Create Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager custom policy for EBS snapshots - Amazon EBS

Create Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager custom policy for EBS snapshots

The following procedure shows you how to use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to automate Amazon EBS snapshot lifecycles.

Create a snapshot lifecycle policy

Use one of the following procedures to create a snapshot lifecycle policy.

To create a snapshot policy
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Elastic Block Store, Lifecycle Manager, and then choose Create lifecycle policy.

  3. On the Select policy type screen, choose EBS snapshot policy and then choose Next.

  4. In the Target resources section, do the following:

    1. For Target resource types, choose the type of resource to back up. Choose Volume to create snapshots of individual volumes, or choose Instance to create multi-volume snapshots from the volumes attached to an instance.

    2. (Outpost and Local Zone customers only) Specify where the target resources are located.

      For Target resource location, specify where the target resources are located.

      • To target resources in a Region, choose AWS Region. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will back up all resources of the specified type that have matching target tags in the current Region only. Snapshots are created in the same Region.

      • To target resources in Local Zones, choose AWS Local Zones. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will back up all resources of the specified type that have matching target tags across all Local Zones in the current Region only. Snapshots can be created in the same Local Zone as the source resource, or in its parent Region.

      • To target resources an Outpost, choose AWS Outpost. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will back up all resources of the specified type that have matching target tags across all Outposts in your account. Snapshots can be created on the same Outpost as the source resource, or in its parent Region.

    3. For Target resource tags, choose the resource tags that identify the volumes or instances to back up. Only resources that have the specified tag key and value pairs are backed up by the policy.

  5. For Description, enter a brief description for the policy.

  6. For IAM role, choose the IAM role that has permissions to manage snapshots and to describe volumes and instances. To use the default role provided by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager. choose Default role. Alternatively, to use a custom IAM role that you previously created, choose Choose another role and then select the role to use.

  7. For Policy tags, add the tags to apply to the lifecycle policy. You can use these tags to identify and categorize your policies.

  8. For Policy status, choose Enable to start the policy runs at the next scheduled time, or Disable policy to prevent the policy from running. If you do not enable the policy now, it will not start creating snapshots until you manually enable it after creation.

  9. (Policies that target instances only) Exclude volumes from multi-volume snapshot sets.

    By default, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will create snapshots of all the volumes attached to targeted instances. However, you can choose to create snapshots of a subset of the attached volumes. In the Parameters section, do the following:

    • If you do not want to create snapshots of the root volumes attached to the targeted instances, select Exclude root volume. If you select this option, only the data (non-root) volumes that are attached to targeted instances will be included in the multi-volume snapshot sets.

    • If you want to create snapshots of a subset of the data (non-root) volumes attached to the targeted instances, select Exclude specific data volumes, and then specify the tags that are to be used to identify the data volumes that should not be snapshotted. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will not create snapshots of data volumes that have any of the specified tags. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will create snapshots only of data volumes that do not have any of the specified tags.

  10. Choose Next.

  11. On the Configure schedule screen, configure the policy schedules. A policy can have up to 4 schedules. Schedule 1 is mandatory. Schedules 2, 3, and 4 are optional. For each policy schedule that you add, do the following:

    1. In the Schedule details section do the following:

      1. For Schedule name, specify a descriptive name for the schedule.

      2. For Frequency and the related fields, configure the interval between policy runs.

        You can configure policy runs on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedule. Alternatively, choose Custom cron expression to specify an interval of up to one year. For more information, see Cron and rate expressions in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.


        If you need to enable snapshot archiving for the schedule, then you must select either the monthly or yearly frequency, or you must specify a cron expression with a creation frequency of at least 28 days.

        If specify a monthly frequency that creates snapshots on a specific day in a specific week (for example, the second Thursday of the month), then for count-based schedule, the retention count for the archive tier must be 4 or more.

      3. For Starting at, specify the time at which the policy runs are scheduled to start. The first policy run starts within an hour after the scheduled time. The time must be entered in the hh:mm UTC format.

      4. For Retention type, specify the retention policy for snapshots created by the schedule.

        You can retain snapshots based on either their total count or their age.

        • Count-based retention

          • With snapshot archiving disabled, the range is 1 to 1000. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is permanently deleted.

          • With snapshot archiving enabled, the range is 0 (archive immediately after creation) to 1000. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is converted to a full snapshot and it is moved to the archive tier.

        • Age-based retention

          • With snapshot archiving disabled, the range is 1 day to 100 years. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is permanently deleted.

