Support for Linked Servers with Oracle OLEDB in Amazon RDS for SQL Server - Amazon Relational Database Service

Support for Linked Servers with Oracle OLEDB in Amazon RDS for SQL Server

Linked servers with the Oracle Provider for OLEDB on RDS for SQL Server lets you access external data sources on an Oracle database. You can read data from remote Oracle data sources and run commands against remote Oracle database servers outside of your RDS for SQL Server DB instance. Using linked servers with Oracle OLEDB, you can:

  • Directly access data sources other than SQL Server

  • Query against diverse Oracle data sources with the same query without moving the data

  • Issue distributed queries, updates, commands, and transactions on data sources across an enterprise ecosystem

  • Integrate connections to an Oracle database from within the Microsoft Business Intelligence suite (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS)

  • Migrate from an Oracle database to RDS for SQL Server

You can activate one or more linked servers for Oracle on either an existing or new RDS for SQL Server DB instance. Then you can integrate external Oracle data sources with your DB instance.

Supported versions and Regions

RDS for SQL Server supports linked servers with Oracle OLEDB in all Regions for SQL Server Standard and Enterprise Editions on the following versions:

  • SQL Server 2022, all versions

  • SQL Server 2019, all versions

  • SQL Server 2017, all versions

Linked servers with Oracle OLEDB is supported for the following Oracle Database versions:

  • Oracle Database 21c, all versions

  • Oracle Database 19c, all versions

  • Oracle Database 18c, all versions

Limitations and recommendations

Keep in mind the following limitations and recommendations that apply to linked servers with Oracle OLEDB:

  • Allow network traffic by adding the applicable TCP port in the security group for each RDS for SQL Server DB instance. For example, if you’re configuring a linked server between an EC2 Oracle DB instance and an RDS for SQL Server DB instance, then you must allow traffic from the IP address of the EC2 Oracle DB instance. You also must allow traffic on the port that SQL Server is using to listen for database communication. For more information on security groups, see Controlling access with security groups.

  • Perform a reboot of the RDS for SQL Server DB instance after turning on, turning off, or modifying the OLEDB_ORACLE option in your option group. The option group status displays pending_reboot for these events and is required.

  • Only simple authentication is supported with a user name and password for the Oracle data source.

  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers are not supported. Only the latest version of the OLEDB driver is supported.

  • Distributed transactions (XA) are supported. To activate distributed transactions, turn on the MSDTC option in the Option Group for your DB instance and make sure XA transactions are turned on. For more information, see Support for Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator in RDS for SQL Server.

  • Creating data source names (DSNs) to use as a shortcut for a connection string is not supported.

  • OLEDB driver tracing is not supported. You can use SQL Server Extended Events to trace OLEDB events. For more information, see Set up Extended Events in RDS for SQL Server.

  • Access to the catalogs folder for an Oracle linked server is not supported using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Activating linked servers with Oracle

Activate linked servers with Oracle by adding the OLEDB_ORACLE option to your RDS for SQL Server DB instance. Use the following process:

  1. Create a new option group, or choose an existing option group.

  2. Add the OLEDB_ORACLE option to the option group.

  3. Choose a version of the OLEDB driver to use.

  4. Associate the option group with the DB instance.

  5. Reboot the DB instance.

Creating the option group for OLEDB_ORACLE

To work with linked servers with Oracle, create an option group or modify an option group that corresponds to the SQL Server edition and version of the DB instance that you plan to use. To complete this procedure, use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI.

The following procedure creates an option group for SQL Server Standard Edition 2019.

To create the option group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Option groups.

  3. Choose Create group.

  4. In the Create option group window, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter a name for the option group that is unique within your AWS account, such as oracle-oledb-se-2019. The name can contain only letters, digits, and hyphens.

    2. For Description, enter a brief description of the option group, such as OLEDB_ORACLE option group for SQL Server SE 2019. The description is used for display purposes.

    3. For Engine, choose sqlserver-se.

    4. For Major engine version, choose 15.00.

  5. Choose Create.

The following procedure creates an option group for SQL Server Standard Edition 2019.

To create the option group
  • Run one of the following commands.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds create-option-group \ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 \ --engine-name sqlserver-se \ --major-engine-version 15.00 \ --option-group-description "OLEDB_ORACLE option group for SQL Server SE 2019"

    For Windows:

    aws rds create-option-group ^ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 ^ --engine-name sqlserver-se ^ --major-engine-version 15.00 ^ --option-group-description "OLEDB_ORACLE option group for SQL Server SE 2019"

Adding the OLEDB_ORACLE option to the option group

Next, use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to add the OLEDB_ORACLE option to your option group.

To add the OLEDB_ORACLE option
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Option groups.

  3. Choose the option group that you just created, which is oracle-oledb-se-2019 in this example.

  4. Choose Add option.

  5. Under Option details, choose OLEDB_ORACLE for Option name.

  6. Under Scheduling, choose whether to add the option immediately or at the next maintenance window.

  7. Choose Add option.

To add the OLEDB_ORACLE option
  • Add the OLEDB_ORACLE option to the option group.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds add-option-to-option-group \ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 \ --options OptionName=OLEDB_ORACLE \ --apply-immediately

    For Windows:

    aws rds add-option-to-option-group ^ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 ^ --options OptionName=OLEDB_ORACLE ^ --apply-immediately

Associating the option group with your DB instance

To associate the OLEDB_ORACLE option group and parameter group with your DB instance, use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI

To finish activating linked servers for Oracle, associate your OLEDB_ORACLE option group with a new or existing DB instance:

You can associate the OLEDB_ORACLE option group and parameter group with a new or existing DB instance.

