Amazon ElastiCache Well-Architected Lens Security Pillar - Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache Well-Architected Lens Security Pillar

The security pillar focuses on protecting information and systems. Key topics include confidentiality and integrity of data, identifying and managing who can do what with privilege-based management, protecting systems, and establishing controls to detect security events.

SEC 1: What steps are you taking in controlling authorized access to ElastiCache data?

Question-level introduction: All ElastiCache clusters are designed to be accessed from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances in a VPC, serverless functions (AWS Lambda), or containers (Amazon Elastic Container Service). The most encountered scenario is to access an ElastiCache cluster from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance within the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud). Before you can connect to a cluster from an Amazon EC2 instance, you must authorize the Amazon EC2 instance to access the cluster. To access an ElastiCache cluster running in a VPC, it is necessary to grant network ingress to the cluster.

Question-level benefit: Network ingress into the cluster is controlled via VPC security groups. A security group acts as a virtual firewall for your Amazon EC2 instances to control incoming and outgoing traffic. Inbound rules control the incoming traffic to your instance, and outbound rules control the outgoing traffic from your instance. In the case of ElastiCache, when launching a cluster, it requires associating a security group. This ensures that inbound and outbound traffic rules are in place for all nodes that make up the cluster. Additionally, ElastiCache is configured to deploy on private subnets exclusively such that they are only accessible from via the VPC’s private networking.

  • [Required] The security group associated with your cluster controls network ingress and access to the cluster. By default, a security group will not have any inbound rules defined and, therefore, no ingress path to ElastiCache. To enable this, configure an inbound rule on the security group specifying source IP address/range, TCP type traffic and the port for your ElastiCache cluster (default port 6379 for ElastiCache (Redis OSS) for example). While it is possible to allow a very broad set of ingress sources, like all resources within a VPC (, it is advised to be as granular as possible in defining the inbound rules such as authorizing only inbound access to Valkey or Redis OSS clients running on Amazon Amazon EC2 instances associated with a specific security group.


  • [Required] AWS Identity and Access Management policies can be assigned to AWS Lambda functions allowing them to access ElastiCache data. To enable this feature, create an IAM execution role with the AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole permission, then assign the role to the AWS Lambda function.

    [Resources]: Configuring a Lambda function to access Amazon ElastiCache in an Amazon VPC: Tutorial: Configuring a Lambda function to access Amazon ElastiCache in an Amazon VPC

SEC 2: Do your applications require additional authorization to ElastiCache over and above networking-based controls?

Question-level introduction: In scenarios where it is necessary to restrict or control access to ElastiCache (Redis OSS) clusters at an individual client level, it is recommended to authenticate via the ElastiCache (Redis OSS) AUTH command. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) authentication tokens, with optional user and user group management, enable ElastiCache (Redis OSS) to require a password before allowing clients to run commands and access keys, thereby improving data plane security.

Question-level benefit: To help keep your data secure, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) provides mechanisms to safeguard against unauthorized access of your data. This includes enforcing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) AUTH, or AUTH token (password) be used by clients to connect to ElastiCache before performing authorized commands.

SEC 3: Is there a risk that commands can be executed inadvertently, causing data loss or failure?

Question-level introduction: There are a number of Valkey or Redis OSS commands that can have adverse impacts on operations if executed by mistake or by malicious actors. These commands can have un-intended consequences from a performance and data safety perspective. For example a developer may routinely call the FLUSHALL command in a dev environment, and due to a mistake may inadvertently attempt to call this command on a production system, resulting in accidental data loss.

Question-level benefit: Beginning with ElastiCache (Redis OSS) 5.0.3, you have the ability to rename certain commands that might be disruptive to your workload. Renaming the commands can help prevent them from being inadvertently executed on the cluster.

SEC 4: How do you ensure data encryption at rest with ElastiCache

Question-level introduction: While ElastiCache (Redis OSS) is an in-memory data store, it is possible to encrypt any data that may be persisted (on storage) as part of standard operations of the cluster. This includes both scheduled and manual backups written to Amazon S3, as well as data saved to disk storage as a result of sync and swap operations. Instance types in the M6g and R6g families also feature always-on, in-memory encryption.

Question-level benefit: ElastiCache (Redis OSS) provides optional encryption at-rest to increase data security.

  • [Required] At-rest encryption can be enabled on an ElastiCache cluster (replication group) only when it is created. An existing cluster cannot be modified to begin encrypting data at-rest. By default, ElastiCache will provide and manage the keys used in at-rest encryption.


  • [Best] Leverage Amazon EC2 instance types that encrypt data while it is in memory (such as M6g or R6g). Where possible, consider managing your own keys for at-rest encryption. For more stringent data security environments, AWS Key Management Service (KMS) can be used to self-manage Customer Master Keys (CMK). Through ElastiCache integration with AWS Key Management Service, you are able to create, own, and manage the keys used for encryption of data at rest for your ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster.


SEC 5: How do you encrypt in-transit data with ElastiCache?

Question-level introduction: It is a common requirement to mitigate against data being compromised while in transit. This represents data within components of a distributed system, as well as between application clients and cluster nodes. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) supports this requirement by allowing for encrypting data in-transit between clients and cluster, and between cluster nodes themselves. Instance types in the M6g and R6g families also feature always-on, in-memory encryption.

Question-level benefit: Amazon ElastiCache in-transit encryption is an optional feature that allows you to increase the security of your data at its most vulnerable points, when it is in-transit from one location to another.

  • [Required] In-transit encryption can only be enabled on an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cluster (replication group) upon creation. Please note that, due to the additional processing required for encrypting/decrypting data, implementing in-transit encryption will have some performance impact. To understand the impact, it is recommended to benchmark your workload before and after enabling encryption-in-transit.


SEC 6: How do you restrict access to control plane resources?

Question-level introduction: IAM policies and ARN enable fine grained access controls for ElastiCache (Redis OSS), allowing for tighter control to manage the creation, modification and deletion of ElastiCache (Redis OSS) clusters.

Question-level benefit: Management of Amazon ElastiCache resources, such as replication groups, nodes, etc. can be constrained to AWS accounts that have specific permissions based on IAM policies, improving security and reliability of resources.

SEC 7: How do you detect and respond to security events?

Question-level introduction: ElastiCache, when deployed with RBAC enabled, exports CloudWatch metrics to notify users of security events. These metrics help identify failed attempts to authenticate, access keys, or run commands that connecting RBAC users are not authorized for.

Additionally, AWS products and services resources help secure your overall workload by automating deployments and logging all actions and modifications for later review/audit.

Question-level benefit: By monitoring events, you enable your organization to respond according to your requirements, policies, and procedures. Automating the monitoring and responses to these security events hardens your overall security posture.