          • With snapshot archiving enabled, the range is 0 days (archive immediately after creation) to 100 years. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is converted to a full snapshot and it is moved to the archive tier.

        • All schedules must have the same retention type (age-based or count-based). You can specify the retention type for Schedule 1 only. Schedules 2, 3, and 4 inherit the retention type from Schedule 1. Each schedule can have its own retention count or period.

        • If you enable fast snapshot restore, cross-Region copy, or snapshot sharing, then you must specify a retention count of 1 or more, or a retention period of 1 day or longer.

      5. (AWS Outposts and Local Zone customers only) Specify the snapshot destination.

        For Snapshot destination, specify the destination for snapshots created by the policy.

        • If the policy targets resources in a Region, snapshots must be created in the same Region. AWS Region is selected for you.

        • If the policy targets resources in a Local Zone, you can create snapshots in the same Local Zone as the source resource, or in its parent Region.

        • If the policy targets resources on an Outpost, you can create snapshots on the same Outpost as the source resource, or in its parent Region.

    2. Configure tagging for snapshots.

      In the Tagging section, do the following:

      1. To copy all of the user-defined tags from the source volume to the snapshots created by the schedule, select Copy tags from source.

      2. To specify additional tags to assign to snapshots created by this schedule, choose Add tags.

    3. Configure pre and post scripts for application-consistent snapshots.

      For more information, see Automate application-consistent snapshots with Data Lifecycle Manager.

    4. (Policies that target volumes only) Configure snapshot archiving.

      In the Snapshot archiving section, do the following:


      You can enable snapshot archiving for only one schedule in a policy.

      1. To enable snapshot archiving for the schedule, select Archive snapshots created by this schedule.


        You can enable snapshot archiving only if the snapshot creation frequency is monthly or yearly, or if you specify a cron expression with a creation frequency of at least 28 days.

      2. Specify the retention rule for snapshots in the archive tier.

        • For count-based schedules, specify the number of snapshots to retain in the archive tier. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is permanently deleted from the archive tier. For example, if you specify 3, the schedule will retain a maximum of 3 snapshots in the archive tier. When the fourth snapshot is archived, the oldest of the three existing snapshots in the archive tier is deleted.

        • For age-based schedules, specify the time period for which to retain snapshots in the archive tier. When the retention threshold is reached, the oldest snapshot is permanently deleted from the archive tier. For example, if you specify 120 days, the schedule will automatically delete snapshots from the archive tier when they reach that age.


        The minimum retention period for archived snapshots is 90 days. You must specify a retention rule that retains the snapshot for at least 90 days.

    5. Enable fast snapshot restore.

      To enable fast snapshot restore for snapshots created by the schedule, in the Fast snapshot restore section, select Enable fast snapshot restore. If you enable fast snapshot restore, you must choose the Availability Zones in which to enable it. If the schedule uses an age-based retention schedule, you must specify the period for which to enable fast snapshot restore for each snapshot. If the schedule uses count-based retention, you must specify the maximum number of snapshots to enable for fast snapshot restore.

      If the schedule creates snapshots on an Outpost, you can't enable fast snapshot restore. Fast snapshot restore is not supported with local snapshots that are stored on an Outpost.


      You are billed for each minute that fast snapshot restore is enabled for a snapshot in a particular Availability Zone. Charges are pro-rated with a minimum of one hour.

    6. Configure cross-Region copy.

      To copy snapshots created by the schedule to an Outpost or to a different Region, in the Cross-Region copy section, select Enable cross-Region copy.

      If the schedule creates snapshots in a Region, you can copy the snapshots to up to three additional Regions or Outposts in your account. You must specify a separate cross-Region copy rule for each destination Region or Outpost.

      For each Region or Outpost, you can choose different retention policies and you can choose whether to copy all tags or no tags. If the source snapshot is encrypted, or if encryption by default is enabled, the copied snapshots are encrypted. If the source snapshot is unencrypted, you can enable encryption. If you do not specify a KMS key, the snapshots are encrypted using the default KMS key for EBS encryption in each destination Region. If you specify a KMS key for the destination Region, then the selected IAM role must have access to the KMS key.


      You must ensure that you do not exceed the number of concurrent snapshot copies per Region.

      If the policy creates snapshots on an Outpost, then you can't copy the snapshots to a Region or to another Outpost and the cross-Region copy settings are not available.

