Invoking a Lambda function with an Aurora MySQL native function - Amazon Aurora

Invoking a Lambda function with an Aurora MySQL native function


You can call the native functions lambda_sync and lambda_async when you use Aurora MySQL version 2, or Aurora MySQL version 3.01 and higher. For more information about Aurora MySQL versions, see Database engine updates for Amazon Aurora MySQL.

You can invoke an AWS Lambda function from an Aurora MySQL DB cluster by calling the native functions lambda_sync and lambda_async. This approach can be useful when you want to integrate your database running on Aurora MySQL with other AWS services. For example, you might want to send a notification using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) whenever a row is inserted into a specific table in your database.

Working with native functions to invoke a Lambda function

The lambda_sync and lambda_async functions are built-in, native functions that invoke a Lambda function synchronously or asynchronously. When you must know the result of the Lambda function before moving on to another action, use the synchronous function lambda_sync. When you don't need to know the result of the Lambda function before moving on to another action, use the asynchronous function lambda_async.

Granting the role in Aurora MySQL version 3

In Aurora MySQL version 3, the user invoking a native function must be granted the AWS_LAMBDA_ACCESS role. To grant this role to a user, connect to the DB instance as the administrative user, and run the following statement.

GRANT AWS_LAMBDA_ACCESS TO user@domain-or-ip-address

You can revoke this role by running the following statement.

REVOKE AWS_LAMBDA_ACCESS FROM user@domain-or-ip-address

When you use the role technique in Aurora MySQL version 3, you can also activate the role by using the SET ROLE role_name or SET ROLE ALL statement. If you aren't familiar with the MySQL 8.0 role system, you can learn more in Role-based privilege model. For more details, see Using roles in the MySQL Reference Manual.

This only applies to the current active session. When you reconnect, you must run the SET ROLE statement again to grant privileges. For more information, see SET ROLE statement in the MySQL Reference Manual.

You can use the activate_all_roles_on_login DB cluster parameter to automatically activate all roles when a user connects to a DB instance. When this parameter is set, you generally don't have to call the SET ROLE statement explicitly to activate a role. For more information, see activate_all_roles_on_login in the MySQL Reference Manual.

However, you must call SET ROLE ALL explicitly at the beginning of a stored procedure to activate the role, when the stored procedure is called by a different user.

If you get an error such as the following when you try to invoke a Lambda function, then run a SET ROLE statement.

SQL Error [1227] [42000]: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the Invoke Lambda privilege(s) for this operation

Granting the privilege in Aurora MySQL version 2

In Aurora MySQL version 2, the user invoking a native function must be granted the INVOKE LAMBDA privilege. To grant this privilege to a user, connect to the DB instance as the administrative user, and run the following statement.

GRANT INVOKE LAMBDA ON *.* TO user@domain-or-ip-address

You can revoke this privilege by running the following statement.

REVOKE INVOKE LAMBDA ON *.* FROM user@domain-or-ip-address

Syntax for the lambda_sync function

You invoke the lambda_sync function synchronously with the RequestResponse invocation type. The function returns the result of the Lambda invocation in a JSON payload. The function has the following syntax.

lambda_sync ( lambda_function_ARN, JSON_payload )

Parameters for the lambda_sync function

The lambda_sync function has the following parameters.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function to invoke.


The payload for the invoked Lambda function, in JSON format.


Aurora MySQL version 3 supports the JSON parsing functions from MySQL 8.0. However, Aurora MySQL version 2 doesn't include those functions. JSON parsing isn't required when a Lambda function returns an atomic value, such as a number or a string.

Example for the lambda_sync function

The following query based on lambda_sync invokes the Lambda function BasicTestLambda synchronously using the function ARN. The payload for the function is {"operation": "ping"}.

SELECT lambda_sync( 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:BasicTestLambda', '{"operation": "ping"}');

Syntax for the lambda_async function

You invoke the lambda_async function asynchronously with the Event invocation type. The function returns the result of the Lambda invocation in a JSON payload. The function has the following syntax.

lambda_async ( lambda_function_ARN, JSON_payload )

Parameters for the lambda_async function

The lambda_async function has the following parameters.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function to invoke.


The payload for the invoked Lambda function, in JSON format.


Aurora MySQL version 3 supports the JSON parsing functions from MySQL 8.0. However, Aurora MySQL version 2 doesn't include those functions. JSON parsing isn't required when a Lambda function returns an atomic value, such as a number or a string.

Example for the lambda_async function

The following query based on lambda_async invokes the Lambda function BasicTestLambda asynchronously using the function ARN. The payload for the function is {"operation": "ping"}.

SELECT lambda_async( 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:BasicTestLambda', '{"operation": "ping"}');

Invoking a Lambda function within a trigger

You can use triggers to call Lambda on data-modifying statements. The following example uses the lambda_async native function and stores the result in a variable.

mysql>SET @result=0; mysql>DELIMITER // mysql>CREATE TRIGGER myFirstTrigger AFTER INSERT ON Test_trigger FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT lambda_async( 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:BasicTestLambda', '{"operation": "ping"}') INTO @result; END; // mysql>DELIMITER ;

Triggers aren't run once per SQL statement, but once per row modified, one row at a time. When a trigger runs, the process is synchronous. The data-modifying statement only returns when the trigger completes.

Be careful when invoking an AWS Lambda function from triggers on tables that experience high write traffic. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE triggers are activated per row. A write-heavy workload on a table with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE triggers results in a large number of calls to your AWS Lambda function.