Determining DB instance class support in AWS Regions
To determine the DB instance classes supported by each DB engine in a specific
AWS Region, you can take one of several approaches. You can use the AWS Management Console, the Amazon RDS Pricing
When you perform operations with the AWS Management Console, it automatically shows the supported DB instance classes for a specific DB engine, DB engine version, and AWS Region. Examples of the operations that you can perform include creating and modifying a DB instance.
Using the Amazon RDS pricing page to determine DB instance class support in AWS Regions
You can use the Amazon RDS Pricing
To use the pricing page to determine the DB instance classes supported by each engine in a Region
Go to Amazon RDS Pricing
. -
In the AWS Pricing Calculator for Amazon RDS section, choose Create your custom estimate now.
In Choose a Region, choose an AWS Region.
In Find a Service, enter
Amazon RDS
. -
Choose Configure for your configuration option and DB engine.
Use the section for compatible instances to view the supported DB instance classes.
(Optional) Choose other options in the calculator, and then choose Save and view summary or Save and add service.
Using the AWS CLI to determine DB instance class support in AWS Regions
You can use the AWS CLI to determine which DB instance classes are supported for specific DB engines and DB engine versions in an AWS Region. The following table shows the valid DB engine values.
Engine names | Engine values in CLI commands | More information about versions |
Db2 |
MariaDB |
Microsoft SQL Server |
Oracle |
PostgreSQL |
For information about AWS Region names, see AWS Regions.
The following examples demonstrate how to determine DB instance class support in an AWS Region using the describe-orderable-db-instance-options AWS CLI command.
To limit the output, the following examples show results only for the General
Purpose SSD (gp2
) storage type. If necessary, you can change the
storage type to General Purpose SSD (gp3
), Provisioned IOPS
), Provisioned IOPS Block Express (io2
), or
magnetic (standard
) in the commands.
Listing the DB instance classes that are supported by a specific DB engine version in an AWS Region
To list the DB instance classes that are supported by a specific DB engine version in an AWS Region, run the following command.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine
\ --query "*[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass}" \ --output text \ --regionregion
For Windows:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine
^ --query "*[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass}" ^ --output text ^ --regionregion
For example, the following command lists the supported DB instance classes for version 13.6 of the RDS for PostgreSQL DB engine in US East (N. Virginia).
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine postgres --engine-version 15.4 \ --query "*[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass}" \ --output text \ --region us-east-1
For Windows:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine postgres --engine-version 15.4 ^ --query "*[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{DBInstanceClass:DBInstanceClass}" ^ --output text ^ --region us-east-1
Listing the DB engine versions that support a specific DB instance class in an AWS Region
To list the DB engine versions that support a specific DB instance class in an AWS Region, run the following command.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine
\ --query "*[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" \ --output text \ --regionregion
For Windows:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine
^ --query "*[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" ^ --output text ^ --regionregion
For example, the following command lists the DB engine versions of the RDS for PostgreSQL DB engine that support the db.r5.large DB instance class in US East (N. Virginia).
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine postgres --db-instance-class db.m7g.large \ --query "*[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" \ --output text \ --region us-east-1
For Windows:
aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine postgres --db-instance-class db.m7g.large ^ --query "*[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion,StorageType:StorageType}|[?StorageType=='gp2']|[].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion}" ^ --output text ^ --region us-east-1
Listing AWS Regions that support a specific DB engine and instance class
The following bash script lists all the AWS Regions that support the specified combination of DB engine and instance class.
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Usage: <db-engine> <db-instance-class> if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <db-engine> <db-instance-class>" exit 1 fi ENGINE="$1" INSTANCE_CLASS="$2" REGIONS=$(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].RegionName" --output text) for region in $REGIONS; do supported_count=$(aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options \ --region "$region" \ --engine "$ENGINE" \ --db-instance-class "$INSTANCE_CLASS" \ --query 'length(OrderableDBInstanceOptions)' \ --output text 2>/dev/null || echo "0") if [ "$supported_count" -gt 0 ]; then echo "$region supports $INSTANCE_CLASS for $ENGINE." else echo "$region doesn't support $INSTANCE_CLASS for $ENGINE." fi done
The following sample output checks Region support for RDS for MySQL using the db.r8g.large instance class.
./ mysql db.r8g.large ap-south-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. eu-north-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. eu-west-3 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. eu-west-2 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. eu-west-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ap-northeast-3 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ap-northeast-2 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ap-northeast-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ca-central-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. sa-east-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ap-southeast-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. ap-southeast-2 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. eu-central-1 supports db.r8g.large for mysql. us-east-1 supports db.r8g.large for mysql. us-east-2 supports db.r8g.large for mysql. us-west-1 doesn't support db.r8g.large for mysql. us-west-2 supports db.r8g.large for mysql.