Class | Description |
AddAttributesActivity |
An activity that adds other attributes based on existing attributes in the message.
BatchPutMessageErrorEntry |
Contains informations about errors.
BatchPutMessageRequest | |
BatchPutMessageResult | |
CancelPipelineReprocessingRequest | |
CancelPipelineReprocessingResult | |
Channel |
A collection of data from an MQTT topic.
ChannelActivity |
The activity that determines the source of the messages to be processed.
ChannelMessages |
Specifies one or more sets of channel messages.
ChannelStatistics |
Statistics information about the channel.
ChannelStorage |
Where channel data is stored.
ChannelStorageSummary |
Where channel data is stored.
ChannelSummary |
A summary of information about a channel.
Column |
Contains information about a column that stores your data.
ContainerDatasetAction |
Information required to run the
containerAction to produce dataset contents. |
CreateChannelRequest | |
CreateChannelResult | |
CreateDatasetContentRequest | |
CreateDatasetContentResult | |
CreateDatasetRequest | |
CreateDatasetResult | |
CreateDatastoreRequest | |
CreateDatastoreResult | |
CreatePipelineRequest | |
CreatePipelineResult | |
CustomerManagedChannelS3Storage |
Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket that you manage.
CustomerManagedChannelS3StorageSummary |
Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket that you manage.
CustomerManagedDatastoreS3Storage |
S3-customer-managed; When you choose customer-managed storage, the
retentionPeriod parameter is ignored. |
CustomerManagedDatastoreS3StorageSummary |
Contains information about the data store that you manage.
Dataset |
Information about a dataset.
DatasetAction |
DatasetAction object that specifies how dataset contents are automatically created. |
DatasetActionSummary |
Information about the action that automatically creates the dataset's contents.
DatasetContentDeliveryDestination |
The destination to which dataset contents are delivered.
DatasetContentDeliveryRule |
When dataset contents are created, they are delivered to destination specified here.
DatasetContentStatus |
The state of the dataset contents and the reason they are in this state.
DatasetContentSummary |
Summary information about dataset contents.
DatasetContentVersionValue |
The dataset whose latest contents are used as input to the notebook or application.
DatasetEntry |
The reference to a dataset entry.
DatasetSummary |
A summary of information about a dataset.
DatasetTrigger |
DatasetTrigger that specifies when the dataset is automatically updated. |
Datastore |
Information about a data store.
DatastoreActivity |
The datastore activity that specifies where to store the processed data.
DatastoreIotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorage |
Used to store data used by IoT SiteWise in an Amazon S3 bucket that you manage.
DatastoreIotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorageSummary |
Contains information about the data store that you manage, which stores data used by IoT SiteWise.
DatastorePartition |
A single dimension to partition a data store.
DatastorePartitions |
Contains information about the partition dimensions in a data store.
DatastoreStatistics |
Statistical information about the data store.
DatastoreStorage |
Where data in a data store is stored..
DatastoreStorageSummary |
Contains information about your data store.
DatastoreSummary |
A summary of information about a data store.
DeleteChannelRequest | |
DeleteChannelResult | |
DeleteDatasetContentRequest | |
DeleteDatasetContentResult | |
DeleteDatasetRequest | |
DeleteDatasetResult | |
DeleteDatastoreRequest | |
DeleteDatastoreResult | |
DeletePipelineRequest | |
DeletePipelineResult | |
DeltaTime |
Used to limit data to that which has arrived since the last execution of the action.
DeltaTimeSessionWindowConfiguration |
A structure that contains the configuration information of a delta time session window.
DescribeChannelRequest | |
DescribeChannelResult | |
DescribeDatasetRequest | |
DescribeDatasetResult | |
DescribeDatastoreRequest | |
DescribeDatastoreResult | |
DescribeLoggingOptionsRequest | |
DescribeLoggingOptionsResult | |
DescribePipelineRequest | |
DescribePipelineResult | |
DeviceRegistryEnrichActivity |
An activity that adds data from the IoT device registry to your message.
DeviceShadowEnrichActivity |
An activity that adds information from the IoT Device Shadow service to a message.
EstimatedResourceSize |
The estimated size of the resource.
FileFormatConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information of file formats.
FilterActivity |
An activity that filters a message based on its attributes.
