@Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public class AbstractAWSNetworkFirewall extends Object implements AWSNetworkFirewall
. Convenient method forms pass through to the corresponding
overload that takes a request object, which throws an UnsupportedOperationException
public AssociateFirewallPolicyResult associateFirewallPolicy(AssociateFirewallPolicyRequest request)
Associates a FirewallPolicy to a Firewall.
A firewall policy defines how to monitor and manage your VPC network traffic, using a collection of inspection rule groups and other settings. Each firewall requires one firewall policy association, and you can use the same firewall policy for multiple firewalls.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public AssociateSubnetsResult associateSubnets(AssociateSubnetsRequest request)
Associates the specified subnets in the Amazon VPC to the firewall. You can specify one subnet for each of the Availability Zones that the VPC spans.
This request creates an Network Firewall firewall endpoint in each of the subnets. To enable the firewall's protections, you must also modify the VPC's route tables for each subnet's Availability Zone, to redirect the traffic that's coming into and going out of the zone through the firewall endpoint.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public CreateFirewallResult createFirewall(CreateFirewallRequest request)
Creates an Network Firewall Firewall and accompanying FirewallStatus for a VPC.
The firewall defines the configuration settings for an Network Firewall firewall. The settings that you can define at creation include the firewall policy, the subnets in your VPC to use for the firewall endpoints, and any tags that are attached to the firewall Amazon Web Services resource.
After you create a firewall, you can provide additional settings, like the logging configuration.
To update the settings for a firewall, you use the operations that apply to the settings themselves, for example UpdateLoggingConfiguration, AssociateSubnets, and UpdateFirewallDeleteProtection.
To manage a firewall's tags, use the standard Amazon Web Services resource tagging operations, ListTagsForResource, TagResource, and UntagResource.
To retrieve information about firewalls, use ListFirewalls and DescribeFirewall.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public CreateFirewallPolicyResult createFirewallPolicy(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request)
Creates the firewall policy for the firewall according to the specifications.
An Network Firewall firewall policy defines the behavior of a firewall, in a collection of stateless and stateful rule groups and other settings. You can use one firewall policy for multiple firewalls.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public CreateRuleGroupResult createRuleGroup(CreateRuleGroupRequest request)
Creates the specified stateless or stateful rule group, which includes the rules for network traffic inspection, a capacity setting, and tags.
You provide your rule group specification in your request using either RuleGroup
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public CreateTLSInspectionConfigurationResult createTLSInspectionConfiguration(CreateTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest request)
Creates an Network Firewall TLS inspection configuration. Network Firewall uses TLS inspection configurations to decrypt your firewall's inbound and outbound SSL/TLS traffic. After decryption, Network Firewall inspects the traffic according to your firewall policy's stateful rules, and then re-encrypts it before sending it to its destination. You can enable inspection of your firewall's inbound traffic, outbound traffic, or both. To use TLS inspection with your firewall, you must first import or provision certificates using ACM, create a TLS inspection configuration, add that configuration to a new firewall policy, and then associate that policy with your firewall.
To update the settings for a TLS inspection configuration, use UpdateTLSInspectionConfiguration.
To manage a TLS inspection configuration's tags, use the standard Amazon Web Services resource tagging operations, ListTagsForResource, TagResource, and UntagResource.
To retrieve information about TLS inspection configurations, use ListTLSInspectionConfigurations and DescribeTLSInspectionConfiguration.
For more information about TLS inspection configurations, see Inspecting SSL/TLS traffic with TLS inspection configurations in the Network Firewall Developer Guide.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DeleteFirewallResult deleteFirewall(DeleteFirewallRequest request)
Deletes the specified Firewall and its FirewallStatus. This operation requires the firewall's
flag to be FALSE
. You can't revert this operation.
You can check whether a firewall is in use by reviewing the route tables for the Availability Zones where you have firewall subnet mappings. Retrieve the subnet mappings by calling DescribeFirewall. You define and update the route tables through Amazon VPC. As needed, update the route tables for the zones to remove the firewall endpoints. When the route tables no longer use the firewall endpoints, you can remove the firewall safely.
