Class | Description |
AccessLogSettings |
Access log settings, including the access log format and access log destination ARN.
ApiKey |
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key.
ApiStage |
API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.
Authorizer |
Represents an authorization layer for methods.
BasePathMapping |
Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
CanarySettings |
Configuration settings of a canary deployment.
ClientCertificate |
Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the
integration endpoint.
CreateApiKeyRequest |
Request to create an ApiKey resource.
CreateApiKeyResult |
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key.
CreateAuthorizerRequest |
Request to add a new Authorizer to an existing RestApi resource.
CreateAuthorizerResult |
Represents an authorization layer for methods.
CreateBasePathMappingRequest |
Requests API Gateway to create a new BasePathMapping resource.
CreateBasePathMappingResult |
Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
CreateDeploymentRequest |
Requests API Gateway to create a Deployment resource.
CreateDeploymentResult |
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages.
CreateDocumentationPartRequest |
Creates a new documentation part of a given API.
CreateDocumentationPartResult |
A documentation part for a targeted API entity.
CreateDocumentationVersionRequest |
Creates a new documentation version of a given API.
CreateDocumentationVersionResult |
A snapshot of the documentation of an API.
CreateDomainNameRequest |
A request to create a new domain name.
CreateDomainNameResult |
Represents a custom domain name as a user-friendly host name of an API (RestApi).
CreateModelRequest |
Request to add a new Model to an existing RestApi resource.
CreateModelResult |
Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.
CreateRequestValidatorRequest |
Creates a RequestValidator of a given RestApi.
CreateRequestValidatorResult |
A set of validation rules for incoming Method requests.
CreateResourceRequest |
Requests API Gateway to create a Resource resource.
CreateResourceResult |
Represents an API resource.
CreateRestApiRequest |
The POST Request to add a new RestApi resource to your collection.
CreateRestApiResult |
Represents a REST API.
CreateStageRequest |
Requests API Gateway to create a Stage resource.
CreateStageResult |
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
CreateUsagePlanKeyRequest |
The POST request to create a usage plan key for adding an existing API key to a usage plan.
CreateUsagePlanKeyResult |
Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.
CreateUsagePlanRequest |
The POST request to create a usage plan with the name, description, throttle limits and quota limits, as well as the
associated API stages, specified in the payload.
CreateUsagePlanResult |
Represents a usage plan used to specify who can assess associated API stages.
CreateVpcLinkRequest |
Creates a VPC link, under the caller's account in a selected region, in an asynchronous operation that typically
takes 2-4 minutes to complete and become operational.
CreateVpcLinkResult |
An API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
DeleteApiKeyRequest |
A request to delete the ApiKey resource.
DeleteApiKeyResult | |
DeleteAuthorizerRequest |
Request to delete an existing Authorizer resource.
DeleteAuthorizerResult | |
DeleteBasePathMappingRequest |
A request to delete the BasePathMapping resource.
DeleteBasePathMappingResult | |
DeleteClientCertificateRequest |
A request to delete the ClientCertificate resource.
DeleteClientCertificateResult | |
DeleteDeploymentRequest |
Requests API Gateway to delete a Deployment resource.
DeleteDeploymentResult | |
DeleteDocumentationPartRequest |
Deletes an existing documentation part of an API.
DeleteDocumentationPartResult | |
DeleteDocumentationVersionRequest |
Deletes an existing documentation version of an API.
DeleteDocumentationVersionResult | |
DeleteDomainNameRequest |
A request to delete the DomainName resource.
DeleteDomainNameResult | |
DeleteGatewayResponseRequest |
Clears any customization of a GatewayResponse of a specified response type on the given RestApi and resets it with
the default settings.
DeleteGatewayResponseResult | |
DeleteIntegrationRequest |
Represents a delete integration request.
DeleteIntegrationResponseRequest |
Represents a delete integration response request.
DeleteIntegrationResponseResult | |
DeleteIntegrationResult | |
DeleteMethodRequest |
Request to delete an existing Method resource.