GetDatasetContentRequest | |
GetDatasetContentResult | |
GlueConfiguration |
Configuration information for coordination with Glue, a fully managed extract, transform and load (ETL) service.
IotEventsDestinationConfiguration |
Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to IoT Events.
IotSiteWiseCustomerManagedDatastoreS3Storage |
Used to store data used by IoT SiteWise in an Amazon S3 bucket that you manage.
IotSiteWiseCustomerManagedDatastoreS3StorageSummary |
Contains information about the data store that you manage, which stores data used by IoT SiteWise.
JsonConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information of the JSON format.
LambdaActivity |
An activity that runs a Lambda function to modify the message.
LateDataRule |
A structure that contains the name and configuration information of a late data rule.
LateDataRuleConfiguration |
The information needed to configure a delta time session window.
ListChannelsRequest | |
ListChannelsResult | |
ListDatasetContentsRequest | |
ListDatasetContentsResult | |
ListDatasetsRequest | |
ListDatasetsResult | |
ListDatastoresRequest | |
ListDatastoresResult | |
ListPipelinesRequest | |
ListPipelinesResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
LoggingOptions |
Information about logging options.
MathActivity |
An activity that computes an arithmetic expression using the message's attributes.
Message |
Information about a message.
OutputFileUriValue |
The value of the variable as a structure that specifies an output file URI.
ParquetConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information of the Parquet format.
Partition |
A partition dimension defined by an attribute.
Pipeline |
Contains information about a pipeline.
PipelineActivity |
An activity that performs a transformation on a message.
PipelineSummary |
A summary of information about a pipeline.
PutLoggingOptionsRequest | |
PutLoggingOptionsResult | |
QueryFilter |
Information that is used to filter message data, to segregate it according to the timeframe in which it arrives.
RemoveAttributesActivity |
An activity that removes attributes from a message.
ReprocessingSummary |
Information about pipeline reprocessing.
ResourceConfiguration |
The configuration of the resource used to execute the
containerAction . |
RetentionPeriod |
How long, in days, message data is kept.
RunPipelineActivityRequest | |
RunPipelineActivityResult | |
S3DestinationConfiguration |
Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
SampleChannelDataRequest | |
SampleChannelDataResult | |
Schedule |
The schedule for when to trigger an update.
SchemaDefinition |
Information needed to define a schema.
SelectAttributesActivity |
Used to create a new message using only the specified attributes from the original message.
ServiceManagedChannelS3Storage |
Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket managed by IoT Analytics.
ServiceManagedChannelS3StorageSummary |
Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket managed by IoT Analytics.
ServiceManagedDatastoreS3Storage |
Used to store data in an Amazon S3 bucket managed by IoT Analytics.
ServiceManagedDatastoreS3StorageSummary |
Contains information about the data store that is managed by IoT Analytics.
SqlQueryDatasetAction |
The SQL query to modify the message.
StartPipelineReprocessingRequest | |
StartPipelineReprocessingResult | |
Tag |
A set of key-value pairs that are used to manage the resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TimestampPartition |
A partition dimension defined by a timestamp attribute.
TriggeringDataset |
Information about the dataset whose content generation triggers the new dataset content generation.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateChannelRequest | |
UpdateChannelResult | |
UpdateDatasetRequest | |
UpdateDatasetResult | |
UpdateDatastoreRequest | |
UpdateDatastoreResult | |
UpdatePipelineRequest | |
UpdatePipelineResult | |
Variable |
An instance of a variable to be passed to the
containerAction execution. |
VersioningConfiguration |
Information about the versioning of dataset contents.
Enum | Description |
ChannelStatus | |
ComputeType | |
DatasetActionType | |
DatasetContentState | |
DatasetStatus | |
DatastoreStatus | |
FileFormatType | |
LoggingLevel | |
ReprocessingStatus |
Exception | Description |
AWSIoTAnalyticsException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS IoT Analytics
InternalFailureException |
There was an internal failure.
InvalidRequestException |
The request was not valid.
LimitExceededException |
The command caused an internal limit to be exceeded.
ResourceAlreadyExistsException |
A resource with the same name already exists.
ResourceNotFoundException |
A resource with the specified name could not be found.
ServiceUnavailableException |
The service is temporarily unavailable.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.