Class | Description |
AggregationConfig |
The aggregation settings that you can use to customize the output format of your flow data.
AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amplitude.
AmplitudeConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Amplitude.
AmplitudeMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amplitude.
AmplitudeSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amplitude is being used as a source.
ApiKeyCredentials |
The API key credentials required for API key authentication.
AuthenticationConfig |
Contains information about the authentication config that the connector supports.
AuthParameter |
Information about required authentication parameters.
BasicAuthCredentials |
The basic auth credentials required for basic authentication.
CancelFlowExecutionsRequest | |
CancelFlowExecutionsResult | |
ConnectorConfiguration |
The configuration settings related to a given connector.
ConnectorDetail |
Information about the registered connector.
ConnectorEntity |
The high-level entity that can be queried in Amazon AppFlow.
ConnectorEntityField |
Describes the data model of a connector field.
ConnectorMetadata |
A structure to specify connector-specific metadata such as
oAuthScopes , supportedRegions ,
privateLinkServiceUrl , and so on. |
ConnectorOAuthRequest |
Used by select connectors for which the OAuth workflow is supported, such as Salesforce, Google Analytics, Marketo,
Zendesk, and Slack.
ConnectorOperator |
The operation to be performed on the provided source fields.
ConnectorProfile |
Describes an instance of a connector.
ConnectorProfileConfig |
Defines the connector-specific configuration and credentials for the connector profile.
ConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific credentials required by a connector.
ConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required by each connector.
ConnectorProvisioningConfig |
Contains information about the configuration of the connector being registered.
ConnectorRuntimeSetting |
Contains information about the connector runtime settings that are required for flow execution.
CreateConnectorProfileRequest | |
CreateConnectorProfileResult | |
CreateFlowRequest | |
CreateFlowResult | |
CustomAuthConfig |
Configuration information required for custom authentication.
CustomAuthCredentials |
The custom credentials required for custom authentication.
CustomConnectorDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when the custom connector is being used as a destination.
CustomConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials that are required when using the custom connector.
CustomConnectorProfileProperties |
The profile properties required by the custom connector.
CustomConnectorSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when the custom connector is being used as a source.
CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon Connect Customer Profiles is used as a destination.
CustomerProfilesMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific credentials required by Datadog.
DatadogConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required by Datadog.
DatadogMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Datadog.
DatadogSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Datadog is being used as a source.
DataTransferApi |
The API of the connector application that Amazon AppFlow uses to transfer your data.
DeleteConnectorProfileRequest | |
DeleteConnectorProfileResult | |
DeleteFlowRequest | |
DeleteFlowResult | |
DescribeConnectorEntityRequest | |
DescribeConnectorEntityResult | |
DescribeConnectorProfilesRequest | |
DescribeConnectorProfilesResult | |
DescribeConnectorRequest | |
DescribeConnectorResult | |
DescribeConnectorsRequest | |
DescribeConnectorsResult | |
DescribeFlowExecutionRecordsRequest | |
DescribeFlowExecutionRecordsResult | |
DescribeFlowRequest | |
DescribeFlowResult | |
DestinationConnectorProperties |
This stores the information that is required to query a particular connector.
DestinationFieldProperties |
The properties that can be applied to a field when connector is being used as a destination.
DestinationFlowConfig |
Contains information about the configuration of destination connectors present in the flow.
DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Dynatrace.
DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required by Dynatrace.
DynatraceMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Dynatrace.
DynatraceSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Dynatrace is being used as a source.
ErrorHandlingConfig |
The settings that determine how Amazon AppFlow handles an error when placing data in the destination.
ErrorInfo |
Provides details in the event of a failed flow, including the failure count and the related error messages.
EventBridgeDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon EventBridge is being used as a destination.
EventBridgeMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amazon EventBridge.
ExecutionDetails |
Describes the details of the flow run, including the timestamp, status, and message.
ExecutionRecord |
Specifies information about the past flow run instances for a given flow.
ExecutionResult |
Specifies the end result of the flow run.
FieldTypeDetails |
Contains details regarding the supported field type and the operators that can be applied for filtering.
FlowDefinition |
The properties of the flow, such as its source, destination, trigger type, and so on.
GlueDataCatalogConfig |
Specifies the configuration that Amazon AppFlow uses when it catalogs your data with the Glue Data Catalog.
GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Google Analytics.
GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required by Google Analytics.
GoogleAnalyticsMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Google Analytics.
GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Google Analytics is being used as a source.
HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific credentials required when using Amazon Honeycode.
HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific properties required when using Amazon Honeycode.
HoneycodeDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon Honeycode is used as a destination.
HoneycodeMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Honeycode.
IncrementalPullConfig |
Specifies the configuration used when importing incremental records from the source.
InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Infor Nexus.
InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required by Infor Nexus.
InforNexusMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Infor Nexus.
InforNexusSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Infor Nexus is being used as a source.
LambdaConnectorProvisioningConfig |
Contains information about the configuration of the lambda which is being registered as the connector.
ListConnectorEntitiesRequest | |
ListConnectorEntitiesResult | |
ListConnectorsRequest | |
ListConnectorsResult | |
ListFlowsRequest | |
ListFlowsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon Lookout for Metrics is used as a destination.
MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required by Marketo.
MarketoConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Marketo.
MarketoDestinationProperties |
The properties that Amazon AppFlow applies when you use Marketo as a flow destination.
MarketoMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Marketo.
MarketoSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Marketo is being used as a source.
MetadataCatalogConfig |
Specifies the configuration that Amazon AppFlow uses when it catalogs your data.
