hpc6a Nitro AMD (x86_64) Linux
Hpc6id Nitro Intel (x86_64) Windows | Linux
Hpc7a Nitro AMD (x86_64) Windows | Linux
Hpc7g Nitro AWS Graviton (arm64) Linux

Performance specifications

Instance type Burstable Memory (GiB) Processor vCPUs CPU cores Threads per core Accelerators Accelerator memory
hpc6a.48xlarge 384.00 AMD EPYC 7R13 96 96 1
hpc6id.32xlarge 1024.00 Intel Xeon Ice Lake 64 64 1
hpc7a.12xlarge 768.00 AMD EPYC 9R14 24 24 1
hpc7a.24xlarge 768.00 AMD EPYC 9R14 48 48 1
hpc7a.48xlarge 768.00 AMD EPYC 9R14 96 96 1
hpc7a.96xlarge 768.00 AMD EPYC 9R14 192 192 1
hpc7g.4xlarge 128.00 AWS Graviton3E Processor 16 16 1
hpc7g.8xlarge 128.00 AWS Graviton3E Processor 32 32 1
hpc7g.16xlarge 128.00 AWS Graviton3E Processor 64 64 1

Network specifications

Instance type Baseline / Burst bandwidth (Gbps) EFA ENA ENA Express Network cards Max. network interfaces IP addresses per interface IPv6
hpc6a.48xlarge 100 Gigabit 1 2 50
hpc6id.32xlarge 200 Gigabit 2 2 50
hpc7a.12xlarge 300 Gigabit 2 4 50
hpc7a.24xlarge 300 Gigabit 2 4 50
hpc7a.48xlarge 300 Gigabit 2 4 50
hpc7a.96xlarge 300 Gigabit 2 4 50
hpc7g.4xlarge 200 Gigabit 1 4 50
hpc7g.8xlarge 200 Gigabit 1 4 50
hpc7g.16xlarge 200 Gigabit 1 4 50

Amazon EBS specifications

Instance type Baseline / Maximum bandwidth (Mbps) Baseline / Maximum throughput (MB/s, 128 KiB I/O) Baseline / Maximum IOPS (16 KiB I/O) NVMe EBS optimization 2
hpc6a.48xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc6id.32xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7a.12xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7a.24xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7a.48xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7a.96xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7g.4xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7g.8xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default
hpc7g.16xlarge 1 87.00 / 2085.00 10.88 / 260.62 500.00 / 11000.00 default

1 These instances can support maximum performance for 30 minutes at least once every 24 hours, after which they revert to their baseline performance. Other instances can sustain the maximum performance indefinitely. If your workload requires sustained maximum performance for longer than 30 minutes, use one of these instances.

2 default indicates that instances are enabled for EBS optimization by default. supported indicates that instances can optionally be enabled for EBS optimization For more information, see Amazon EBS–optimized instances.

Instance store specifications

Instance type Instance store volumes Instance store type Read / Write performance (IOPS) Needs initialization 1 TRIM support 2
hpc6id.32xlarge 4 x 3800 GB NVMe SSD 2,146,664 / 1,073,336

1 Volumes attached to certain instances suffer a first-write penalty unless initialized. For more information, see Optimize disk performance for instance store volumes.

2 For more information, see Instance store volume TRIM support.

Security specifications

Instance type EBS encryption Instance store encryption Encryption in transit AMD SEV-SNP NitroTPM Nitro Enclaves
hpc6a.48xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7a.12xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7a.24xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7a.48xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7a.96xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7g.4xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7g.8xlarge Instance store not supported
hpc7g.16xlarge Instance store not supported