    7. Configure cross-account sharing.

      In the Cross-account sharing, configure the policy to automatically share the snapshots created by the schedule with other AWS accounts. Do the following:

      1. To enable sharing with other AWS accounts, select Enable cross-account sharing.

      2. To add the accounts with which to share the snapshots, choose Add account, enter the 12-digit AWS account ID, and choose Add.

      3. To automatically unshare shared snapshots after a specific period, selectUnshare automatically. If you choose to automatically unshare shared snapshots, the period after which to automatically unshare the snapshots cannot be longer than the period for which the policy retains its snapshots. For example, if the policy's retention configuration retains snapshots for a period of 5 days, you can configure the policy to automatically unshare shared snapshots after periods up to 4 days. This applies to policies with age-based and count-based snapshot retention configurations.

        If you do not enable automatic unsharing, the snapshot is shared until it is deleted.


        You can only share snapshots that are unencrypted or that are encrypted using a customer managed key. You can't share snapshots that are encrypted with the default EBS encryption KMS key. If you share encrypted snapshots, then you must also share the KMS key that was used to encrypt the source volume with the target accounts. For more information, see Allowing users in other accounts to use a KMS key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    8. To add additional schedules, choose Add another schedule, which is located at the top of the screen. For each additional schedule, complete the fields as described previously in this topic.

    9. After you have added the required schedules, choose Review policy.

  12. Review the policy summary, and then choose Create policy.


    If you get the Role with name AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole already exists error, see Troubleshoot Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager issues for more information.

Command line

Use the create-lifecycle-policy command to create a snapshot lifecycle policy. For PolicyType, specify EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT.


To simplify the syntax, the following examples use a JSON file, policyDetails.json, that includes the policy details.

Example 1—Snapshot lifecycle policy with two schedules

This example creates a snapshot lifecycle policy that creates snapshots of all volumes that have a tag key of costcenter with a value of 115. The policy includes two schedules. The first schedule creates a snapshot every day at 03:00 UTC. The second schedule creates a weekly snapshot every Friday at 17:00 UTC.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "My volume policy" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceTypes": [ "VOLUME" ], "TargetTags": [{ "Key": "costcenter", "Value": "115" }], "Schedules": [{ "Name": "DailySnapshots", "TagsToAdd": [{ "Key": "type", "Value": "myDailySnapshot" }], "CreateRule": { "Interval": 24, "IntervalUnit": "HOURS", "Times": [ "03:00" ] }, "RetainRule": { "Count": 5 }, "CopyTags": false }, { "Name": "WeeklySnapshots", "TagsToAdd": [{ "Key": "type", "Value": "myWeeklySnapshot" }], "CreateRule": { "CronExpression": "cron(0 17 ? * FRI *)" }, "RetainRule": { "Count": 5 }, "CopyTags": false } ]}

If the request succeeds, the command returns the ID of the newly created policy. The following is example output.

{ "PolicyId": "policy-0123456789abcdef0" }
Example 2—Snapshot lifecycle policy that targets instances and creates snapshots of a subset of data (non-root) volumes

This example creates a snapshot lifecycle policy that creates multi-volume snapshot sets from instances tagged with code=production. The policy includes only one schedule. The schedule does not create snapshots of the data volumes that are tagged with code=temp.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "My volume policy" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceTypes": [ "INSTANCE" ], "TargetTags": [{ "Key": "code", "Value": "production" }], "Parameters": { "ExcludeDataVolumeTags": [{ "Key": "code", "Value": "temp" }] }, "Schedules": [{ "Name": "DailySnapshots", "TagsToAdd": [{ "Key": "type", "Value": "myDailySnapshot" }], "CreateRule": { "Interval": 24, "IntervalUnit": "HOURS", "Times": [ "03:00" ] }, "RetainRule": { "Count": 5 }, "CopyTags": false } ]}

If the request succeeds, the command returns the ID of the newly created policy. The following is example output.

