Class | Description |
AgeRange |
Structure containing the estimated age range, in years, for a face.
Asset |
Assets are the images that you use to train and evaluate a model version.
AssociatedFace |
Provides face metadata for the faces that are associated to a specific UserID.
AssociateFacesRequest | |
AssociateFacesResult | |
AudioMetadata |
Metadata information about an audio stream.
AuditImage |
An image that is picked from the Face Liveness video and returned for audit trail purposes, returned as
Base64-encoded bytes.
Beard |
Indicates whether or not the face has a beard, and the confidence level in the determination.
BlackFrame |
A filter that allows you to control the black frame detection by specifying the black levels and pixel coverage of
black pixels in a frame.
BoundingBox |
Identifies the bounding box around the label, face, text, object of interest, or personal protective equipment.
Celebrity |
Provides information about a celebrity recognized by the RecognizeCelebrities operation.
CelebrityDetail |
Information about a recognized celebrity.
CelebrityRecognition |
Information about a detected celebrity and the time the celebrity was detected in a stored video.
ComparedFace |
Provides face metadata for target image faces that are analyzed by
CompareFaces and
RecognizeCelebrities . |
ComparedSourceImageFace |
Type that describes the face Amazon Rekognition chose to compare with the faces in the target.
CompareFacesMatch |
Provides information about a face in a target image that matches the source image face analyzed by
CompareFaces . |
CompareFacesRequest | |
CompareFacesResult | |
ConnectedHomeSettings |
Label detection settings to use on a streaming video.
ConnectedHomeSettingsForUpdate |
The label detection settings you want to use in your stream processor.
ContentModerationDetection |
Information about an inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content label detection in a stored video.
ContentType |
Contains information regarding the confidence and name of a detected content type.
CopyProjectVersionRequest | |
CopyProjectVersionResult | |
CoversBodyPart |
Information about an item of Personal Protective Equipment covering a corresponding body part.
CreateCollectionRequest | |
CreateCollectionResult | |
CreateDatasetRequest | |
CreateDatasetResult | |
CreateFaceLivenessSessionRequest | |
CreateFaceLivenessSessionRequestSettings |
A session settings object.
CreateFaceLivenessSessionResult | |
CreateProjectRequest | |
CreateProjectResult | |
CreateProjectVersionRequest | |
CreateProjectVersionResult | |
CreateStreamProcessorRequest | |
CreateStreamProcessorResult | |
CreateUserRequest | |
CreateUserResult | |
CustomizationFeatureConfig |
Feature specific configuration for the training job.
CustomizationFeatureContentModerationConfig |
Configuration options for Content Moderation training.
CustomLabel |
A custom label detected in an image by a call to DetectCustomLabels.
DatasetChanges |
Describes updates or additions to a dataset.
DatasetDescription |
A description for a dataset.
DatasetLabelDescription |
Describes a dataset label.
DatasetLabelStats |
Statistics about a label used in a dataset.
DatasetMetadata |
Summary information for an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset.
DatasetSource |
The source that Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels uses to create a dataset.
DatasetStats |
Provides statistics about a dataset.
DeleteCollectionRequest | |
DeleteCollectionResult | |
DeleteDatasetRequest | |
DeleteDatasetResult | |
DeleteFacesRequest | |
DeleteFacesResult | |
DeleteProjectPolicyRequest | |
DeleteProjectPolicyResult | |
DeleteProjectRequest | |
DeleteProjectResult | |
DeleteProjectVersionRequest | |
DeleteProjectVersionResult | |
DeleteStreamProcessorRequest | |
DeleteStreamProcessorResult | |
DeleteUserRequest | |
DeleteUserResult | |
DescribeCollectionRequest | |
DescribeCollectionResult | |
DescribeDatasetRequest | |
DescribeDatasetResult | |
DescribeProjectsRequest | |
DescribeProjectsResult | |
DescribeProjectVersionsRequest | |
DescribeProjectVersionsResult | |
DescribeStreamProcessorRequest | |
DescribeStreamProcessorResult | |
DetectCustomLabelsRequest | |
DetectCustomLabelsResult | |
DetectFacesRequest | |
DetectFacesResult | |
DetectionFilter |
A set of parameters that allow you to filter out certain results from your returned results.
