Class | Description |
AlgorithmSpecification |
Defines the Amazon Braket job to be created.
Association |
The Amazon Braket resource and the association type.
CancelJobRequest | |
CancelJobResult | |
CancelQuantumTaskRequest | |
CancelQuantumTaskResult | |
ContainerImage |
The container image used to create an Amazon Braket job.
CreateJobRequest | |
CreateJobResult | |
CreateQuantumTaskRequest | |
CreateQuantumTaskResult | |
DataSource |
Information about the source of the data used by the Amazon Braket job.
DeviceConfig |
Configures the quantum processing units (QPUs) or simulator used to create and run an Amazon Braket job.
DeviceQueueInfo |
Information about tasks and jobs queued on a device.
DeviceSummary |
Includes information about the device.
GetDeviceRequest | |
GetDeviceResult | |
GetJobRequest | |
GetJobResult | |
GetQuantumTaskRequest | |
GetQuantumTaskResult | |
HybridJobQueueInfo |
Information about the queue for a specified job.
InputFileConfig |
A list of parameters that specify the input channels, type of input data, and where it is located.
InstanceConfig |
Configures the resource instances to use while running the Amazon Braket hybrid job on Amazon Braket.
JobCheckpointConfig |
Contains information about the output locations for job checkpoint data.
JobEventDetails |
Details about the type and time events occurred related to the Amazon Braket job.
JobOutputDataConfig |
Specifies the path to the S3 location where you want to store job artifacts and the encryption key used to store
JobStoppingCondition |
Specifies limits for how long an Amazon Braket job can run.
JobSummary |
Provides summary information about an Amazon Braket job.
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
QuantumTaskQueueInfo |
Information about the queue for the specified quantum task.
QuantumTaskSummary |
Includes information about a quantum task.
S3DataSource |
Information about the data stored in Amazon S3 used by the Amazon Braket job.
ScriptModeConfig |
Contains information about the Python scripts used for entry and by an Amazon Braket job.
SearchDevicesFilter |
The filter to use for searching devices.
SearchDevicesRequest | |
SearchDevicesResult | |
SearchJobsFilter |
A filter used to search for Amazon Braket jobs.
SearchJobsRequest | |
SearchJobsResult | |
SearchQuantumTasksFilter |
A filter to use to search for tasks.
SearchQuantumTasksRequest | |
SearchQuantumTasksResult | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
AWSBraketException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Braket
ConflictException |
An error occurred due to a conflict.
DeviceOfflineException |
The specified device is currently offline.
DeviceRetiredException |
The specified device has been retired.
InternalServiceException |
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource was not found.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The request failed because a service quota is exceeded.
ThrottlingException |
The throttling rate limit is met.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.