{ "PolicyId": "policy-0123456789abcdef0" }
Example 3—Snapshot lifecycle policy that automates local snapshots of Outpost resources

This example creates a snapshot lifecycle policy that creates snapshots of volumes tagged with team=dev across all of your Outposts. The policy creates the snapshots on the same Outposts as the source volumes. The policy creates snapshots every 12 hours starting at 00:00 UTC.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "My local snapshot policy" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceTypes": "VOLUME", "ResourceLocations": "OUTPOST", "TargetTags": [{ "Key": "team", "Value": "dev" }], "Schedules": [{ "Name": "on-site backup", "CreateRule": { "Interval": 12, "IntervalUnit": "HOURS", "Times": [ "00:00" ], "Location": [ "OUTPOST_LOCAL" ] }, "RetainRule": { "Count": 1 }, "CopyTags": false } ]}
Example 4—Snapshot lifecycle policy that creates snapshots in a Region and copies them to an Outpost

The following example policy creates snapshots of volumes that are tagged with team=dev. Snapshots are created in the same Region as the source volume. Snapshots are created every 12 hours starting at 00:00 UTC, and retains a maximum of 1 snapshot. The policy also copies the snapshots to Outpost arn:aws:outposts:us-east-1:123456789012:outpost/op-1234567890abcdef0, encrypts the copied snapshots using the default encryption KMS key, and retains the copies for 1 month.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "Copy snapshots to Outpost" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "ResourceTypes": "VOLUME", "ResourceLocations": "CLOUD", "TargetTags": [{ "Key": "team", "Value": "dev" }], "Schedules": [{ "Name": "on-site backup", "CopyTags": false, "CreateRule": { "Interval": 12, "IntervalUnit": "HOURS", "Times": [ "00:00" ], "Location": "CLOUD" }, "RetainRule": { "Count": 1 }, "CrossRegionCopyRules" : [ { "Target": "arn:aws:outposts:us-east-1:123456789012:outpost/op-1234567890abcdef0", "Encrypted": true, "CopyTags": true, "RetainRule": { "Interval": 1, "IntervalUnit": "MONTHS" } }] } ]}
Example 5—Snapshot lifecycle policy with an archive-enabled, age-based schedule

This example creates a snapshot lifecycle policy that targets volumes tagged with Name=Prod. The policy has one age-based schedule that creates snapshots on the first day of each month at 09:00. The schedule retains each snapshot in the standard tier for one day, after which it moves them to the archive tier. Snapshots are stored in the archive tier for 90 days before being deleted.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "Copy snapshots to Outpost" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "ResourceTypes": [ "VOLUME"], "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "Schedules" : [ { "Name": "sched1", "TagsToAdd": [ {"Key":"createdby","Value":"dlm"} ], "CreateRule": { "CronExpression": "cron(0 9 1 * ? *)" }, "CopyTags": true, "RetainRule":{ "Interval": 1, "IntervalUnit": "DAYS" }, "ArchiveRule": { "RetainRule":{ "RetentionArchiveTier": { "Interval": 90, "IntervalUnit": "DAYS" } } } } ], "TargetTags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Prod" } ] }
Example 6—Snapshot lifecycle policy with an archive-enabled, count-based schedule

This example creates a snapshot lifecycle policy that targets volumes tagged with Purpose=Test. The policy has one count-based schedule that creates snapshots on the first day of each month at 09:00. The schedule archives snapshots immediately after creation and retains a maximum of three snapshots in the archive tier.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy \ --description "Copy snapshots to Outpost" \ --state ENABLED \ --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole \ --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

The following is an example of the policyDetails.json file.

{ "ResourceTypes": [ "VOLUME"], "PolicyType": "EBS_SNAPSHOT_MANAGEMENT", "Schedules" : [ { "Name": "sched1", "TagsToAdd": [ {"Key":"createdby","Value":"dlm"} ], "CreateRule": { "CronExpression": "cron(0 9 1 * ? *)" }, "CopyTags": true, "RetainRule":{ "Count": 0 }, "ArchiveRule": { "RetainRule":{ "RetentionArchiveTier": { "Count": 3 } } } } ], "TargetTags": [ { "Key": "Purpose", "Value": "Test" } ] }

Considerations for snapshot lifecycle policies

The following general considerations apply to snapshot lifecycle policies:

  • Snapshot lifecycle policies target only instances or volumes that are in the same Region as the policy.

  • The first snapshot creation operation starts within one hour after the specified start time. Subsequent snapshot creation operations start within one hour of their scheduled time.

  • You can create multiple policies to back up a volume or instance. For example, if a volume has two tags, where tag A is the target for policy A to create a snapshot every 12 hours, and tag B is the target for policy B to create a snapshot every 24 hours, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager creates snapshots according to the schedules for both policies. Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by creating a single policy that has multiple schedules. For example, you can create a single policy that targets only tag A, and specify two schedules — one for every 12 hours and one for every 24 hours.

  • Target resource tags are case sensitive.

  • If you remove the target tags from a resource that is targeted by a policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages existing snapshots in the standard tier and archive tier; you must manually delete them if they are no longer needed.