To delete a firewall, remove the delete protection if you need to using UpdateFirewallDeleteProtection, then delete the firewall by calling DeleteFirewall.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DeleteFirewallPolicyResult deleteFirewallPolicy(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request)
Deletes the specified FirewallPolicy.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DeleteResourcePolicyResult deleteResourcePolicy(DeleteResourcePolicyRequest request)
Deletes a resource policy that you created in a PutResourcePolicy request.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DeleteRuleGroupResult deleteRuleGroup(DeleteRuleGroupRequest request)
Deletes the specified RuleGroup.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DeleteTLSInspectionConfigurationResult deleteTLSInspectionConfiguration(DeleteTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest request)
Deletes the specified TLSInspectionConfiguration.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeFirewallResult describeFirewall(DescribeFirewallRequest request)
Returns the data objects for the specified firewall.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeFirewallPolicyResult describeFirewallPolicy(DescribeFirewallPolicyRequest request)
Returns the data objects for the specified firewall policy.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeLoggingConfigurationResult describeLoggingConfiguration(DescribeLoggingConfigurationRequest request)
Returns the logging configuration for the specified firewall.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeResourcePolicyResult describeResourcePolicy(DescribeResourcePolicyRequest request)
Retrieves a resource policy that you created in a PutResourcePolicy request.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeRuleGroupResult describeRuleGroup(DescribeRuleGroupRequest request)
Returns the data objects for the specified rule group.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeRuleGroupMetadataResult describeRuleGroupMetadata(DescribeRuleGroupMetadataRequest request)
High-level information about a rule group, returned by operations like create and describe. You can use the information provided in the metadata to retrieve and manage a rule group. You can retrieve all objects for a rule group by calling DescribeRuleGroup.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DescribeTLSInspectionConfigurationResult describeTLSInspectionConfiguration(DescribeTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest request)
Returns the data objects for the specified TLS inspection configuration.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public DisassociateSubnetsResult disassociateSubnets(DisassociateSubnetsRequest request)
Removes the specified subnet associations from the firewall. This removes the firewall endpoints from the subnets and removes any network filtering protections that the endpoints were providing.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ListFirewallPoliciesResult listFirewallPolicies(ListFirewallPoliciesRequest request)
Retrieves the metadata for the firewall policies that you have defined. Depending on your setting for max results and the number of firewall policies, a single call might not return the full list.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ListFirewallsResult listFirewalls(ListFirewallsRequest request)
Retrieves the metadata for the firewalls that you have defined. If you provide VPC identifiers in your request, this returns only the firewalls for those VPCs.
Depending on your setting for max results and the number of firewalls, a single call might not return the full list.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ListRuleGroupsResult listRuleGroups(ListRuleGroupsRequest request)
Retrieves the metadata for the rule groups that you have defined. Depending on your setting for max results and the number of rule groups, a single call might not return the full list.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ListTLSInspectionConfigurationsResult listTLSInspectionConfigurations(ListTLSInspectionConfigurationsRequest request)
Retrieves the metadata for the TLS inspection configurations that you have defined. Depending on your setting for max results and the number of TLS inspection configurations, a single call might not return the full list.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ListTagsForResourceResult listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest request)
Retrieves the tags associated with the specified resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each Amazon Web Services resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.
You can tag the Amazon Web Services resources that you manage through Network Firewall: firewalls, firewall policies, and rule groups.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public PutResourcePolicyResult putResourcePolicy(PutResourcePolicyRequest request)
Creates or updates an IAM policy for your rule group or firewall policy. Use this to share rule groups and firewall policies between accounts. This operation works in conjunction with the Amazon Web Services Resource Access Manager (RAM) service to manage resource sharing for Network Firewall.
Use this operation to create or update a resource policy for your rule group or firewall policy. In the policy, you specify the accounts that you want to share the resource with and the operations that you want the accounts to be able to perform.