DeleteMethodResponseRequest |
A request to delete an existing MethodResponse resource.
DeleteMethodResponseResult | |
DeleteMethodResult | |
DeleteModelRequest |
Request to delete an existing model in an existing RestApi resource.
DeleteModelResult | |
DeleteRequestValidatorRequest |
Deletes a specified RequestValidator of a given RestApi.
DeleteRequestValidatorResult | |
DeleteResourceRequest |
Request to delete a Resource.
DeleteResourceResult | |
DeleteRestApiRequest |
Request to delete the specified API from your collection.
DeleteRestApiResult | |
DeleteStageRequest |
Requests API Gateway to delete a Stage resource.
DeleteStageResult | |
DeleteUsagePlanKeyRequest |
The DELETE request to delete a usage plan key and remove the underlying API key from the associated usage plan.
DeleteUsagePlanKeyResult | |
DeleteUsagePlanRequest |
The DELETE request to delete a usage plan of a given plan Id.
DeleteUsagePlanResult | |
DeleteVpcLinkRequest |
Deletes an existing VpcLink of a specified identifier.
DeleteVpcLinkResult | |
Deployment |
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages.
DeploymentCanarySettings |
The input configuration for a canary deployment.
DocumentationPart |
A documentation part for a targeted API entity.
DocumentationPartLocation |
Specifies the target API entity to which the documentation applies.
DocumentationVersion |
A snapshot of the documentation of an API.
DomainName |
Represents a custom domain name as a user-friendly host name of an API (RestApi).
EndpointConfiguration |
The endpoint configuration to indicate the types of endpoints an API (RestApi) or its custom domain name (DomainName)
FlushStageAuthorizersCacheRequest |
Request to flush authorizer cache entries on a specified stage.
FlushStageAuthorizersCacheResult | |
FlushStageCacheRequest |
Requests API Gateway to flush a stage's cache.
FlushStageCacheResult | |
GatewayResponse |
A gateway response of a given response type and status code, with optional response parameters and mapping templates.
GenerateClientCertificateRequest |
A request to generate a ClientCertificate resource.
GenerateClientCertificateResult |
Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the
integration endpoint.
GetAccountRequest |
Requests API Gateway to get information about the current Account resource.
GetAccountResult |
Represents an AWS account that is associated with API Gateway.
GetApiKeyRequest |
A request to get information about the current ApiKey resource.
GetApiKeyResult |
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key.
GetApiKeysRequest |
A request to get information about the current ApiKeys resource.
GetApiKeysResult |
Represents a collection of API keys as represented by an ApiKeys resource.
GetAuthorizerRequest |
Request to describe an existing Authorizer resource.
GetAuthorizerResult |
Represents an authorization layer for methods.
GetAuthorizersRequest |
Request to describe an existing Authorizers resource.
GetAuthorizersResult |
Represents a collection of Authorizer resources.
GetBasePathMappingRequest |
Request to describe a BasePathMapping resource.
GetBasePathMappingResult |
Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
GetBasePathMappingsRequest |
A request to get information about a collection of BasePathMapping resources.
GetBasePathMappingsResult |
Represents a collection of BasePathMapping resources.
GetClientCertificateRequest |
A request to get information about the current ClientCertificate resource.
GetClientCertificateResult |
Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the
integration endpoint.
GetClientCertificatesRequest |
A request to get information about a collection of ClientCertificate resources.
GetClientCertificatesResult |
Represents a collection of ClientCertificate resources.
GetDeploymentRequest |
Requests API Gateway to get information about a Deployment resource.
GetDeploymentResult |
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages.
GetDeploymentsRequest |
Requests API Gateway to get information about a Deployments collection.
GetDeploymentsResult |
Represents a collection resource that contains zero or more references to your existing deployments, and links that
guide you on how to interact with your collection.
GetDocumentationPartRequest |
Gets a specified documentation part of a given API.
GetDocumentationPartResult |
A documentation part for a targeted API entity.
GetDocumentationPartsRequest |
Gets the documentation parts of an API.
GetDocumentationPartsResult |
The collection of documentation parts of an API.