  • If you create a policy that targets instances, and new volumes are attached to a target instance after the policy has been created, the newly-added volumes are included in the backup at the next policy run. All volumes attached to the instance at the time of the policy run are included.

  • If you create a policy with a custom cron-based schedule that is configured to create only one snapshot, the policy will not automatically delete that snapshot when the retention threshold is reached. You must manually delete the snapshot if it is no longer needed.

  • If you create an age-based policy where the retention period is shorter than the creation frequency, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will always retain the last snapshot until the next one is created. For example, if an age-based policy creates one snapshot every month with a retention period of seven days, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will retain each snapshot for one month, even though the retention period is seven days.

The following considerations apply to snapshot archiving:

  • You can enable snapshot archiving only for snapshot policies that target volumes.

  • You can specify an archiving rule for only one schedule for each policy.

  • If you are using the console, you can enable snapshot archiving only if the schedule has a monthly or yearly creation frequency, or if the schedule has a cron expression with a creation frequency of at least 28 days.

    If you are using the AWS CLI, AWS API, or AWS SDK, you can enable snapshot archiving only if the schedule has a cron expression with a creation frequency of at least 28 days.

  • The minimum retention period in the archive tier is 90 days.

  • When a snapshot is archived, it is converted to a full snapshot when it is moved to the archive tier. This could result in higher snapshot storage costs. For more information, see Pricing and billing for archiving Amazon EBS snapshots.

  • Fast snapshot restore and snapshot sharing are disabled for snapshots when they are archived.

  • If, in the case of a leap year, your retention rule results in an archive retention period of less than 90 days, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager ensures that snapshots are retained for the minimum 90-day period.

  • If you manually archive a snapshot created by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, and the snapshot is still archived when the schedule's retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages that snapshot. However, if you restore the snapshot to the standard tier before the schedule's retention threshold is reached, the schedule will continue to manage the snapshot as per the retention rules.

  • If you permanently or temporarily restore a snapshot archived by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to the standard tier, and the snapshot is still in the standard tier when the schedule's retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages the snapshot. However, if you re-archive the snapshot before the schedule's retention threshold is reached, the schedule will delete the snapshot when the retention threshold is met.

  • Snapshots archived by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager count towards your Archived snapshots per volume and In-progress snapshot archives per account quotas.

  • If a schedule is unable to archive a snapshot after retrying for 24 hours, the snapshot remains in the standard tier and it is scheduled for deletion based on the time that it would have been deleted from the archive tier. For example, if the schedule archives snapshots for 120 days, it remains in the standard tier for 120 days after the failed archiving before being permanently deleted. For count-based schedules, the snapshot does not count towards the schedule's retention count.

  • Snapshots must be archived in the same Region in which they were created. If you enabled cross-Region copy and snapshot archiving, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager does not archive the snapshot copy.

  • Snapshots archived by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager are tagged with the aws:dlm:archived=true system tag. Additionally, snapshots created by an archive-enabled, age-based schedule are tagged with the aws:dlm:expirationTime system tag, which indicates the date and time at which the snapshot is scheduled to be archived.

The following considerations apply to excluding root volumes and data (non-root) volumes:

  • If you choose to exclude boot volumes and you specify tags that consequently exclude all of the additional data volumes attached to an instance, then Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will not create any snapshots for the affected instance, and it will emit a SnapshotsCreateFailed CloudWatch metric. For more information, see Monitor policies using CloudWatch.

The following considerations apply to deleting volumes or terminating instances targeted by snapshot lifecycle policies:

  • If you delete a volume or terminate an instance targeted by a policy with a count-based retention schedule, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages snapshots in the standard tier and archive tier that were created from the deleted volume or instance. You must manually delete those earlier snapshots if they are no longer needed.

  • If you delete a volume or terminate an instance targeted by a policy with an age-based retention schedule, the policy continues to delete snapshots from the standard tier and archive tier that were created from the deleted volume or instance on the defined schedule, up to, but not including, the last snapshot. You must manually delete the last snapshot if it is no longer needed.

The following considerations apply to snapshot lifecycle policies and fast snapshot restore:

  • Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager can enable fast snapshot restore only for snapshots with a size of 16 TiB or less. For more information, see Amazon EBS fast snapshot restore.

  • A snapshot that is enabled for fast snapshot restore remains enabled even if you delete or disable the policy, disable fast snapshot restore for the policy, or disable fast snapshot restore for the Availability Zone. You must disable fast snapshot restore for these snapshots manually.