When you add an account in the resource policy, you then run the following Resource Access Manager (RAM) operations to access and accept the shared rule group or firewall policy.
GetResourceShareInvitations - Returns the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resource share invitations.
AcceptResourceShareInvitation - Accepts the share invitation for a specified resource share.
For additional information about resource sharing using RAM, see Resource Access Manager User Guide.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public TagResourceResult tagResource(TagResourceRequest request)
Adds the specified tags to the specified resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each Amazon Web Services resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.
You can tag the Amazon Web Services resources that you manage through Network Firewall: firewalls, firewall policies, and rule groups.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UntagResourceResult untagResource(UntagResourceRequest request)
Removes the tags with the specified keys from the specified resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each Amazon Web Services resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.
You can manage tags for the Amazon Web Services resources that you manage through Network Firewall: firewalls, firewall policies, and rule groups.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateFirewallDeleteProtectionResult updateFirewallDeleteProtection(UpdateFirewallDeleteProtectionRequest request)
Modifies the flag, DeleteProtection
, which indicates whether it is possible to delete the firewall.
If the flag is set to TRUE
, the firewall is protected against deletion. This setting helps protect
against accidentally deleting a firewall that's in use.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateFirewallDescriptionResult updateFirewallDescription(UpdateFirewallDescriptionRequest request)
Modifies the description for the specified firewall. Use the description to help you identify the firewall when you're working with it.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateFirewallEncryptionConfigurationResult updateFirewallEncryptionConfiguration(UpdateFirewallEncryptionConfigurationRequest request)
A complex type that contains settings for encryption of your firewall resources.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateFirewallPolicyResult updateFirewallPolicy(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request)
Updates the properties of the specified firewall policy.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateFirewallPolicyChangeProtectionResult updateFirewallPolicyChangeProtection(UpdateFirewallPolicyChangeProtectionRequest request)
Modifies the flag, ChangeProtection
, which indicates whether it is possible to change the firewall.
If the flag is set to TRUE
, the firewall is protected from changes. This setting helps protect
against accidentally changing a firewall that's in use.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateLoggingConfigurationResult updateLoggingConfiguration(UpdateLoggingConfigurationRequest request)
Sets the logging configuration for the specified firewall.
To change the logging configuration, retrieve the LoggingConfiguration by calling DescribeLoggingConfiguration, then change it and provide the modified object to this update call. You must change the logging configuration one LogDestinationConfig at a time inside the retrieved LoggingConfiguration object.
You can perform only one of the following actions in any call to UpdateLoggingConfiguration
Create a new log destination object by adding a single LogDestinationConfig
array element to
Delete a log destination object by removing a single LogDestinationConfig
array element from
Change the LogDestination
setting in a single LogDestinationConfig
array element.
You can't change the LogDestinationType
or LogType
in a
. To change these settings, delete the existing
object and create a new one, using two separate calls to this update operation.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateRuleGroupResult updateRuleGroup(UpdateRuleGroupRequest request)
Updates the rule settings for the specified rule group. You use a rule group by reference in one or more firewall policies. When you modify a rule group, you modify all firewall policies that use the rule group.
To update a rule group, first call DescribeRuleGroup to retrieve the current RuleGroup object, update the object as needed, and then provide the updated object to this call.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateSubnetChangeProtectionResult updateSubnetChangeProtection(UpdateSubnetChangeProtectionRequest request)
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public UpdateTLSInspectionConfigurationResult updateTLSInspectionConfiguration(UpdateTLSInspectionConfigurationRequest request)
Updates the TLS inspection configuration settings for the specified TLS inspection configuration. You use a TLS inspection configuration by referencing it in one or more firewall policies. When you modify a TLS inspection configuration, you modify all firewall policies that use the TLS inspection configuration.
To update a TLS inspection configuration, first call DescribeTLSInspectionConfiguration to retrieve the current TLSInspectionConfiguration object, update the object as needed, and then provide the updated object to this call.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public void shutdown()
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
public ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request)
Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after executing a request.
in interface AWSNetworkFirewall
- The originally executed request.