DetectLabelsImageBackground |
The background of the image with regard to image quality and dominant colors.
DetectLabelsImageForeground |
The foreground of the image with regard to image quality and dominant colors.
DetectLabelsImageProperties |
Information about the quality and dominant colors of an input image.
DetectLabelsImagePropertiesSettings |
Settings for the IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature type.
DetectLabelsImageQuality |
The quality of an image provided for label detection, with regard to brightness, sharpness, and contrast.
DetectLabelsRequest | |
DetectLabelsResult | |
DetectLabelsSettings |
Settings for the DetectLabels request.
DetectModerationLabelsRequest | |
DetectModerationLabelsResult | |
DetectProtectiveEquipmentRequest | |
DetectProtectiveEquipmentResult | |
DetectTextFilters |
A set of optional parameters that you can use to set the criteria that the text must meet to be included in your
DetectTextRequest | |
DetectTextResult | |
DisassociatedFace |
Provides face metadata for the faces that are disassociated from a specific UserID.
DisassociateFacesRequest | |
DisassociateFacesResult | |
DistributeDataset |
A training dataset or a test dataset used in a dataset distribution operation.
DistributeDatasetEntriesRequest | |
DistributeDatasetEntriesResult | |
DominantColor |
A description of the dominant colors in an image.
Emotion |
The emotions that appear to be expressed on the face, and the confidence level in the determination.
EquipmentDetection |
Information about an item of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) detected by DetectProtectiveEquipment.
EvaluationResult |
The evaluation results for the training of a model.
EyeDirection |
Indicates the direction the eyes are gazing in (independent of the head pose) as determined by its pitch and yaw.
Eyeglasses |
Indicates whether or not the face is wearing eye glasses, and the confidence level in the determination.
EyeOpen |
Indicates whether or not the eyes on the face are open, and the confidence level in the determination.
Face |
Describes the face properties such as the bounding box, face ID, image ID of the input image, and external image ID
that you assigned.
FaceDetail |
Structure containing attributes of the face that the algorithm detected.
FaceDetection |
Information about a face detected in a video analysis request and the time the face was detected in the video.
FaceMatch |
Provides face metadata.
FaceOccluded |
FaceOccluded should return "true" with a high confidence score if a detected face’s eyes, nose, and
mouth are partially captured or if they are covered by masks, dark sunglasses, cell phones, hands, or other objects. |
FaceRecord |
Object containing both the face metadata (stored in the backend database), and facial attributes that are detected
but aren't stored in the database.
FaceSearchSettings |
Input face recognition parameters for an Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
Gender |
The predicted gender of a detected face.
GeneralLabelsSettings |
Contains filters for the object labels returned by DetectLabels.
Geometry |
Information about where an object (DetectCustomLabels) or text (DetectText) is located on an image.
GetCelebrityInfoRequest | |
GetCelebrityInfoResult | |
GetCelebrityRecognitionRequest | |
GetCelebrityRecognitionResult | |
GetContentModerationRequest | |
GetContentModerationRequestMetadata |
Contains metadata about a content moderation request, including the SortBy and AggregateBy options.
GetContentModerationResult | |
GetFaceDetectionRequest | |
GetFaceDetectionResult | |
GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsRequest | |
GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsResult | |
GetFaceSearchRequest | |
GetFaceSearchResult | |
GetLabelDetectionRequest | |
GetLabelDetectionRequestMetadata |
Contains metadata about a label detection request, including the SortBy and AggregateBy options.
