Class | Description |
AccessConfiguration |
Used to configure access permissions for a document.
AccessControl |
A list of principals.
ActionReview |
An output event that Amazon Q Business returns to an user who wants to perform a plugin action during a non-streaming
chat conversation.
ActionReviewPayloadField |
A user input field in an plugin action review payload.
ActionReviewPayloadFieldAllowedValue |
Information about the field values that an end user can use to provide to Amazon Q Business for Amazon Q Business to
perform the requested plugin action.
APISchema |
Contains details about the OpenAPI schema for a custom plugin.
Application |
Summary information for an Amazon Q Business application.
AppliedAttachmentsConfiguration |
Configuration information about the file upload during chat feature for your application.
AppliedCreatorModeConfiguration |
The creator mode specific admin controls configured for an Amazon Q Business application.
AttachmentInput |
A file directly uploaded into a web experience chat.
AttachmentOutput |
The details of a file uploaded during chat.
AttachmentsConfiguration |
Configuration information for the file upload during chat feature.
AttributeFilter |
Enables filtering of responses based on document attributes or metadata fields.
AuthChallengeRequest |
A request made by Amazon Q Business to a third paty authentication server to authenticate a custom plugin user.
AuthChallengeResponse |
Contains details of the authentication information received from a third party authentication server in response to
an authentication challenge.
BasicAuthConfiguration |
Information about the basic authentication credentials used to configure a plugin.
BatchDeleteDocumentRequest | |
BatchDeleteDocumentResult | |
BatchPutDocumentRequest | |
BatchPutDocumentResult | |
BlockedPhrasesConfiguration |
Provides information about the phrases blocked from chat by your chat control configuration.
BlockedPhrasesConfigurationUpdate |
Updates a blocked phrases configuration in your Amazon Q Business application.
ChatModeConfiguration |
Configuration information for Amazon Q Business conversation modes.
ChatSyncRequest | |
ChatSyncResult | |
ContentBlockerRule |
A rule for configuring how Amazon Q Business responds when it encounters a a blocked topic.
ContentRetrievalRule |
Rules for retrieving content from data sources connected to a Amazon Q Business application for a specific topic
control configuration.
Conversation |
A conversation in an Amazon Q Business application.
CreateApplicationRequest | |
CreateApplicationResult | |
CreateIndexRequest | |
CreateIndexResult | |
CreatePluginRequest | |
CreatePluginResult | |
CreateRetrieverRequest | |
CreateRetrieverResult | |
CreateUserRequest | |
CreateUserResult | |
CreateWebExperienceRequest | |
CreateWebExperienceResult | |
CreatorModeConfiguration |
Configuration information required to invoke chat in
CustomPluginConfiguration |
Configuration information required to create a custom plugin.
DataSource |
A data source in an Amazon Q Business application.
DataSourceSyncJob |
Provides information about an Amazon Q Business data source connector synchronization job.
DataSourceSyncJobMetrics |
Maps a batch delete document request to a specific Amazon Q Business data source connector sync job.
DataSourceVpcConfiguration |
Provides configuration information needed to connect to an Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).
DateAttributeBoostingConfiguration |
Provides information on boosting
DATE type document attributes. |
DeleteApplicationRequest | |
DeleteApplicationResult | |
DeleteChatControlsConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteChatControlsConfigurationResult | |
DeleteConversationRequest | |
DeleteConversationResult | |
DeleteDataSourceRequest | |
DeleteDataSourceResult | |
DeleteDocument |
A document deleted from an Amazon Q Business data source connector.
DeleteGroupRequest | |
DeleteGroupResult | |
DeleteIndexRequest | |
DeleteIndexResult | |
DeletePluginRequest | |
DeletePluginResult | |
DeleteRetrieverRequest | |
DeleteRetrieverResult | |
DeleteUserRequest | |
DeleteUserResult | |
DeleteWebExperienceRequest | |
DeleteWebExperienceResult | |
Document |
A document in an Amazon Q Business application.
DocumentAttribute |
A document attribute or metadata field.
DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration |
Provides information on boosting supported Amazon Q Business document attribute types.
DocumentAttributeCondition |
The condition used for the target document attribute or metadata field when ingesting documents into Amazon Q
DocumentAttributeConfiguration |
Configuration information for document attributes.
DocumentAttributeTarget |
The target document attribute or metadata field you want to alter when ingesting documents into Amazon Q Business.
DocumentAttributeValue |
The value of a document attribute.
DocumentContent |
The contents of a document.
DocumentDetails |
The details of a document within an Amazon Q Business index.
DocumentEnrichmentConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion
EligibleDataSource |
The identifier of the data source Amazon Q Business will generate responses from.
EncryptionConfiguration |
Provides the identifier of the KMS key used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Q Business.
ErrorDetail |
Provides information about a data source sync error.
FailedDocument |
A list of documents that could not be removed from an Amazon Q Business index.
GetApplicationRequest | |
GetApplicationResult | |
GetChatControlsConfigurationRequest | |
GetChatControlsConfigurationResult | |
GetDataSourceRequest | |
GetDataSourceResult | |
GetGroupRequest | |
GetGroupResult | |
GetIndexRequest | |
GetIndexResult | |
GetPluginRequest | |
GetPluginResult | |
GetRetrieverRequest | |
GetRetrieverResult | |
GetUserRequest | |
GetUserResult | |
GetWebExperienceRequest | |
GetWebExperienceResult | |
GroupMembers |
A list of users or sub groups that belong to a group.