GetDocumentationVersionRequest |
Gets a documentation snapshot of an API.
GetDocumentationVersionResult |
A snapshot of the documentation of an API.
GetDocumentationVersionsRequest |
Gets the documentation versions of an API.
GetDocumentationVersionsResult |
The collection of documentation snapshots of an API.
GetDomainNameRequest |
Request to get the name of a DomainName resource.
GetDomainNameResult |
Represents a custom domain name as a user-friendly host name of an API (RestApi).
GetDomainNamesRequest |
Request to describe a collection of DomainName resources.
GetDomainNamesResult |
Represents a collection of DomainName resources.
GetExportRequest |
Request a new export of a RestApi for a particular Stage.
GetExportResult |
The binary blob response to GetExport, which contains the generated SDK.
GetGatewayResponseRequest |
Gets a GatewayResponse of a specified response type on the given RestApi.
GetGatewayResponseResult |
A gateway response of a given response type and status code, with optional response parameters and mapping templates.
GetGatewayResponsesRequest |
Gets the GatewayResponses collection on the given RestApi.
GetGatewayResponsesResult |
The collection of the GatewayResponse instances of a RestApi as a
responseType -to-GatewayResponse object
map of key-value pairs. |
GetIntegrationRequest |
Represents a request to get the integration configuration.
GetIntegrationResponseRequest |
Represents a get integration response request.
GetIntegrationResponseResult |
Represents an integration response.
GetIntegrationResult |
Represents an
integration. |
GetMethodRequest |
Request to describe an existing Method resource.
GetMethodResponseRequest |
Request to describe a MethodResponse resource.
GetMethodResponseResult |
Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client.
GetMethodResult |
Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources.
GetModelRequest |
Request to list information about a model in an existing RestApi resource.
GetModelResult |
Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.
GetModelsRequest |
Request to list existing Models defined for a RestApi resource.
GetModelsResult |
Represents a collection of Model resources.
GetModelTemplateRequest |
Request to generate a sample mapping template used to transform the payload.
GetModelTemplateResult |
Represents a mapping template used to transform a payload.
GetRequestValidatorRequest |
Gets a RequestValidator of a given RestApi.
GetRequestValidatorResult |
A set of validation rules for incoming Method requests.
GetRequestValidatorsRequest |
Gets the RequestValidators collection of a given RestApi.
GetRequestValidatorsResult |
A collection of RequestValidator resources of a given RestApi.
GetResourceRequest |
Request to list information about a resource.
GetResourceResult |
Represents an API resource.
GetResourcesRequest |
Request to list information about a collection of resources.
GetResourcesResult |
Represents a collection of Resource resources.
GetRestApiRequest |
The GET request to list an existing RestApi defined for your collection.
GetRestApiResult |
Represents a REST API.
GetRestApisRequest |
The GET request to list existing RestApis defined for your collection.
GetRestApisResult |
Contains references to your APIs and links that guide you in how to interact with your collection.
GetSdkRequest |
Request a new generated client SDK for a RestApi and Stage.
GetSdkResult |
The binary blob response to GetSdk, which contains the generated SDK.
GetSdkTypeRequest |
Get an SdkType instance.
GetSdkTypeResult |
A type of SDK that API Gateway can generate.
GetSdkTypesRequest |
Get the SdkTypes collection.
GetSdkTypesResult |
The collection of SdkType instances.
GetStageRequest |
Requests API Gateway to get information about a Stage resource.
GetStageResult |
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
GetStagesRequest |
Requests API Gateway to get information about one or more Stage resources.
GetStagesResult |
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
GetTagsRequest |
Gets the Tags collection for a given resource.
GetTagsResult |
The collection of tags.
GetUsagePlanKeyRequest |
The GET request to get a usage plan key of a given key identifier.
GetUsagePlanKeyResult |
Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.
GetUsagePlanKeysRequest |
The GET request to get all the usage plan keys representing the API keys added to a specified usage plan.