MetadataCatalogDetail |
Describes the metadata catalog, metadata table, and data partitions that Amazon AppFlow used for the associated flow
OAuth2Credentials |
The OAuth 2.0 credentials required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
OAuth2CustomParameter |
Custom parameter required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
OAuth2Defaults |
Contains the default values required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
OAuth2Properties |
The OAuth 2.0 properties required for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
OAuthCredentials |
The OAuth credentials required for OAuth type authentication.
OAuthProperties |
The OAuth properties required for OAuth type authentication.
PardotConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Salesforce Pardot.
PardotConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Salesforce Pardot.
PardotMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Salesforce Pardot.
PardotSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Salesforce Pardot is being used as a source.
PrefixConfig |
Specifies elements that Amazon AppFlow includes in the file and folder names in the flow destination.
PrivateConnectionProvisioningState |
Specifies the private connection provisioning state.
Range |
The range of values that the property supports.
RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Amazon Redshift.
RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties when using Amazon Redshift.
RedshiftDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon Redshift is being used as a destination.
RedshiftMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amazon Redshift.
RegisterConnectorRequest | |
RegisterConnectorResult | |
RegistrationOutput |
Describes the status of an attempt from Amazon AppFlow to register a resource.
ResetConnectorMetadataCacheRequest | |
ResetConnectorMetadataCacheResult | |
S3DestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is used as a destination.
S3InputFormatConfig |
When you use Amazon S3 as the source, the configuration format that you provide the flow input data.
S3Metadata |
The connector metadata specific to Amazon S3.
S3OutputFormatConfig |
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow should format the flow output data when Amazon S3 is used as the
S3SourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Amazon S3 is being used as the flow source.
SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Salesforce.
SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Salesforce.
SalesforceDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a destination.
SalesforceMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Salesforce.
SalesforceSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Salesforce is being used as a source.
SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using SAPOData.
SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using SAPOData.
SAPODataDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when using SAPOData as a flow destination
SAPODataMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to SAPOData.
SAPODataPaginationConfig |
Sets the page size for each concurrent process that transfers OData records from your SAP instance.
SAPODataParallelismConfig |
Sets the number of concurrent processes that transfer OData records from your SAP instance.
SAPODataSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when using SAPOData as a flow source.
ScheduledTriggerProperties |
Specifies the configuration details of a schedule-triggered flow as defined by the user.
ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using ServiceNow.
ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using ServiceNow.
ServiceNowMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to ServiceNow.
ServiceNowSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when ServiceNow is being used as a source.
SingularConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Singular.
SingularConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Singular.
SingularMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Singular.
SingularSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Singular is being used as a source.
SlackConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Slack.
SlackConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Slack.
SlackMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Slack.
SlackSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when Slack is being used as a source.
SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Snowflake.
SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Snowflake.
SnowflakeDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Snowflake is being used as a destination.
SnowflakeMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Snowflake.
SourceConnectorProperties |
Specifies the information that is required to query a particular connector.
SourceFieldProperties |
The properties that can be applied to a field when the connector is being used as a source.
SourceFlowConfig |
Contains information about the configuration of the source connector used in the flow.
StartFlowRequest | |
StartFlowResult | |
StopFlowRequest | |
StopFlowResult | |
SuccessResponseHandlingConfig |
Determines how Amazon AppFlow handles the success response that it gets from the connector after placing data.
SupportedFieldTypeDetails |
Contains details regarding all the supported
FieldTypes and their corresponding
filterOperators and supportedValues . |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
Task |
A class for modeling different type of tasks.
TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Trend Micro.
TrendmicroConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Trend Micro.
TrendmicroMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Trend Micro.
TrendmicroSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when using Trend Micro as a flow source.
TriggerConfig |
The trigger settings that determine how and when Amazon AppFlow runs the specified flow.
TriggerProperties |
Specifies the configuration details that control the trigger for a flow.
UnregisterConnectorRequest | |
UnregisterConnectorResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateConnectorProfileRequest | |
UpdateConnectorProfileResult | |
UpdateConnectorRegistrationRequest | |
UpdateConnectorRegistrationResult | |
UpdateFlowRequest | |
UpdateFlowResult | |
UpsolverDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Upsolver is used as a destination.
UpsolverMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Upsolver.
UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig |
The configuration that determines how Amazon AppFlow formats the flow output data when Upsolver is used as the
VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Veeva.
VeevaConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Veeva.
VeevaMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Veeva.
VeevaSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when using Veeva as a flow source.
ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials |
The connector-specific profile credentials required when using Zendesk.
ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties |
The connector-specific profile properties required when using Zendesk.
ZendeskDestinationProperties |
The properties that are applied when Zendesk is used as a destination.
ZendeskMetadata |
The connector metadata specific to Zendesk.
ZendeskSourceProperties |
The properties that are applied when using Zendesk as a flow source.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
AppFlow/Requester has invalid or missing permissions.
AmazonAppflowException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Appflow
ConflictException |
There was a conflict when processing the request (for example, a flow with the given name already exists within the
ConnectorAuthenticationException |
An error occurred when authenticating with the connector endpoint.
ConnectorServerException |
An error occurred when retrieving data from the connector endpoint.
InternalServerException |
An internal service error occurred during the processing of your request.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource specified in the request (such as the source or destination connector profile) is not found.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The request would cause a service quota (such as the number of flows) to be exceeded.
ThrottlingException |
API calls have exceeded the maximum allowed API request rate per account and per Region.
UnsupportedOperationException |
The requested operation is not supported for the current flow.
ValidationException |
The request has invalid or missing parameters.