Setting up Kerberos authentication using Active Directory security groups for Babelfish
Starting from Babelfish version 4.2.0, you can setup Kerberos authentication for Babelfish with Active Directory security groups. The following are prerequisites to complete for setting up Kerberos authentication using Active Directory:
You must follow all the steps mentioned at Kerberos authentication with Babelfish.
Ensure that DB instance is associated with Active Directory. To verify this, you can view the status of the domain membership in the console or by running the describe-db-instances AWS CLI command.
The status of the DB instance should be kerberos-enabled. For more information on understanding domain membership, see Understanding Domain membership.
Verify mappings between NetBIOS domain name and DNS domain name using the following query:
SELECT netbios_domain_name, fq_domain_name FROM babelfish_domain_mapping;
Before proceeding further, verify Kerberos authentication using individual login works as expected. The connection using Kerberos authentication as an Active Directory user should be successful. If you face any issues, see Frequently occurring errors.
Setting up the pg_ad_mapping extension
You must follow all the steps mentioned at Setting up the pg_ad_mapping extension . To verify that the extension is installed, run the following query from TDS endpoint:
SELECT extname, extversion FROM pg_extension where extname like 'pg_ad_mapping';2>
GO extname extversion ------------- ---------- pg_ad_mapping 0.1 (1 rows affected)
Managing Group Logins
Create group logins by following the steps mentioned at Managing Logins. We recommend that the login name be the same as the Active Directory (AD) security group name for easier maintenance, although it's not mandatory. For example:
Auditing and Logging
To determine the AD security principal identity, use the following commands:
select suser_name();2>
GO suser_name ---------- corp\user1 (1 rows affected)
Currently, AD user identity isn't visible in the logs. You can turn on the
parameter to log DB session establishment. For more
information, see log_connections. The output includes the AD user identity as principal as
shown in the following example. The backend PID associated with this output can then
help attribute actions back to the actual AD user.
bbf_group_ad_login@babelfish_db:[615]:LOG: connection authorized: user=bbf_group_ad_login database=babelfish_db application_name=sqlcmd GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, principal=user1@CORP.EXAMPLE.COM)