Class | Description |
ApiKeyFilter |
Options for filtering API keys.
ApiKeyRestrictions |
API Restrictions on the allowed actions, resources, and referers for an API key resource.
AssociateTrackerConsumerRequest | |
AssociateTrackerConsumerResult | |
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError |
Contains the tracker resource details.
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryRequest | |
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryResult | |
BatchDeleteGeofenceError |
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to delete from the geofence collection.
BatchDeleteGeofenceRequest | |
BatchDeleteGeofenceResult | |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesError |
Contains error details for each device that failed to evaluate its position against the geofences in a given geofence
BatchEvaluateGeofencesRequest | |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesResult | |
BatchGetDevicePositionError |
Contains error details for each device that didn't return a position.
BatchGetDevicePositionRequest | |
BatchGetDevicePositionResult | |
BatchItemError |
Contains the batch request error details associated with the request.
BatchPutGeofenceError |
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to be stored in a given geofence collection.
BatchPutGeofenceRequest | |
BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry |
Contains geofence geometry details.
BatchPutGeofenceResult | |
BatchPutGeofenceSuccess |
Contains a summary of each geofence that was successfully stored in a given geofence collection.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionError |
Contains error details for each device that failed to update its position.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionRequest | |
BatchUpdateDevicePositionResult | |
CalculateRouteCarModeOptions |
Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that specify
TravelMode as
Car . |
CalculateRouteMatrixRequest | |
CalculateRouteMatrixResult |
Returns the result of the route matrix calculation.
CalculateRouteMatrixSummary |
A summary of the calculated route matrix.
CalculateRouteRequest | |
CalculateRouteResult |
Returns the result of the route calculation.
CalculateRouteSummary |
A summary of the calculated route.
CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions |
Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that specify
TravelMode as
Truck . |
CellSignals |
The cellular network communication infrastructure that the device uses.
Circle |
A circle on the earth, as defined by a center point and a radius.
CreateGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
CreateGeofenceCollectionResult | |
CreateKeyRequest | |
CreateKeyResult | |
CreateMapRequest | |
CreateMapResult | |
CreatePlaceIndexRequest | |
CreatePlaceIndexResult | |
CreateRouteCalculatorRequest | |
CreateRouteCalculatorResult | |
CreateTrackerRequest | |
CreateTrackerResult | |
DataSourceConfiguration |
Specifies the data storage option chosen for requesting Places.
DeleteGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
DeleteGeofenceCollectionResult | |
DeleteKeyRequest | |
DeleteKeyResult | |
DeleteMapRequest | |
DeleteMapResult | |
DeletePlaceIndexRequest | |
DeletePlaceIndexResult | |
DeleteRouteCalculatorRequest | |
DeleteRouteCalculatorResult | |
DeleteTrackerRequest | |
DeleteTrackerResult | |
DescribeGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
DescribeGeofenceCollectionResult | |
DescribeKeyRequest | |
DescribeKeyResult | |
DescribeMapRequest | |
DescribeMapResult | |
DescribePlaceIndexRequest | |
DescribePlaceIndexResult | |
DescribeRouteCalculatorRequest | |
DescribeRouteCalculatorResult | |
DescribeTrackerRequest | |
DescribeTrackerResult | |
DevicePosition |
Contains the device position details.
DevicePositionUpdate |
Contains the position update details for a device.
DeviceState |
The device's position, IP address, and Wi-Fi access points.
DisassociateTrackerConsumerRequest | |
DisassociateTrackerConsumerResult | |
ForecastedEvent |
A forecasted event represents a geofence event in relation to the requested device state, that may occur given the
provided device state and time horizon.
ForecastGeofenceEventsDeviceState |
The device's position, IP address, and WiFi access points.
ForecastGeofenceEventsRequest | |
ForecastGeofenceEventsResult | |
GeofenceGeometry |
Contains the geofence geometry details.