GetLabelDetectionResult | |
GetMediaAnalysisJobRequest | |
GetMediaAnalysisJobResult | |
GetPersonTrackingRequest | |
GetPersonTrackingResult | |
GetSegmentDetectionRequest | |
GetSegmentDetectionResult | |
GetTextDetectionRequest | |
GetTextDetectionResult | |
GroundTruthManifest |
The S3 bucket that contains an Amazon Sagemaker Ground Truth format manifest file.
HumanLoopActivationOutput |
Shows the results of the human in the loop evaluation.
HumanLoopConfig |
Sets up the flow definition the image will be sent to if one of the conditions is met.
HumanLoopDataAttributes |
Allows you to set attributes of the image.
Image |
Provides the input image either as bytes or an S3 object.
ImageQuality |
Identifies face image brightness and sharpness.
IndexFacesRequest | |
IndexFacesResult | |
Instance |
An instance of a label returned by Amazon Rekognition Image (DetectLabels) or by Amazon Rekognition Video
KinesisDataStream |
The Kinesis data stream Amazon Rekognition to which the analysis results of a Amazon Rekognition stream processor are
KinesisVideoStream |
Kinesis video stream stream that provides the source streaming video for a Amazon Rekognition Video stream processor.
KinesisVideoStreamStartSelector |
Specifies the starting point in a Kinesis stream to start processing.
KnownGender |
The known gender identity for the celebrity that matches the provided ID.
Label |
Structure containing details about the detected label, including the name, detected instances, parent labels, and
level of confidence.
LabelAlias |
A potential alias of for a given label.
LabelCategory |
The category that applies to a given label.
LabelDetection |
Information about a label detected in a video analysis request and the time the label was detected in the video.
LabelDetectionSettings |
Contains the specified filters that should be applied to a list of returned GENERAL_LABELS.
Landmark |
Indicates the location of the landmark on the face.
ListCollectionsRequest | |
ListCollectionsResult | |
ListDatasetEntriesRequest | |
ListDatasetEntriesResult | |
ListDatasetLabelsRequest | |
ListDatasetLabelsResult | |
ListFacesRequest | |
ListFacesResult | |
ListMediaAnalysisJobsRequest | |
ListMediaAnalysisJobsResult | |
ListProjectPoliciesRequest | |
ListProjectPoliciesResult | |
ListStreamProcessorsRequest | |
ListStreamProcessorsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListUsersRequest | |
ListUsersResult | |
LivenessOutputConfig |
Contains settings that specify the location of an Amazon S3 bucket used to store the output of a Face Liveness
MatchedUser |
Contains metadata for a UserID matched with a given face.
MediaAnalysisDetectModerationLabelsConfig |
Configuration for Moderation Labels Detection.
MediaAnalysisInput |
Contains input information for a media analysis job.
MediaAnalysisJobDescription |
Description for a media analysis job.
MediaAnalysisJobFailureDetails |
Details about the error that resulted in failure of the job.
MediaAnalysisManifestSummary |
Summary that provides statistics on input manifest and errors identified in the input manifest.
MediaAnalysisModelVersions |
Object containing information about the model versions of selected features in a given job.
MediaAnalysisOperationsConfig |
Configuration options for a media analysis job.
MediaAnalysisOutputConfig |
Output configuration provided in the job creation request.
MediaAnalysisResults |
Contains the results for a media analysis job created with StartMediaAnalysisJob.
ModerationLabel |
Provides information about a single type of inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content found in an image or video.
MouthOpen |
Indicates whether or not the mouth on the face is open, and the confidence level in the determination.
Mustache |
Indicates whether or not the face has a mustache, and the confidence level in the determination.
NotificationChannel |
The Amazon Simple Notification Service topic to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the completion status of a video
analysis operation.
OutputConfig |
The S3 bucket and folder location where training output is placed.
Parent |
A parent label for a label.
PersonDetail |
Details about a person detected in a video analysis request.