To create an instance with the OLEDB_ORACLE option group and parameter group
  • Specify the same DB engine type and major version that you used when creating the option group.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds create-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier mytestsqlserveroracleoledbinstance \ --db-instance-class db.m5.2xlarge \ --engine sqlserver-se \ --engine-version 15.0.4236.7.v1 \ --allocated-storage 100 \ --manage-master-user-password \ --master-username admin \ --storage-type gp2 \ --license-model li \ --domain-iam-role-name my-directory-iam-role \ --domain my-domain-id \ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 \ --db-parameter-group-name my-parameter-group-name

    For Windows:

    aws rds create-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier mytestsqlserveroracleoledbinstance ^ --db-instance-class db.m5.2xlarge ^ --engine sqlserver-se ^ --engine-version 15.0.4236.7.v1 ^ --allocated-storage 100 ^ --manage-master-user-password ^ --master-username admin ^ --storage-type gp2 ^ --license-model li ^ --domain-iam-role-name my-directory-iam-role ^ --domain my-domain-id ^ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 ^ --db-parameter-group-name my-parameter-group-name
To modify an instance and associate the OLEDB_ORACLE option group
  • Run one of the following commands.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier mytestsqlserveroracleoledbinstance \ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 \ --db-parameter-group-name my-parameter-group-name \ --apply-immediately

    For Windows:

    aws rds modify-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier mytestsqlserveroracleoledbinstance ^ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 ^ --db-parameter-group-name my-parameter-group-name ^ --apply-immediately

Modifying OLEDB provider properties

You can view and change the properties of the OLEDB provider. Only the master user can perform this task. All linked servers for Oracle that are created on the DB instance use the same properties of that OLEDB provider. Call the sp_MSset_oledb_prop stored procedure to change the properties of the OLEDB provider.

To change the OLEDB provider properties

USE [master] GO EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'OraOLEDB.Oracle', N'AllowInProcess', 1 EXEC sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'OraOLEDB.Oracle', N'DynamicParameters', 0 GO

The following properties can be modified:

Property name Recommended Value (1 = On, 0 = Off) Description

Dynamic parameter


Allows SQL placeholders (represented by '?') in parameterized queries.

Nested queries


Allows nested SELECT statements in the FROM clause, such as sub-queries.

Level zero only


Only base-level OLEDB interfaces are called against the provider.

Allow inprocess


If turned on, Microsoft SQL Server allows the provider to be instantiated as an in-process server. Set this property to 1 to use Oracle linked servers.

Non transacted updates


If non-zero, SQL Server allows updates.

Index as access path


If non-zero, SQL Server attempts to use indexes of the provider to fetch data.

Disallow adhoc access


If set, SQL Server does not allow running pass-through queries against the OLEDB provider. While this option can be checked, it is sometimes appropriate to run pass-through queries.

Supports LIKE operator


Indicates that the provider supports queries using the LIKE keyword.

Modifying OLEDB driver properties

You can view and change the properties of the OLEDB driver when creating a linked server for Oracle. Only the master user can perform this task. Driver properties define how the OLEDB driver handles data when working with a remote Oracle data source. Driver properties are specific to each Oracle linked server created on the DB instance. Call the master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure to change the properties of the OLEDB driver.

Example: To create a linked server and change the OLEDB driver FetchSize property

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'Oracle_link2', @srvproduct=N'Oracle', @provider=N'OraOLEDB.Oracle', @datasrc=N', @provstr='FetchSize=200' GO
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'Oracle_link2', @useself=N'False', @locallogin=NULL, @rmtuser=N'master', @rmtpassword='Test#1234' GO

Specify a password other than the prompt shown here as a security best practice.

Deactivating linked servers with Oracle

To deactivate linked servers with Oracle, remove the OLEDB_ORACLE option from its option group.


Removing the option doesn't delete the existing linked server configurations on the DB instance. You must manually drop them to remove them from the DB instance.

You can reactivate the OLEDB_ORACLE option after removal to reuse the linked server configurations that were previously configured on the DB instance.

The following procedure removes the OLEDB_ORACLE option.

To remove the OLEDB_ORACLE option from its option group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Option groups.

  3. Choose the option group with the OLEDB_ORACLE option (oracle-oledb-se-2019 in the previous examples).

  4. Choose Delete option.

  5. Under Deletion options, choose OLEDB_ORACLE for Options to delete.

  6. Under Apply immediately, choose Yes to delete the option immediately, or No to delete it during the next maintenance window.

  7. Choose Delete.

The following procedure removes the OLEDB_ORACLE option.

To remove the OLEDB_ORACLE option from its option group
  • Run one of the following commands.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds remove-option-from-option-group \ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 \ --options OLEDB_ORACLE \ --apply-immediately

    For Windows:

    aws rds remove-option-from-option-group ^ --option-group-name oracle-oledb-se-2019 ^ --options OLEDB_ORACLE ^ --apply-immediately