You can publish your own metrics to CloudWatch using the AWS CLI or an API. You can view statistical graphs of your published metrics with the AWS Management Console.
CloudWatch stores data about a metric as a series of data points. Each data point has an associated time stamp. You can even publish an aggregated set of data points called a statistic set.
High-resolution metrics
Each metric is one of the following:
Standard resolution, with data having a one-minute granularity
High resolution, with data at a granularity of one second
Metrics produced by AWS services are standard resolution by default. When you publish a custom metric, you can define it as either standard resolution or high resolution. When you publish a high-resolution metric, CloudWatch stores it with a resolution of 1 second, and you can read and retrieve it with a period of 1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, or any multiple of 60 seconds.
High-resolution metrics can give you more immediate insight into your application's
sub-minute activity. Keep in mind that every PutMetricData
call for a custom
metric is charged, so calling PutMetricData
more often on a high-resolution
metric can lead to higher charges. For more information about CloudWatch pricing, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing
If you set an alarm on a high-resolution metric, you can specify a high-resolution alarm with a period of 10 seconds or 30 seconds, or you can set a regular alarm with a period of any multiple of 60 seconds. There is a higher charge for high-resolution alarms with a period of 10 or 30 seconds.
Use dimensions
In custom metrics, the --dimensions
parameter is common. A dimension
further clarifies what the metric is and what data it stores. You can have up to 30
dimensions assigned to one metric, and each dimension is defined by a name and value pair.
How you specify a dimension is different when you use different commands. With put-metric-data, you specify
each dimension as MyName
, and
with get-metric-statistics or put-metric-alarm you use the
format Name=
. For example, the following command
publishes a Buffers
metric with two dimensions named InstanceId
and InstanceType
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name Buffers --namespace MyNameSpace --unit Bytes --value 231434333 --dimensions InstanceId=1-23456789,InstanceType=m1.small
This command retrieves statistics for that same metric. Separate the Name and Value parts of a single dimension with commas, but if you have multiple dimensions, use a space between one dimension and the next.
aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name Buffers --namespace MyNameSpace --dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=1-23456789 Name=InstanceType,Value=m1.small --start-time 2016-10-15T04:00:00Z --end-time 2016-10-19T07:00:00Z --statistics Average --period 60
If a single metric includes multiple dimensions, you must specify a value for every
defined dimension when you use get-metric-statistics.
For example, the Amazon S3 metric BucketSizeBytes
includes the dimensions
and StorageType
, so you must specify both dimensions
with get-metric-statistics.
aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name BucketSizeBytes --start-time 2017-01-23T14:23:00Z --end-time 2017-01-26T19:30:00Z --period 3600 --namespace AWS/S3 --statistics Maximum --dimensions Name=BucketName,Value=
Name=StorageType,Value=StandardStorage --output table
To see what dimensions are defined for a metric, use the list-metrics command.
Publish single data points
To publish a single data point for a new or existing metric, use the put-metric-data command with one value and time stamp. For example, the following actions each publish one data point.
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name
--value 2 --timestamp2016-10-20T12:00:00.000Z
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-namePageViewCount
--value 4 --timestamp2016-10-20T12:00:01.000Z
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-namePageViewCount
--value 5 --timestamp2016-10-20T12:00:02.000Z
If you call this command with a new metric name, CloudWatch creates a metric for you. Otherwise, CloudWatch associates your data with the existing metric that you specified.
When you create a metric, it can take up to 2 minutes before you can retrieve statistics for the new metric using the get-metric-statistics command. However, it can take up to 15 minutes before the new metric appears in the list of metrics retrieved using the list-metrics command.
Although you can publish data points with time stamps as granular as one-thousandth of a
second, CloudWatch aggregates the data to a minimum granularity of 1 second. CloudWatch records the
average (sum of all items divided by number of items) of the values received for each
period, as well as the number of samples, maximum value, and minimum value for the
same time period. For example, the PageViewCount
metric from the previous
examples contains three data points with time stamps just seconds apart. If you have your
period set to 1 minute, CloudWatch aggregates the
three data points because they all have time stamps within a 1-minute period.
You can use the get-metric-statistics command to retrieve statistics based on the data points that you published.
aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace
\ --statistics "Sum" "Maximum" "Minimum" "Average" "SampleCount" \ --start-time2016-10-20T12:00:00.000Z
--period 60
The following is example output.
"Datapoints": [
"SampleCount": 3.0,
"Timestamp": "2016-10-20T12:00:00Z",
"Average": 3.6666666666666665,
"Maximum": 5.0,
"Minimum": 2.0,
"Sum": 11.0,
"Unit": "None"
"Label": "PageViewCount"
Publish statistic sets
You can aggregate your data before you publish to CloudWatch. When you have multiple data
points per minute, aggregating data minimizes the number of calls to
put-metric-data. For example, instead of calling
put-metric-data multiple times for three data points that are within 3
seconds of each other, you can aggregate the data into a statistic set that you publish with
one call, using the --statistic-values
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name PageViewCount --namespace
--statistic-values Sum=11,Minimum=2,Maximum=5,SampleCount=3 --timestamp2016-10-14T12:00:00.000Z
CloudWatch needs raw data points to calculate percentiles. If you publish data using a statistic set instead, you can't retrieve percentile statistics for this data unless one of the following conditions is true:
of the statistic set is 1The
and theMaximum
of the statistic set are equal
Publish the value zero
When your data is more sporadic and you have periods that have no associated data, you
can choose to publish the value zero (0
) for that period or no value at all. If
you use periodic calls to PutMetricData
to monitor the health of your
application, you might want to publish zero instead of no value. For example, you can set a
CloudWatch alarm to notify you if your application fails to publish metrics every five minutes.
You want such an application to publish zeros for periods with no associated data.
You might also publish zeros if you want to track the total number of data points or if you want statistics such as minimum and average to include data points with the value 0.
Stop publishing metrics
To stop publishing custom metrics to CloudWatch, change your application's or service's code to stop using PutMetricData. CloudWatch doesn't pull metrics from applications, it only receives what is pushed to it, so to stop publishing your metrics you must stop them at the source.