PersonDetection |
Details and path tracking information for a single time a person's path is tracked in a video.
PersonMatch |
Information about a person whose face matches a face(s) in an Amazon Rekognition collection.
Point |
The X and Y coordinates of a point on an image or video frame.
Pose |
Indicates the pose of the face as determined by its pitch, roll, and yaw.
ProjectDescription |
A description of an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels project.
ProjectPolicy |
Describes a project policy in the response from ListProjectPolicies.
ProjectVersionDescription |
A description of a version of a Amazon Rekognition project version.
ProtectiveEquipmentBodyPart |
Information about a body part detected by DetectProtectiveEquipment that contains PPE.
ProtectiveEquipmentPerson |
A person detected by a call to DetectProtectiveEquipment.
ProtectiveEquipmentSummarizationAttributes |
Specifies summary attributes to return from a call to DetectProtectiveEquipment.
ProtectiveEquipmentSummary |
Summary information for required items of personal protective equipment (PPE) detected on persons by a call to
PutProjectPolicyRequest | |
PutProjectPolicyResult | |
RecognizeCelebritiesRequest | |
RecognizeCelebritiesResult | |
RegionOfInterest |
Specifies a location within the frame that Rekognition checks for objects of interest such as text, labels, or faces.
S3Destination |
The Amazon S3 bucket location to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the detailed inference results of a video
analysis operation.
S3Object |
Provides the S3 bucket name and object name.
SearchedFace |
Provides face metadata such as FaceId, BoundingBox, Confidence of the input face used for search.
SearchedFaceDetails |
Contains data regarding the input face used for a search.
SearchedUser |
Contains metadata about a User searched for within a collection.
SearchFacesByImageRequest | |
SearchFacesByImageResult | |
SearchFacesRequest | |
SearchFacesResult | |
SearchUsersByImageRequest | |
SearchUsersByImageResult | |
SearchUsersRequest | |
SearchUsersResult | |
SegmentDetection |
A technical cue or shot detection segment detected in a video.
SegmentTypeInfo |
Information about the type of a segment requested in a call to StartSegmentDetection.
ShotSegment |
Information about a shot detection segment detected in a video.
Smile |
Indicates whether or not the face is smiling, and the confidence level in the determination.
StartCelebrityRecognitionRequest | |
StartCelebrityRecognitionResult | |
StartContentModerationRequest | |
StartContentModerationResult | |
StartFaceDetectionRequest | |
StartFaceDetectionResult | |
StartFaceSearchRequest | |
StartFaceSearchResult | |
StartLabelDetectionRequest | |
StartLabelDetectionResult | |
StartMediaAnalysisJobRequest | |
StartMediaAnalysisJobResult | |
StartPersonTrackingRequest | |
StartPersonTrackingResult | |
StartProjectVersionRequest | |
StartProjectVersionResult | |
StartSegmentDetectionFilters |
Filters applied to the technical cue or shot detection segments.
StartSegmentDetectionRequest | |
StartSegmentDetectionResult | |
StartShotDetectionFilter |
Filters for the shot detection segments returned by
GetSegmentDetection . |
StartStreamProcessorRequest | |
StartStreamProcessorResult | |
StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter |
Filters for the technical segments returned by GetSegmentDetection.
StartTextDetectionFilters |
Set of optional parameters that let you set the criteria text must meet to be included in your response.
StartTextDetectionRequest | |
StartTextDetectionResult | |
StopProjectVersionRequest | |
StopProjectVersionResult | |
StopStreamProcessorRequest | |
StopStreamProcessorResult | |
StreamProcessingStartSelector |
This is a required parameter for label detection stream processors and should not be used to start a face search
stream processor.
StreamProcessingStopSelector |
Specifies when to stop processing the stream.
StreamProcessor |
An object that recognizes faces or labels in a streaming video.
StreamProcessorDataSharingPreference |
Allows you to opt in or opt out to share data with Rekognition to improve model performance.
