Class | Description |
AreaOfInterest |
The geographic extent of the Earth Observation job.
AreaOfInterestGeometry |
A GeoJSON object representing the geographic extent in the coordinate space.
AssetValue |
The structure containing the asset properties.
BandMathConfigInput |
Input structure for the BandMath operation type.
CloudMaskingConfigInput |
Input structure for CloudMasking operation type.
CloudRemovalConfigInput |
Input structure for Cloud Removal Operation type
CustomIndicesInput |
Input object defining the custom BandMath indices to compute.
DeleteEarthObservationJobRequest | |
DeleteEarthObservationJobResult | |
DeleteVectorEnrichmentJobRequest | |
DeleteVectorEnrichmentJobResult | |
EarthObservationJobErrorDetails |
The structure representing the errors in an EarthObservationJob.
EoCloudCoverInput |
The structure representing the EoCloudCover filter.
ExportEarthObservationJobRequest | |
ExportEarthObservationJobResult | |
ExportErrorDetails |
The structure for returning the export error details in a GetEarthObservationJob.
ExportErrorDetailsOutput |
The structure representing the errors in an export EarthObservationJob operation.
ExportS3DataInput |
The structure containing the Amazon S3 path to export the Earth Observation job output.
ExportVectorEnrichmentJobOutputConfig |
An object containing information about the output file.
ExportVectorEnrichmentJobRequest | |
ExportVectorEnrichmentJobResult | |
Filter |
The structure representing the filters supported by a RasterDataCollection.
Geometry |
The structure representing a Geometry in terms of Type and Coordinates as per GeoJson spec.
GeoMosaicConfigInput |
Input configuration information for the geomosaic.
GetEarthObservationJobRequest | |
GetEarthObservationJobResult | |
GetRasterDataCollectionRequest | |
GetRasterDataCollectionResult | |
GetTileRequest | |
GetTileResult | |
GetVectorEnrichmentJobRequest | |
GetVectorEnrichmentJobResult | |
InputConfigInput |
Input configuration information.
InputConfigOutput |
The InputConfig for an EarthObservationJob response.
ItemSource |
The structure representing the items in the response for SearchRasterDataCollection.
JobConfigInput |
The input structure for the JobConfig in an EarthObservationJob.
LandCoverSegmentationConfigInput |
The input structure for Land Cover Operation type.
LandsatCloudCoverLandInput |
The structure representing Land Cloud Cover property for Landsat data collection.
ListEarthObservationJobOutputConfig |
An object containing information about the output file.
ListEarthObservationJobsRequest | |
ListEarthObservationJobsResult | |
ListRasterDataCollectionsRequest | |
ListRasterDataCollectionsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListVectorEnrichmentJobOutputConfig |
An object containing information about the output file.
ListVectorEnrichmentJobsRequest | |
ListVectorEnrichmentJobsResult | |
MapMatchingConfig |
The input structure for Map Matching operation type.
MultiPolygonGeometryInput |
The structure representing Polygon Geometry based on the GeoJson spec.
Operation |
Represents an arithmetic operation to compute spectral index.
OutputBand |
A single EarthObservationJob output band.
OutputConfigInput |
The response structure for an OutputConfig returned by an ExportEarthObservationJob.
OutputResolutionResamplingInput |
OutputResolution Configuration indicating the target resolution for the output of Resampling operation.
OutputResolutionStackInput |
The input structure representing Output Resolution for Stacking Operation.
PlatformInput |
The input structure for specifying Platform.
PolygonGeometryInput |
The structure representing Polygon Geometry based on the GeoJson spec.
Properties |
Properties associated with the Item.
Property |
Represents a single searchable property to search on.
PropertyFilter |
The structure representing a single PropertyFilter.
PropertyFilters |
A list of PropertyFilter objects.
RasterDataCollectionMetadata |
Response object containing details for a specific RasterDataCollection.
RasterDataCollectionQueryInput |
The input structure for Raster Data Collection Query containing the Area of Interest, TimeRange Filters, and Property
RasterDataCollectionQueryOutput |
The output structure contains the Raster Data Collection Query input along with some additional metadata.
RasterDataCollectionQueryWithBandFilterInput |
This is a RasterDataCollectionQueryInput containing AreaOfInterest, Time Range filter and Property filters.
ResamplingConfigInput |
The structure representing input for resampling operation.
ReverseGeocodingConfig |
The input structure for Reverse Geocoding operation type.
SearchRasterDataCollectionRequest | |
SearchRasterDataCollectionResult | |
StackConfigInput |
The input structure for Stacking Operation.
StartEarthObservationJobRequest | |
StartEarthObservationJobResult | |
StartVectorEnrichmentJobRequest | |
StartVectorEnrichmentJobResult | |
StopEarthObservationJobRequest | |
StopEarthObservationJobResult | |
StopVectorEnrichmentJobRequest | |
StopVectorEnrichmentJobResult | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TemporalStatisticsConfigInput |
The structure representing the configuration for Temporal Statistics operation.
TimeRangeFilterInput |
The input for the time-range filter.
TimeRangeFilterOutput |
The output structure of the time range filter.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UserDefined |
The output resolution (in target georeferenced units) of the result of the operation
VectorEnrichmentJobConfig |
It contains configs such as ReverseGeocodingConfig and MapMatchingConfig.
VectorEnrichmentJobDataSourceConfigInput |
The input structure for the data source that represents the storage type of the input data objects.
VectorEnrichmentJobErrorDetails |
VectorEnrichmentJob error details in response from GetVectorEnrichmentJob.
VectorEnrichmentJobExportErrorDetails |
VectorEnrichmentJob export error details in response from GetVectorEnrichmentJob.
VectorEnrichmentJobInputConfig |
The input structure for the InputConfig in a VectorEnrichmentJob.
VectorEnrichmentJobS3Data |
The Amazon S3 data for the Vector Enrichment job.
ViewOffNadirInput |
The input structure for specifying ViewOffNadir property filter.
ViewSunAzimuthInput |
The input structure for specifying ViewSunAzimuth property filter.
ViewSunElevationInput |
The input structure for specifying ViewSunElevation angle property filter.
ZonalStatisticsConfigInput |
The structure representing input configuration of ZonalStatistics operation.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
AmazonSageMakerGeospatialException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities
ConflictException |
Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.
InternalServerException |
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The request references a resource which does not exist.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the service quota.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.