GetUsagePlanKeysResult |
Represents the collection of usage plan keys added to usage plans for the associated API keys and, possibly, other
types of keys.
GetUsagePlanRequest |
The GET request to get a usage plan of a given plan identifier.
GetUsagePlanResult |
Represents a usage plan used to specify who can assess associated API stages.
GetUsagePlansRequest |
The GET request to get all the usage plans of the caller's account.
GetUsagePlansResult |
Represents a collection of usage plans for an AWS account.
GetUsageRequest |
The GET request to get the usage data of a usage plan in a specified time interval.
GetUsageResult |
Represents the usage data of a usage plan.
GetVpcLinkRequest |
Gets a specified VPC link under the caller's account in a region.
GetVpcLinkResult |
An API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
GetVpcLinksRequest |
Gets the VpcLinks collection under the caller's account in a selected region.
GetVpcLinksResult |
The collection of VPC links under the caller's account in a region.
ImportApiKeysRequest |
The POST request to import API keys from an external source, such as a CSV-formatted file.
ImportApiKeysResult |
The identifier of an ApiKey used in a UsagePlan.
ImportDocumentationPartsRequest |
Import documentation parts from an external (e.g., OpenAPI) definition file.
ImportDocumentationPartsResult |
A collection of the imported DocumentationPart identifiers.
ImportRestApiRequest |
A POST request to import an API to API Gateway using an input of an API definition file.
ImportRestApiResult |
Represents a REST API.
Integration |
Represents an
integration. |
IntegrationResponse |
Represents an integration response.
Method |
Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources.
MethodResponse |
Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client.
MethodSetting |
Specifies the method setting properties.
MethodSnapshot |
Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.
Model |
Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.
MutualTlsAuthentication |
The mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.
MutualTlsAuthenticationInput |
The mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.
PatchOperation |
For more information about supported patch operations, see Patch Operations.
PutGatewayResponseRequest |
Creates a customization of a GatewayResponse of a specified response type and status code on the given RestApi.
PutGatewayResponseResult |
A gateway response of a given response type and status code, with optional response parameters and mapping templates.
PutIntegrationRequest |
Sets up a method's integration.
PutIntegrationResponseRequest |
Represents a put integration response request.
PutIntegrationResponseResult |
Represents an integration response.
PutIntegrationResult |
Represents an
integration. |
PutMethodRequest |
Request to add a method to an existing Resource resource.
PutMethodResponseRequest |
Request to add a MethodResponse to an existing Method resource.
PutMethodResponseResult |
Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client.
PutMethodResult |
Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources.
PutRestApiRequest |
A PUT request to update an existing API, with external API definitions specified as the request body.
PutRestApiResult |
Represents a REST API.
QuotaSettings |
Quotas configured for a usage plan.
RequestValidator |
A set of validation rules for incoming Method requests.
Resource |
Represents an API resource.
RestApi |
Represents a REST API.
SdkConfigurationProperty |
A configuration property of an SDK type.
SdkType |
A type of SDK that API Gateway can generate.
Stage |
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
StageKey |
A reference to a unique stage identified in the format
{restApiId}/{stage} . |
TagResourceRequest |
Adds or updates a tag on a given resource.
TagResourceResult | |
TestInvokeAuthorizerRequest |
Make a request to simulate the invocation of an Authorizer.
TestInvokeAuthorizerResult |
Represents the response of the test invoke request for a custom Authorizer
TestInvokeMethodRequest |
Make a request to simulate the invocation of a Method.
TestInvokeMethodResult |
Represents the response of the test invoke request in the HTTP method.
ThrottleSettings |
The API request rate limits.
TlsConfig |
Specifies the TLS configuration for an integration.
UntagResourceRequest |
Removes a tag from a given resource.
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateAccountRequest |
Requests API Gateway to change information about the current Account resource.
UpdateAccountResult |
Represents an AWS account that is associated with API Gateway.
UpdateApiKeyRequest |
A request to change information about an ApiKey resource.
UpdateApiKeyResult |
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key.
UpdateAuthorizerRequest |
Request to update an existing Authorizer resource.