GetDevicePositionHistoryRequest | |
GetDevicePositionHistoryResult | |
GetDevicePositionRequest | |
GetDevicePositionResult | |
GetGeofenceRequest | |
GetGeofenceResult | |
GetMapGlyphsRequest | |
GetMapGlyphsResult | |
GetMapSpritesRequest | |
GetMapSpritesResult | |
GetMapStyleDescriptorRequest | |
GetMapStyleDescriptorResult | |
GetMapTileRequest | |
GetMapTileResult | |
GetPlaceRequest | |
GetPlaceResult | |
InferredState |
The inferred state of the device, given the provided position, IP address, cellular signals, and Wi-Fi- access
Leg |
Contains the calculated route's details for each path between a pair of positions.
LegGeometry |
Contains the geometry details for each path between a pair of positions.
ListDevicePositionsRequest | |
ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry |
Contains the tracker resource details.
ListDevicePositionsResult | |
ListGeofenceCollectionsRequest | |
ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry |
Contains the geofence collection details.
ListGeofenceCollectionsResult | |
ListGeofenceResponseEntry |
Contains a list of geofences stored in a given geofence collection.
ListGeofencesRequest | |
ListGeofencesResult | |
ListKeysRequest | |
ListKeysResponseEntry |
An API key resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account.
ListKeysResult | |
ListMapsRequest | |
ListMapsResponseEntry |
Contains details of an existing map resource in your Amazon Web Services account.
ListMapsResult | |
ListPlaceIndexesRequest | |
ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry |
A place index resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account.
ListPlaceIndexesResult | |
ListRouteCalculatorsRequest | |
ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry |
A route calculator resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account.
ListRouteCalculatorsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTrackerConsumersRequest | |
ListTrackerConsumersResult | |
ListTrackersRequest | |
ListTrackersResponseEntry |
Contains the tracker resource details.
ListTrackersResult | |
LteCellDetails |
Details about the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network.
LteLocalId |
LTE local identification information (local ID).
LteNetworkMeasurements |
LTE network measurements.
MapConfiguration |
Specifies the map tile style selected from an available provider.
MapConfigurationUpdate |
Specifies the political view for the style.
Place |
Contains details about addresses or points of interest that match the search criteria.
PlaceGeometry |
Places uses a point geometry to specify a location or a Place.
PositionalAccuracy |
Defines the level of certainty of the position.
PutGeofenceRequest | |
PutGeofenceResult | |
RouteMatrixEntry |
The result for the calculated route of one
DeparturePosition DestinationPosition pair. |
RouteMatrixEntryError |
An error corresponding to the calculation of a route between the
DeparturePosition and
DestinationPosition . |
SearchForPositionResult |
Contains a search result from a position search query that is run on a place index resource.
SearchForSuggestionsResult |
Contains a place suggestion resulting from a place suggestion query that is run on a place index resource.
SearchForTextResult |
Contains a search result from a text search query that is run on a place index resource.
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionResult | |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary |
A summary of the request sent by using
SearchPlaceIndexForPosition . |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsResult | |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsSummary |
A summary of the request sent by using
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions . |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextResult | |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary |
A summary of the request sent by using
SearchPlaceIndexForText . |
Step |
Represents an element of a leg within a route.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TimeZone |
Information about a time zone.
TrackingFilterGeometry |
The geomerty used to filter device positions.
TruckDimensions |
Contains details about the truck dimensions in the unit of measurement that you specify.
TruckWeight |
Contains details about the truck's weight specifications.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
UpdateGeofenceCollectionResult | |
UpdateKeyRequest | |
UpdateKeyResult | |
UpdateMapRequest | |
UpdateMapResult | |
UpdatePlaceIndexRequest | |
UpdatePlaceIndexResult | |
UpdateRouteCalculatorRequest | |
UpdateRouteCalculatorResult | |
UpdateTrackerRequest | |
UpdateTrackerResult | |
ValidationExceptionField |
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the AWS service in a specified field.
VerifyDevicePositionRequest | |
VerifyDevicePositionResult | |
WiFiAccessPoint |
Wi-Fi access point.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
The request was denied because of insufficient access or permissions.
AmazonLocationException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Location Service
ConflictException |
The request was unsuccessful because of a conflict.
InternalServerException |
The request has failed to process because of an unknown server error, exception, or failure.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource that you've entered was not found in your AWS account.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The operation was denied because the request would exceed the maximum quota set for Amazon
Location Service.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied because of request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the AWS service.