Class | Description |
As2ConnectorConfig |
Contains the details for an AS2 connector object.
CopyStepDetails |
Each step type has its own
StepDetails structure. |
CreateAccessRequest | |
CreateAccessResult | |
CreateAgreementRequest | |
CreateAgreementResult | |
CreateConnectorRequest | |
CreateConnectorResult | |
CreateProfileRequest | |
CreateProfileResult | |
CreateServerRequest | |
CreateServerResult | |
CreateUserRequest | |
CreateUserResult | |
CreateWorkflowRequest | |
CreateWorkflowResult | |
CustomStepDetails |
Each step type has its own
StepDetails structure. |
DecryptStepDetails |
Each step type has its own
StepDetails structure. |
DeleteAccessRequest | |
DeleteAccessResult | |
DeleteAgreementRequest | |
DeleteAgreementResult | |
DeleteCertificateRequest | |
DeleteCertificateResult | |
DeleteConnectorRequest | |
DeleteConnectorResult | |
DeleteHostKeyRequest | |
DeleteHostKeyResult | |
DeleteProfileRequest | |
DeleteProfileResult | |
DeleteServerRequest | |
DeleteServerResult | |
DeleteSshPublicKeyRequest | |
DeleteSshPublicKeyResult | |
DeleteStepDetails |
The name of the step, used to identify the delete step.
DeleteUserRequest | |
DeleteUserResult | |
DeleteWorkflowRequest | |
DeleteWorkflowResult | |
DescribeAccessRequest | |
DescribeAccessResult | |
DescribeAgreementRequest | |
DescribeAgreementResult | |
DescribeCertificateRequest | |
DescribeCertificateResult | |
DescribeConnectorRequest | |
DescribeConnectorResult | |
DescribedAccess |
Describes the properties of the access that was specified.
DescribedAgreement |
Describes the properties of an agreement.
DescribedCertificate |
Describes the properties of a certificate.
DescribedConnector |
Describes the parameters for the connector, as identified by the
ConnectorId . |
DescribedExecution |
The details for an execution object.
DescribedHostKey |
The details for a server host key.
DescribedProfile |
The details for a local or partner AS2 profile.
DescribedSecurityPolicy |
Describes the properties of a security policy that you specify.
DescribedServer |
Describes the properties of a file transfer protocol-enabled server that was specified.
DescribedUser |
Describes the properties of a user that was specified.
DescribedWorkflow |
Describes the properties of the specified workflow
DescribeExecutionRequest | |
DescribeExecutionResult | |
DescribeHostKeyRequest | |
DescribeHostKeyResult | |
DescribeProfileRequest | |
DescribeProfileResult | |
DescribeSecurityPolicyRequest | |
DescribeSecurityPolicyResult | |
DescribeServerRequest | |
DescribeServerResult | |
DescribeUserRequest | |
DescribeUserResult | |
DescribeWorkflowRequest | |
DescribeWorkflowResult | |
EfsFileLocation |
Specifies the details for the file location for the file that's being used in the workflow.
EndpointDetails |
The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your file transfer protocol-enabled server.
ExecutionError |
Specifies the error message and type, for an error that occurs during the execution of the workflow.
ExecutionResults |
Specifies the steps in the workflow, as well as the steps to execute in case of any errors during workflow execution.
ExecutionStepResult |
Specifies the following details for the step: error (if any), outputs (if any), and the step type.
FileLocation |
Specifies the Amazon S3 or EFS file details to be used in the step.
HomeDirectoryMapEntry |
Represents an object that contains entries and targets for
HomeDirectoryMappings . |
IdentityProviderDetails |
Returns information related to the type of user authentication that is in use for a file transfer protocol-enabled
server's users.
ImportCertificateRequest | |
ImportCertificateResult | |
ImportHostKeyRequest | |
ImportHostKeyResult | |
ImportSshPublicKeyRequest | |
ImportSshPublicKeyResult |
Identifies the user, the server they belong to, and the identifier of the SSH public key associated with that user.
InputFileLocation |
Specifies the location for the file that's being processed.
ListAccessesRequest | |
ListAccessesResult | |
ListAgreementsRequest | |
ListAgreementsResult | |
ListCertificatesRequest | |
ListCertificatesResult | |
ListConnectorsRequest | |
ListConnectorsResult | |
ListedAccess |
Lists the properties for one or more specified associated accesses.
ListedAgreement |
Describes the properties of an agreement.
ListedCertificate |
Describes the properties of a certificate.
ListedConnector |
Returns details of the connector that is specified.
ListedExecution |
Returns properties of the execution that is specified.
ListedHostKey |
Returns properties of the host key that's specified.
ListedProfile |
Returns the properties of the profile that was specified.
