Class | Description |
AckErrorCode |
Error codes for acknowledgement events.
AckEvent |
Structure for the ack response of PutMedia API call.
AckEventType |
The type of acks for PutMedia API call.
ChannelInfo |
A structure that encapsulates a signaling channel's metadata and properties.
ChannelNameCondition |
An optional input parameter for the
ListSignalingChannels API. |
ClipFragmentSelector |
Describes the timestamp range and timestamp origin of a range of fragments.
ClipTimestampRange |
The range of timestamps for which to return fragments.
CreateSignalingChannelRequest | |
CreateSignalingChannelResult | |
CreateStreamRequest | |
CreateStreamResult | |
DASHFragmentSelector |
Contains the range of timestamps for the requested media, and the source of the timestamps.
DASHTimestampRange |
The start and end of the timestamp range for the requested media.
DeleteEdgeConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteEdgeConfigurationResult | |
DeleteSignalingChannelRequest | |
DeleteSignalingChannelResult | |
DeleteStreamRequest | |
DeleteStreamResult | |
DeletionConfig |
The configuration details required to delete the connection of the stream from the Edge Agent.
DescribeEdgeConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeEdgeConfigurationResult | |
DescribeImageGenerationConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeImageGenerationConfigurationResult | |
DescribeMappedResourceConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeMappedResourceConfigurationResult | |
DescribeMediaStorageConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeMediaStorageConfigurationResult | |
DescribeNotificationConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeNotificationConfigurationResult | |
DescribeSignalingChannelRequest | |
DescribeSignalingChannelResult | |
DescribeStreamRequest | |
DescribeStreamResult | |
EdgeAgentStatus |
An object that contains the latest status details for an edge agent's recorder and uploader jobs.
EdgeConfig |
A description of the stream's edge configuration that will be used to sync with the Edge Agent IoT Greengrass
Fragment |
Represents a segment of video or other time-delimited data.
FragmentSelector |
Describes the timestamp range and timestamp origin of a range of fragments.
GetClipRequest | |
GetClipResult | |
GetDASHStreamingSessionURLRequest | |
GetDASHStreamingSessionURLResult | |
GetDataEndpointRequest | |
GetDataEndpointResult | |
GetHLSStreamingSessionURLRequest | |
GetHLSStreamingSessionURLResult | |
GetImagesRequest | |
GetImagesResult | |
GetMediaForFragmentListRequest | |
GetMediaForFragmentListResult | |
GetMediaRequest | |
GetMediaResult | |
GetSignalingChannelEndpointRequest | |
GetSignalingChannelEndpointResult | |
HLSFragmentSelector |
Contains the range of timestamps for the requested media, and the source of the timestamps.
HLSTimestampRange |
The start and end of the timestamp range for the requested media.
Image |
A structure that contains the
Timestamp , Error , and ImageContent . |
ImageGenerationConfiguration |
The structure that contains the information required for the KVS images delivery.
ImageGenerationDestinationConfig |
The structure that contains the information required to deliver images to a customer.
LastRecorderStatus |
The latest status of a stream's edge recording job.
LastUploaderStatus |
The latest status of a stream’s edge to cloud uploader job.
ListEdgeAgentConfigurationsEdgeConfig |
A description of a single stream's edge configuration.
ListEdgeAgentConfigurationsRequest | |
ListEdgeAgentConfigurationsResult | |
ListFragmentsRequest | |
ListFragmentsResult | |
ListSignalingChannelsRequest | |
ListSignalingChannelsResult | |
ListStreamsRequest | |
ListStreamsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTagsForStreamRequest | |
ListTagsForStreamResult | |
LocalSizeConfig |
The configuration details that include the maximum size of the media (
MaxLocalMediaSizeInMB ) that you
want to store for a stream on the Edge Agent, as well as the strategy that should be used (
StrategyOnFullSize ) when a stream's maximum size has been reached. |
MappedResourceConfigurationListItem |
A structure that encapsulates, or contains, the media storage configuration properties.
MediaSourceConfig |
The configuration details that consist of the credentials required (
MediaUriSecretArn and
MediaUriType ) to access the media files that are streamed to the camera. |
MediaStorageConfiguration |
A structure that encapsulates, or contains, the media storage configuration properties.