GroupStatusDetail |
Provides the details of a group's status.
GroupSummary |
Summary information for groups.
HookConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in Lambda to alter document metadata and
content when ingesting documents into Amazon Q Business.
Index |
Summary information for your Amazon Q Business index.
IndexCapacityConfiguration |
Provides information about index capacity configuration.
IndexStatistics |
Provides information about the number of documents in an index.
InlineDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration |
Provides the configuration information for applying basic logic to alter document metadata and content when ingesting
documents into Amazon Q Business.
KendraIndexConfiguration |
Stores an Amazon Kendra index as a retriever.
ListApplicationsRequest | |
ListApplicationsResult | |
ListConversationsRequest | |
ListConversationsResult | |
ListDataSourcesRequest | |
ListDataSourcesResult | |
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest | |
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResult | |
ListDocumentsRequest | |
ListDocumentsResult | |
ListGroupsRequest | |
ListGroupsResult | |
ListIndicesRequest | |
ListIndicesResult | |
ListMessagesRequest | |
ListMessagesResult | |
ListPluginsRequest | |
ListPluginsResult | |
ListRetrieversRequest | |
ListRetrieversResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListWebExperiencesRequest | |
ListWebExperiencesResult | |
MemberGroup |
The sub groups that belong to a group.
MemberUser |
The users that belong to a group.
Message |
A message in an Amazon Q Business web experience.
MessageUsefulnessFeedback |
End user feedback on an AI-generated web experience chat message usefulness.
NativeIndexConfiguration |
Configuration information for an Amazon Q Business index.
NoAuthConfiguration |
Information about invoking a custom plugin without any authentication or authorization requirement.
NumberAttributeBoostingConfiguration |
Provides information on boosting
NUMBER type document attributes. |
OAuth2ClientCredentialConfiguration |
Information about the OAuth 2.0 authentication credential/token used to configure a plugin.
PersonalizationConfiguration |
Configuration information about chat response personalization.
Plugin |
Information about an Amazon Q Business plugin and its configuration.
PluginAuthConfiguration |
Authentication configuration information for an Amazon Q Business plugin.
PluginConfiguration |
Configuration information required to invoke chat in
Principal |
Provides user and group information used for filtering documents to use for generating Amazon Q Business conversation
PrincipalGroup |
Provides information about a group associated with the principal.
PrincipalUser |
Provides information about a user associated with a principal.
PutFeedbackRequest | |
PutFeedbackResult | |
PutGroupRequest | |
PutGroupResult | |
QAppsConfiguration |
Configuration information about Amazon Q Apps.
Retriever |
Summary information for the retriever used for your Amazon Q Business application.
RetrieverConfiguration |
Provides information on how the retriever used for your Amazon Q Business application is configured.
Rule |
Guardrail rules for an Amazon Q Business application.
RuleConfiguration |
Provides configuration information about a rule.
S3 |
Information required for Amazon Q Business to find a specific file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
SamlConfiguration |
Provides the SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP) configuration information Amazon Q Business needs to deploy a
Amazon Q Business web experience.
SnippetExcerpt |
Contains the relevant text excerpt from a source that was used to generate a citation text segment in an Amazon Q
Business chat response.
SourceAttribution |
The documents used to generate an Amazon Q Business web experience response.
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest | |
StartDataSourceSyncJobResult | |
StopDataSourceSyncJobRequest | |
StopDataSourceSyncJobResult | |
StringAttributeBoostingConfiguration |
Provides information on boosting
STRING type document attributes. |
StringListAttributeBoostingConfiguration |
Provides information on boosting
STRING_LIST type document attributes. |
Tag |
A list of key/value pairs that identify an index, FAQ, or data source.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TextDocumentStatistics |
Provides information about text documents in an index.
TextSegment |
Provides information about a text extract in a chat response that can be attributed to a source document.
TopicConfiguration |
The topic specific controls configured for an Amazon Q Business application.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateApplicationRequest | |
UpdateApplicationResult | |
UpdateChatControlsConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateChatControlsConfigurationResult | |
UpdateDataSourceRequest | |
UpdateDataSourceResult | |
UpdateIndexRequest | |
UpdateIndexResult | |
UpdatePluginRequest | |
UpdatePluginResult | |
UpdateRetrieverRequest | |
UpdateRetrieverResult | |
UpdateUserRequest | |
UpdateUserResult | |
UpdateWebExperienceRequest | |
UpdateWebExperienceResult | |
UserAlias |
Aliases attached to a user id within an Amazon Q Business application.
UsersAndGroups |
Provides information about users and groups associated with a topic control rule.
ValidationExceptionField |
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by Amazon Q Business in a specified field.
WebExperience |
Provides information for an Amazon Q Business web experience.
WebExperienceAuthConfiguration |
Provides the authorization configuration information needed to deploy a Amazon Q Business web experience to end
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You don't have access to perform this action.
AWSQBusinessException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by QBusiness
ConflictException |
You are trying to perform an action that conflicts with the current status of your resource.
InternalServerException |
An issue occurred with the internal server used for your Amazon Q Business service.
LicenseNotFoundException |
You don't have permissions to perform the action because your license is inactive.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource you want to use doesn’t exist.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the set limits for your Amazon Q Business service.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to throttling.
ValidationException |
The input doesn't meet the constraints set by the Amazon Q Business service.