  • If you enable fast snapshot restore for a policy and you exceed the maximum number of snapshots that can be enabled for fast snapshot restore, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager creates snapshots as scheduled but does not enable them for fast snapshot restore. After a snapshot that is enabled for fast snapshot restore is deleted, the next snapshot that Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager creates is enabled for fast snapshot restore.

  • When fast snapshot restore is enabled for a snapshot, it takes 60 minutes per TiB to optimize the snapshot. We recommend that you configure your schedules so that each snapshot is fully optimized before Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager creates the next snapshot.

  • If you enable fast snapshot restore for a policy that targets instances, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager enables fast snapshot restore for each snapshot in the multi-volume snapshot set individually. If Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager fails to enable fast snapshot restore for one of the snapshots in the multi-volume snapshot set, it will still attempt to enable fast snapshot restore for the remaining snapshots in the snapshot set.

  • You are billed for each minute that fast snapshot restore is enabled for a snapshot in a particular Availability Zone. Charges are pro-rated with a minimum of one hour. For more information, see Pricing and Billing.


    Depending on the configuration of your lifecycle policies, you could have multiple snapshots enabled for fast snapshot restore in multiple Availability Zones simultaneously.

The following considerations apply to snapshot lifecycle policies and Multi-Attach enabled volumes:

  • When creating a lifecycle policy that targets instances that have the same Multi-Attach enabled volume, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager initiates a snapshot of the volume for each attached instance. Use the timestamp tag to identify the set of time-consistent snapshots that are created from the attached instances.

The following considerations apply to sharing snapshots across accounts:

  • You can only share snapshots that are unencrypted or that are encrypted using a customer managed key.

  • You can't share snapshots that are encrypted with the default EBS encryption KMS key.

  • If you share encrypted snapshots, you must also share the KMS key that was used to encrypt the source volume with the target accounts. For more information, see Allowing users in other accounts to use a KMS key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The following considerations apply to snapshots policies and snapshot archiving:

  • If you manually archive a snapshot that was created by a policy, and that snapshot is in the archive tier when the policy’s retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will not delete the snapshot. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager does not manage snapshots while they are stored in the archive tier. If you no longer need snapshots that are stored in the archive tier, you must manually delete them.

The following considerations apply to snapshot policies and Recycle Bin:

  • If Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager deletes a snapshot and sends it to the Recycle Bin when the policy's retention threshold is reached, and you manually restore the snapshot from the Recycle Bin, you must manually delete that snapshot when it is no longer needed. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will no longer manage the snapshot.

  • If you manually delete a snapshot that was created by a policy, and that snapshot is in the Recycle Bin when the policy’s retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will not delete the snapshot. Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager does not manage the snapshots while they are stored in the Recycle Bin.

    If the snapshot is restored from the Recycle Bin before the policy's retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will delete the snapshot when the policy's retention threshold is reached.

    If the snapshot is restored from the Recycle Bin after the policy's retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will no longer delete the snapshot. You must manually delete the snapshot when it is no longer needed.

The following considerations apply to snapshot lifecycle policies that are in the error state:

  • For policies with age-based retention schedules, snapshots that are set to expire while the policy is in the error state are retained indefinitely. You must delete the snapshots manually. When you re-enable the policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager resumes deleting snapshots as their retention periods expire.

  • For policies with count-based retention schedules, the policy stops creating and deleting snapshots while it is in the error state. When you re-enable the policy, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager resumes creating snapshots, and it resumes deleting snapshots as the retention threshold is met.

The following considerations apply to snapshot policies and snapshot lock:

  • If you manually lock a snapshot created by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, and that snapshot is still locked when its retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager no longer manages that snapshot. You must manually delete the snapshot if it is no longer needed.

  • If you manually lock a snapshot that was created and enabled for fast snapshot restore by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, and the snapshot is still locked when its retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will not disable fast snapshot restore or delete the snapshot. You must manually disable fast snapshot restore and delete the snapshot if it is no longer needed.

  • If you manually register a snapshot that was created by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager with an AMI and then lock that snapshot, and that snapshot is still locked and associated with the AMI when its retention threshold is reached, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will continue to attempt to delete that snapshot. When the AMI is deregistered and the snapshot is unlocked, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager will automatically delete the snapshot.

Additional resources

For more information, see the Automating Amazon EBS snapshot and AMI management using Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager AWS storage blog.