Class | Description |
Account |
An Amazon Web Services account within your environment that Amazon Inspector has been enabled for.
AccountAggregation |
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon Web Services accounts.
AccountAggregationResponse |
An aggregation of findings by Amazon Web Services account ID.
AccountState |
An object with details the status of an Amazon Web Services account within your Amazon Inspector environment.
AggregationRequest |
Contains details about an aggregation request.
AggregationResponse |
A structure that contains details about the results of an aggregation type.
AmiAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on Amazon machine images (AMIs).
AmiAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by AMI.
AssociateMemberRequest | |
AssociateMemberResult | |
AtigData |
The Amazon Web Services Threat Intel Group (ATIG) details for a specific vulnerability.
AutoEnable |
Represents which scan types are automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
AwsEc2InstanceDetails |
Details of the Amazon EC2 instance involved in a finding.
AwsEcrContainerAggregation |
An aggregation of information about Amazon ECR containers.
AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse |
An aggregation of information about Amazon ECR containers.
AwsEcrContainerImageDetails |
The image details of the Amazon ECR container image.
AwsLambdaFunctionDetails |
A summary of information about the Amazon Web Services Lambda function.
BatchGetAccountStatusRequest | |
BatchGetAccountStatusResult | |
BatchGetCodeSnippetRequest | |
BatchGetCodeSnippetResult | |
BatchGetFindingDetailsRequest | |
BatchGetFindingDetailsResult | |
BatchGetFreeTrialInfoRequest | |
BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResult | |
BatchGetMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatusRequest | |
BatchGetMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatusResult | |
BatchUpdateMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatusRequest | |
BatchUpdateMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatusResult | |
CancelFindingsReportRequest | |
CancelFindingsReportResult | |
CancelSbomExportRequest | |
CancelSbomExportResult | |
CisaData |
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) details for a specific vulnerability.
CisCheckAggregation |
A CIS check.
CisDateFilter |
The CIS date filter.
CisFindingStatusFilter |
The CIS finding status filter.
CisNumberFilter |
The CIS number filter.
CisResultStatusFilter |
The CIS result status filter.
CisScan |
The CIS scan.
CisScanConfiguration |
The CIS scan configuration.
CisScanResultDetails |
The CIS scan result details.
CisScanResultDetailsFilterCriteria |
The CIS scan result details filter criteria.
CisScanResultsAggregatedByChecksFilterCriteria |
The scan results aggregated by checks filter criteria.
CisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResourceFilterCriteria |
The scan results aggregated by target resource filter criteria.
CisScanStatusFilter |
The CIS scan status filter.
CisSecurityLevelFilter |
The CIS security level filter.
CisSessionMessage |
The CIS session message.
CisStringFilter |
The CIS string filter.
CisTargetResourceAggregation |
The CIS target resource aggregation.
CisTargets |
The CIS targets.
CisTargetStatusFilter |
The CIS target status filter.
CisTargetStatusReasonFilter |
The CIS target status reason filter.
CodeFilePath |
Contains information on where a code vulnerability is located in your Lambda function.
CodeLine |
Contains information on the lines of code associated with a code snippet.
CodeSnippetError |
Contains information about any errors encountered while trying to retrieve a code snippet.
CodeSnippetResult |
Contains information on a code snippet retrieved by Amazon Inspector from a code vulnerability finding.
CodeVulnerabilityDetails |
Contains information on the code vulnerability identified in your Lambda function.
ComputePlatform |
A compute platform.
Counts |
a structure that contains information on the count of resources within a group.
CoverageDateFilter |
Contains details of a coverage date filter.
CoverageFilterCriteria |
A structure that identifies filter criteria for
GetCoverageStatistics . |
CoverageMapFilter |
Contains details of a coverage map filter.
CoverageStringFilter |
Contains details of a coverage string filter.
CoveredResource |
An object that contains details about a resource covered by Amazon Inspector.
CreateCisScanConfigurationRequest | |
CreateCisScanConfigurationResult | |
CreateCisTargets |
Creates CIS targets.
CreateFilterRequest | |
CreateFilterResult | |
CreateFindingsReportRequest | |
CreateFindingsReportResult | |
CreateSbomExportRequest | |
CreateSbomExportResult | |
Cvss2 |
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) version 2 details for the vulnerability.
Cvss3 |
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) version 3 details for the vulnerability.
CvssScore |
The CVSS score for a finding.
CvssScoreAdjustment |
Details on adjustments Amazon Inspector made to the CVSS score for a finding.
CvssScoreDetails |
Information about the CVSS score.
DailySchedule |
A daily schedule.
DateFilter |
Contains details on the time range used to filter findings.
DelegatedAdmin |
Details of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization.
DelegatedAdminAccount |
Details of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization.
DeleteCisScanConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteCisScanConfigurationResult | |
DeleteFilterRequest | |
DeleteFilterResult | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResult | |
Destination |
Contains details of the Amazon S3 bucket and KMS key used to export findings.
DisableDelegatedAdminAccountRequest | |
DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResult | |
DisableRequest | |
DisableResult | |
DisassociateMemberRequest | |
DisassociateMemberResult | |
Ec2Configuration |
Enables agent-based scanning, which scans instances that are not managed by SSM.
Ec2ConfigurationState |
Details about the state of the EC2 scan configuration for your environment.
Ec2InstanceAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on Amazon EC2 instances.
Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by Amazon EC2 instance.
Ec2Metadata |
Meta data details of an Amazon EC2 instance.
Ec2ScanModeState |
The state of your Amazon EC2 scan mode configuration.
EcrConfiguration |
Details about the ECR automated re-scan duration setting for your environment.
EcrConfigurationState |
Details about the state of the ECR scans for your environment.
EcrContainerImageMetadata |
Information on the Amazon ECR image metadata associated with a finding.
EcrRepositoryMetadata |
Information on the Amazon ECR repository metadata associated with a finding.
EcrRescanDurationState |
Details about the state of your ECR re-scan duration settings.
EnableDelegatedAdminAccountRequest | |
EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResult | |
EnableRequest | |
EnableResult | |
Epss |
Details about the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) score.
EpssDetails |
Details about the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) score for a finding.
Evidence |
Details of the evidence for a vulnerability identified in a finding.
ExploitabilityDetails |
The details of an exploit available for a finding discovered in your environment.
ExploitObserved |
Contains information on when this exploit was observed.
FailedAccount |
An object with details on why an account failed to enable Amazon Inspector.
FailedMemberAccountEc2DeepInspectionStatusState |
An object that contains details about a member account in your organization that failed to activate Amazon Inspector
deep inspection.
Filter |
Details about a filter.
FilterCriteria |
Details on the criteria used to define the filter.
Finding |
Details about an Amazon Inspector finding.
FindingDetail |
Details of the vulnerability identified in a finding.
FindingDetailsError |
Details about an error encountered when trying to return vulnerability data for a finding.
FindingTypeAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on finding type.
FindingTypeAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of a finding type aggregation.
FreeTrialAccountInfo |
Information about the Amazon Inspector free trial for an account.
FreeTrialInfo |
An object that contains information about the Amazon Inspector free trial for an account.
FreeTrialInfoError |
Information about an error received while accessing free trail data for an account.
GetCisScanReportRequest | |
GetCisScanReportResult | |
GetCisScanResultDetailsRequest | |
GetCisScanResultDetailsResult | |
GetConfigurationRequest | |
GetConfigurationResult | |
GetDelegatedAdminAccountRequest | |
GetDelegatedAdminAccountResult | |
GetEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
GetEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationResult | |
GetEncryptionKeyRequest | |
GetEncryptionKeyResult | |
GetFindingsReportStatusRequest | |
GetFindingsReportStatusResult | |
GetMemberRequest | |
GetMemberResult | |
GetSbomExportRequest | |
GetSbomExportResult | |
ImageLayerAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on container image layers.
ImageLayerAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by image layer.
InspectorScoreDetails |
Information about the Amazon Inspector score given to a finding.
LambdaFunctionAggregation |
The details that define a findings aggregation based on Amazon Web Services Lambda functions.
LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of an Amazon Web Services Lambda function finding aggregation.
LambdaFunctionMetadata |
The Amazon Web Services Lambda function metadata.
LambdaLayerAggregation |
The details that define a findings aggregation based on an Amazon Web Services Lambda function's layers.
LambdaLayerAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of an Amazon Web Services Lambda function layer finding aggregation.
LambdaVpcConfig |
The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to an Amazon Web Services Lambda function.
ListAccountPermissionsRequest | |
ListAccountPermissionsResult | |
ListCisScanConfigurationsFilterCriteria |
A list of CIS scan configurations filter criteria.
ListCisScanConfigurationsRequest | |
ListCisScanConfigurationsResult | |
ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByChecksRequest | |
ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByChecksResult | |
ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResourceRequest | |
ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResourceResult | |
ListCisScansFilterCriteria |
A list of CIS scans filter criteria.
ListCisScansRequest | |
ListCisScansResult | |
ListCoverageRequest | |
ListCoverageResult | |
ListCoverageStatisticsRequest | |
ListCoverageStatisticsResult | |
ListDelegatedAdminAccountsRequest | |
ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResult | |
ListFiltersRequest | |
ListFiltersResult | |
ListFindingAggregationsRequest | |
ListFindingAggregationsResult | |
ListFindingsRequest | |
ListFindingsResult | |
ListMembersRequest | |
ListMembersResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListUsageTotalsRequest | |
ListUsageTotalsResult | |
MapFilter |
An object that describes details of a map filter.