StreamProcessorInput |
Information about the source streaming video.
StreamProcessorNotificationChannel |
The Amazon Simple Notification Service topic to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the object detection results and
completion status of a video analysis operation.
StreamProcessorOutput |
Information about the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams stream to which a Amazon Rekognition Video stream processor streams
the results of a video analysis.
StreamProcessorSettings |
Input parameters used in a streaming video analyzed by a Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
StreamProcessorSettingsForUpdate |
The stream processor settings that you want to update.
Summary |
The S3 bucket that contains the training summary.
Sunglasses |
Indicates whether or not the face is wearing sunglasses, and the confidence level in the determination.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TechnicalCueSegment |
Information about a technical cue segment.
TestingData |
The dataset used for testing.
TestingDataResult |
Sagemaker Groundtruth format manifest files for the input, output and validation datasets that are used and created
during testing.
TextDetection |
Information about a word or line of text detected by DetectText.
TextDetectionResult |
Information about text detected in a video.
TrainingData |
The dataset used for training.
TrainingDataResult |
The data validation manifest created for the training dataset during model training.
UnindexedFace |
A face that IndexFaces detected, but didn't index.
UnsearchedFace |
Face details inferred from the image but not used for search.
UnsuccessfulFaceAssociation |
Contains metadata like FaceId, UserID, and Reasons, for a face that was unsuccessfully associated.
UnsuccessfulFaceDeletion |
Contains metadata like FaceId, UserID, and Reasons, for a face that was unsuccessfully deleted.
UnsuccessfulFaceDisassociation |
Contains metadata like FaceId, UserID, and Reasons, for a face that was unsuccessfully disassociated.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateDatasetEntriesRequest | |
UpdateDatasetEntriesResult | |
UpdateStreamProcessorRequest | |
UpdateStreamProcessorResult | |
User |
Metadata of the user stored in a collection.
UserMatch |
Provides UserID metadata along with the confidence in the match of this UserID with the input face.
ValidationData |
Contains the Amazon S3 bucket location of the validation data for a model training job.
Video |
Video file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
VideoMetadata |
Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition analyzed.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You are not authorized to perform the action.
AmazonRekognitionException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Rekognition
ConflictException |
A User with the same Id already exists within the collection, or the update or deletion of the User caused an
inconsistent state.
HumanLoopQuotaExceededException |
The number of in-progress human reviews you have has exceeded the number allowed.
IdempotentParameterMismatchException |
ClientRequestToken input parameter was reused with an operation, but at least one of the other input
parameters is different from the previous call to the operation. |
ImageTooLargeException |
The input image size exceeds the allowed limit.
InternalServerErrorException |
Amazon Rekognition experienced a service issue.
InvalidImageFormatException |
The provided image format is not supported.
InvalidManifestException |
Indicates that a provided manifest file is empty or larger than the allowed limit.
InvalidPaginationTokenException |
Pagination token in the request is not valid.
InvalidParameterException |
Input parameter violated a constraint.
InvalidPolicyRevisionIdException |
The supplied revision id for the project policy is invalid.
InvalidS3ObjectException |
Amazon Rekognition is unable to access the S3 object specified in the request.
LimitExceededException |
An Amazon Rekognition service limit was exceeded.
MalformedPolicyDocumentException |
The format of the project policy document that you supplied to
PutProjectPolicy is incorrect. |
ProvisionedThroughputExceededException |
The number of requests exceeded your throughput limit.
ResourceAlreadyExistsException |
A resource with the specified ID already exists.
ResourceInUseException |
The specified resource is already being used.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource specified in the request cannot be found.
ResourceNotReadyException |
The requested resource isn't ready.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
SessionNotFoundException |
Occurs when a given sessionId is not found.
ThrottlingException |
Amazon Rekognition is temporarily unable to process the request.
VideoTooLargeException |
The file size or duration of the supplied media is too large.