ListedServer |
Returns properties of a file transfer protocol-enabled server that was specified.
ListedUser |
Returns properties of the user that you specify.
ListedWorkflow |
Contains the identifier, text description, and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the workflow.
ListExecutionsRequest | |
ListExecutionsResult | |
ListHostKeysRequest | |
ListHostKeysResult | |
ListProfilesRequest | |
ListProfilesResult | |
ListSecurityPoliciesRequest | |
ListSecurityPoliciesResult | |
ListServersRequest | |
ListServersResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListUsersRequest | |
ListUsersResult | |
ListWorkflowsRequest | |
ListWorkflowsResult | |
LoggingConfiguration |
Consists of the logging role and the log group name.
PosixProfile |
The full POSIX identity, including user ID (
Uid ), group ID (Gid ), and any secondary groups
IDs (SecondaryGids ), that controls your users' access to your Amazon EFS file systems. |
ProtocolDetails |
The protocol settings that are configured for your server.
S3FileLocation |
Specifies the details for the file location for the file that's being used in the workflow.
S3InputFileLocation |
Specifies the customer input Amazon S3 file location.
S3StorageOptions |
The Amazon S3 storage options that are configured for your server.
S3Tag |
Specifies the key-value pair that are assigned to a file during the execution of a Tagging step.
SendWorkflowStepStateRequest | |
SendWorkflowStepStateResult | |
ServiceMetadata |
A container object for the session details that are associated with a workflow.
SftpConnectorConfig |
Contains the details for an SFTP connector object.
SshPublicKey |
Provides information about the public Secure Shell (SSH) key that is associated with a Transfer Family user for the
specific file transfer protocol-enabled server (as identified by
ServerId ). |
StartDirectoryListingRequest | |
StartDirectoryListingResult | |
StartFileTransferRequest | |
StartFileTransferResult | |
StartServerRequest | |
StartServerResult | |
StopServerRequest | |
StopServerResult | |
Tag |
Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TagStepDetails |
Each step type has its own
StepDetails structure. |
TestConnectionRequest | |
TestConnectionResult | |
TestIdentityProviderRequest | |
TestIdentityProviderResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateAccessRequest | |
UpdateAccessResult | |
UpdateAgreementRequest | |
UpdateAgreementResult | |
UpdateCertificateRequest | |
UpdateCertificateResult | |
UpdateConnectorRequest | |
UpdateConnectorResult | |
UpdateHostKeyRequest | |
UpdateHostKeyResult | |
UpdateProfileRequest | |
UpdateProfileResult | |
UpdateServerRequest | |
UpdateServerResult | |
UpdateUserRequest | |
UpdateUserResult |
UpdateUserResponse returns the user name and identifier for the request to update a user's properties. |
UserDetails |
Specifies the user name, server ID, and session ID for a workflow.
WorkflowDetail |
Specifies the workflow ID for the workflow to assign and the execution role that's used for executing the workflow.
WorkflowDetails |
Container for the
WorkflowDetail data type. |
WorkflowStep |
The basic building block of a workflow.
Enum | Description |
AgreementStatusType | |
As2Transport | |
CertificateStatusType | |
CertificateType | |
CertificateUsageType | |
CompressionEnum | |
CustomStepStatus | |
DirectoryListingOptimization |
Indicates whether optimization to directory listing on S3 servers is used.
Domain | |
EncryptionAlg | |
EncryptionType | |
EndpointType | |
ExecutionErrorType | |
ExecutionStatus | |
HomeDirectoryType | |
IdentityProviderType |
The mode of authentication for a server.
MapType | |
MdnResponse | |
MdnSigningAlg | |
OverwriteExisting | |
ProfileType | |
Protocol | |
SecurityPolicyProtocol | |
SecurityPolicyResourceType | |
SetStatOption | |
SftpAuthenticationMethods | |
SigningAlg | |
State |
Describes the condition of a file transfer protocol-enabled server with respect to its ability to perform file
TlsSessionResumptionMode | |
WorkflowStepType |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
AWSTransferException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Transfer Family
ConflictException |
This exception is thrown when the
UpdateServer is called for a file transfer protocol-enabled server
that has VPC as the endpoint type and the server's VpcEndpointID is not in the available state. |
InternalServiceErrorException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs in the Transfer Family service.
InvalidNextTokenException |
NextToken parameter that was passed is invalid. |
InvalidRequestException |
This exception is thrown when the client submits a malformed request.
ResourceExistsException |
The requested resource does not exist, or exists in a region other than the one specified for the command.
ResourceNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a resource is not found by the Amazon Web ServicesTransfer Family service.
ServiceUnavailableException |
The request has failed because the Amazon Web ServicesTransfer Family service is not available.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.