Member |
Details on a member account in your organization.
MemberAccountEc2DeepInspectionStatus |
An object that contains details about the status of Amazon Inspector deep inspection for a member account in your
MemberAccountEc2DeepInspectionStatusState |
An object that contains details about the state of Amazon Inspector deep inspection for a member account.
MonthlySchedule |
A monthly schedule.
NetworkPath |
Information on the network path associated with a finding.
NetworkReachabilityDetails |
Contains the details of a network reachability finding.
NumberFilter |
An object that describes the details of a number filter.
OneTimeSchedule |
A one time schedule.
PackageAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on operating system package type.
PackageAggregationResponse |
A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by image layer.
PackageFilter |
Contains information on the details of a package filter.
PackageVulnerabilityDetails |
Information about a package vulnerability finding.
Permission |
Contains information on the permissions an account has within Amazon Inspector.
PortRange |
Details about the port range associated with a finding.
PortRangeFilter |
An object that describes the details of a port range filter.
Recommendation |
Details about the recommended course of action to remediate the finding.
Remediation |
Information on how to remediate a finding.
RepositoryAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on repository.
RepositoryAggregationResponse |
A response that contains details on the results of a finding aggregation by repository.
ResetEncryptionKeyRequest | |
ResetEncryptionKeyResult | |
Resource |
Details about the resource involved in a finding.
ResourceDetails |
Contains details about the resource involved in the finding.
ResourceFilterCriteria |
The resource filter criteria for a Software bill of materials (SBOM) report.
ResourceMapFilter |
A resource map filter for a software bill of material report.
ResourceScanMetadata |
An object that contains details about the metadata for an Amazon ECR resource.
ResourceState |
Details the state of Amazon Inspector for each resource type Amazon Inspector scans.
ResourceStatus |
Details the status of Amazon Inspector for each resource type Amazon Inspector scans.
ResourceStringFilter |
A resource string filter for a software bill of materials report.
ScanStatus |
The status of the scan.
Schedule |
A schedule.
SearchVulnerabilitiesFilterCriteria |
Details on the criteria used to define the filter for a vulnerability search.
SearchVulnerabilitiesRequest | |
SearchVulnerabilitiesResult | |
SendCisSessionHealthRequest | |
SendCisSessionHealthResult | |
SendCisSessionTelemetryRequest | |
SendCisSessionTelemetryResult | |
SeverityCounts |
An object that contains the counts of aggregated finding per severity.
SortCriteria |
Details about the criteria used to sort finding results.
StartCisSessionMessage |
The start CIS session message.
StartCisSessionRequest | |
StartCisSessionResult | |
State |
An object that described the state of Amazon Inspector scans for an account.
StatusCounts |
The status counts.
Step |
Details about the step associated with a finding.
StopCisMessageProgress |
The stop CIS message progress.
StopCisSessionMessage |
The stop CIS session message.
StopCisSessionRequest | |
StopCisSessionResult | |
StringFilter |
An object that describes the details of a string filter.
SuggestedFix |
A suggested fix for a vulnerability in your Lambda function code.
TagFilter |
The tag filter.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
Time |
The time.
TitleAggregation |
The details that define an aggregation based on finding title.
TitleAggregationResponse |
A response that contains details on the results of a finding aggregation by title.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateCisScanConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateCisScanConfigurationResult | |
UpdateCisTargets |
Updates CIS targets.
UpdateConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateConfigurationResult | |
UpdateEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationResult | |
UpdateEncryptionKeyRequest | |
UpdateEncryptionKeyResult | |
UpdateFilterRequest | |
UpdateFilterResult | |
UpdateOrganizationConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResult | |
UpdateOrgEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateOrgEc2DeepInspectionConfigurationResult | |
Usage |
Contains usage information about the cost of Amazon Inspector operation.
UsageTotal |
The total of usage for an account ID.
ValidationExceptionField |
An object that describes a validation exception.
Vulnerability |
Contains details about a specific vulnerability Amazon Inspector can detect.
VulnerablePackage |
Information on the vulnerable package identified by a finding.
WeeklySchedule |
A weekly schedule.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
AWSInspector2Exception |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Inspector2
BadRequestException |
One or more tags submitted as part of the request is not valid.
ConflictException |
A conflict occurred.
InternalServerException |
The request has failed due to an internal failure of the Amazon Inspector service.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The operation tried to access an invalid resource.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded your service quota.
ThrottlingException |
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
ValidationException |
The request has failed validation due to missing required fields or having invalid inputs.