NotificationConfiguration |
The structure that contains the notification information for the KVS images delivery.
NotificationDestinationConfig |
The structure that contains the information required to deliver a notification to a customer.
PutMediaRequest | |
PutMediaResult | |
RecorderConfig |
The recorder configuration consists of the local
MediaSourceConfig details that are used as credentials
to accesss the local media files streamed on the camera. |
ResourceEndpointListItem |
An object that describes the endpoint of the signaling channel returned by the
GetSignalingChannelEndpoint API. |
ScheduleConfig |
This API enables you to specify the duration that the camera, or local media file, should record onto the Edge Agent.
SingleMasterChannelEndpointConfiguration |
An object that contains the endpoint configuration for the
SINGLE_MASTER channel type. |
SingleMasterConfiguration |
A structure that contains the configuration for the
SINGLE_MASTER channel type. |
StartEdgeConfigurationUpdateRequest | |
StartEdgeConfigurationUpdateResult | |
StartSelector |
Identifies the chunk on the Kinesis video stream where you want the
GetMedia API to start returning
media data. |
StreamInfo |
An object describing a Kinesis video stream.
StreamNameCondition |
Specifies the condition that streams must satisfy to be returned when you list streams (see the
ListStreams API). |
Tag |
A key and value pair that is associated with the specified signaling channel.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TagStreamRequest | |
TagStreamResult | |
TimestampRange |
The range of timestamps for which to return fragments.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UntagStreamRequest | |
UntagStreamResult | |
UpdateDataRetentionRequest | |
UpdateDataRetentionResult | |
UpdateImageGenerationConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateImageGenerationConfigurationResult | |
UpdateMediaStorageConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateMediaStorageConfigurationResult | |
UpdateNotificationConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateNotificationConfigurationResult | |
UpdateSignalingChannelRequest | |
UpdateSignalingChannelResult | |
UpdateStreamRequest | |
UpdateStreamResult | |
UploaderConfig |
The configuration that consists of the
ScheduleExpression and the DurationInMinutes details
that specify the scheduling to record from a camera, or local media file, onto the Edge Agent. |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have required permissions to perform this operation.
AccountChannelLimitExceededException |
You have reached the maximum limit of active signaling channels for this Amazon Web Services account in this region.
AccountStreamLimitExceededException |
The number of streams created for the account is too high.
AmazonKinesisVideoException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
ClientLimitExceededException |
Kinesis Video Streams has throttled the request because you have exceeded the limit of allowed client calls.
ConnectionLimitExceededException |
Kinesis Video Streams has throttled the request because you have exceeded the limit of allowed client connections.
DeviceStreamLimitExceededException |
Not implemented.
InvalidArgumentException |
The value for this input parameter is invalid.
InvalidCodecPrivateDataException |
The codec private data in at least one of the tracks of the video stream is not valid for this operation.
InvalidDeviceException |
Not implemented.
InvalidEndpointException |
Status Code: 400, Caller used wrong endpoint to write data to a stream.
InvalidMediaFrameException |
One or more frames in the requested clip could not be parsed based on the specified codec.
InvalidResourceFormatException |
The format of the
StreamARN is invalid. |
MissingCodecPrivateDataException |
No codec private data was found in at least one of tracks of the video stream.
NoDataRetentionException |
The Stream data retention in hours is equal to zero.
NotAuthorizedException |
Status Code: 403, The caller is not authorized to perform an operation on the given stream, or the token has expired.
ResourceInUseException |
When the input
StreamARN or ChannelARN in CLOUD_STORAGE_MODE is already mapped
to a different Kinesis Video Stream resource, or if the provided input StreamARN or
ChannelARN is not in Active status, try one of the following : |
ResourceNotFoundException |
Status Code: 404, The stream with the given name does not exist.
StreamEdgeConfigurationNotFoundException |
The Exception rendered when the Amazon Kinesis Video Stream can't find a stream's edge configuration that you
TagsPerResourceExceededLimitException |
You have exceeded the limit of tags that you can associate with the resource.
UnsupportedStreamMediaTypeException |
The type of the media (for example, h.264 or h.265 video or ACC or G.711 audio) could not be determined from the
codec IDs of the tracks in the first fragment for a playback session.
VersionMismatchException |
The stream version that you specified is not the latest version.