UpdateAuthorizerResult |
Represents an authorization layer for methods.
UpdateBasePathMappingRequest |
A request to change information about the BasePathMapping resource.
UpdateBasePathMappingResult |
Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
UpdateClientCertificateRequest |
A request to change information about an ClientCertificate resource.
UpdateClientCertificateResult |
Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the
integration endpoint.
UpdateDeploymentRequest |
Requests API Gateway to change information about a Deployment resource.
UpdateDeploymentResult |
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages.
UpdateDocumentationPartRequest |
Updates an existing documentation part of a given API.
UpdateDocumentationPartResult |
A documentation part for a targeted API entity.
UpdateDocumentationVersionRequest |
Updates an existing documentation version of an API.
UpdateDocumentationVersionResult |
A snapshot of the documentation of an API.
UpdateDomainNameRequest |
A request to change information about the DomainName resource.
UpdateDomainNameResult |
Represents a custom domain name as a user-friendly host name of an API (RestApi).
UpdateGatewayResponseRequest |
Updates a GatewayResponse of a specified response type on the given RestApi.
UpdateGatewayResponseResult |
A gateway response of a given response type and status code, with optional response parameters and mapping templates.
UpdateIntegrationRequest |
Represents an update integration request.
UpdateIntegrationResponseRequest |
Represents an update integration response request.
UpdateIntegrationResponseResult |
Represents an integration response.
UpdateIntegrationResult |
Represents an
integration. |
UpdateMethodRequest |
Request to update an existing Method resource.
UpdateMethodResponseRequest |
A request to update an existing MethodResponse resource.
UpdateMethodResponseResult |
Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client.
UpdateMethodResult |
Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources.
UpdateModelRequest |
Request to update an existing model in an existing RestApi resource.
UpdateModelResult |
Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.
UpdateRequestValidatorRequest |
Updates a RequestValidator of a given RestApi.
UpdateRequestValidatorResult |
A set of validation rules for incoming Method requests.
UpdateResourceRequest |
Request to change information about a Resource resource.
UpdateResourceResult |
Represents an API resource.
UpdateRestApiRequest |
Request to update an existing RestApi resource in your collection.
UpdateRestApiResult |
Represents a REST API.
UpdateStageRequest |
Requests API Gateway to change information about a Stage resource.
UpdateStageResult |
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
UpdateUsagePlanRequest |
The PATCH request to update a usage plan of a given plan Id.
UpdateUsagePlanResult |
Represents a usage plan used to specify who can assess associated API stages.
UpdateUsageRequest |
The PATCH request to grant a temporary extension to the remaining quota of a usage plan associated with a specified
API key.
UpdateUsageResult |
Represents the usage data of a usage plan.
UpdateVpcLinkRequest |
Updates an existing VpcLink of a specified identifier.
UpdateVpcLinkResult |
An API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
UsagePlan |
Represents a usage plan used to specify who can assess associated API stages.
UsagePlanKey |
Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.
VpcLink |
An API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Enum | Description |
ApiKeysFormat | |
ApiKeySourceType | |
AuthorizerType |
The authorizer type.
CacheClusterStatus |
Returns the status of the CacheCluster.
ConnectionType | |
ContentHandlingStrategy | |
DocumentationPartType | |
DomainNameStatus | |
EndpointType |
The endpoint type.
GatewayResponseType | |
IntegrationType |
The integration type.
LocationStatusType | |
Op | |
PutMode | |
QuotaPeriodType | |
SecurityPolicy | |
UnauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy | |
VpcLinkStatus |
Exception | Description |
AmazonApiGatewayException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon API Gateway
BadRequestException |
The submitted request is not valid, for example, the input is incomplete or incorrect.
ConflictException |
The request configuration has conflicts.
LimitExceededException |
The request exceeded the rate limit.
NotFoundException |
The requested resource is not found.
ServiceUnavailableException |
The requested service is not available.
TooManyRequestsException |
The request has reached its throttling limit.
UnauthorizedException |
The request is denied because the caller has insufficient permissions.