Stored procedures for tablespaces for RDS for Db2 - Amazon Relational Database Service

Stored procedures for tablespaces for RDS for Db2

The built-in stored procedures described in this topic manage tablespaces for Amazon RDS for Db2 databases. To run these procedures, the master user must first connect to the rdsadmin database.

These stored procedures are used in a variety of tasks. This list isn't exhaustive.

Refer to the following built-in stored procedures for information about their syntax, parameters, usage notes, and examples.


Creates a tablespace.


db2 "call rdsadmin.create_tablespace( 'database_name', 'tablespace_name', 'buffer_pool_name', tablespace_page_size, tablespace_initial_size, tablespace_increase_size, 'tablespace_type')"


The following parameters are required:


The name of the database to create the tablespace in. The data type is varchar.


The name of the tablespace to create. The data type is varchar.

The tablespace name has the following restrictions:

  • It can't be the same as the name of an existing tablespace in this database.

  • It can only contain the characters _$#@a-zA-Z0-9.

  • It can't start with _ or $.

  • It can't start with SYS.

The following parameters are optional:


The name of the buffer pool to assign the tablespace. The data type is varchar. The default is an empty string.


You must already have a buffer pool of the same page size to associate with the tablespace.


The page size of the tablespace in bytes. The data type is integer. Valid values: 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768. The default is the page size used when you created the database by calling rdsadmin.create_database.


Amazon RDS supports write atomicity for 4 KiB, 8 KiB, and 16 KiB pages. In contrast, 32 KiB pages risk torn writes, or partial data being written to the desk. If you use 32 KiB pages, we recommend that you enable point-in-time recovery and automated backups. Otherwise, you run the risk of being unable to recover from torn pages. For more information, see Introduction to backups and Restoring a DB instance to a specified time for Amazon RDS.


The initial size of the tablespace in kilobytes (KB). The data type is integer. Valid values: 48 or higher. The default is null.

If you don't set a value, Db2 sets an appropriate value for you.


This parameter isn't applicable for temporary tablespaces because the system manages temporary tablespaces.


The percentage by which to increase the tablespace when it becomes full. The data type is integer. Valid values: 1100. The default is null.

If you don't set a value, Db2 sets an appropriate value for you.


This parameter isn't applicable for temporary tablespaces because the system manages temporary tablespaces.


The type of the tablespace. The data type is char. Valid values: U (for user data), T (for user temporary data), or S (for system temporary data). The default is U.

Usage notes

RDS for Db2 always creates a large database for data.

For information about checking the status of creating a tablespace, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


Example 1: Creating a tablespace and assigning a buffer pool

The following example creates a tablespace called SP8 and assigns a buffer pool called BP8 for a database called TESTDB. The tablespace has an initial tablespace page size of 4,096 bytes, an initial tablespace of 1,000 KB, and a table size increase set to 50%.

db2 "call rdsadmin.create_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'SP8', 'BP8', 4096, 1000, 50)"

Example 2: Creating a temporary tablespace and assigning a buffer pool

The following example creates a temporary tablespace called SP8. It assigns a buffer pool called BP8 that is 8 KiB in size for a database called TESTDB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.create_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'SP8', 'BP8', 8192, NULL, NULL, 'T')"


Alters a tablespace.


db2 "call rdsadmin.alter_tablespace( 'database_name', 'tablespace_name', 'buffer_pool_name', tablespace_increase_size, 'max_size', 'reduce_max', 'reduce_stop', 'reduce_value', 'lower_high_water', 'lower_high_water_stop', 'switch_online')"


The following parameters are required:


The name of the database that uses the tablespace. The data type is varchar.


The name of the tablespace to alter. The data type is varchar.

The following parameters are optional:


The name of the buffer pool to assign the tablespace. The data type is varchar. The default is an empty string.


You must already have a buffer pool of the same page size to associate with the tablespace.


The percentage by which to increase the tablespace when it becomes full. The data type is integer. Valid values: 1100. The default is 0.


The maximum size for the tablespace. The data type is varchar. Valid values: integer K | M | G, or NONE. The default is NONE.


Specifies whether to reduce the high water mark to its maximum limit. The data type is char. The default is N.


Specifies whether to interrupt a previous reduce_max or reduce_value command. The data type is char. The default is N.


The number or percentage to reduce the tablespace high water mark by. The data type is varchar. Valid values: integer K| M | G, or 1100. The default is N.


Specifies whether to run the ALTER TABLESPACE LOWER HIGH WATER MARK command. The data type is char. The default is N.


Specifies whether to run the ALTER TABLESPACE LOWER HIGH WATER MARK STOP command. The data type is char. The default is N.


Specifies whether to run the ALTER TABLESPACE SWITCH ONLINE command. The data type is char. The default is N.

Usage notes

Before calling the stored procedure, review the following consideration:

  • The optional parameters reduce_max, reduce_stop, reduce_value, lower_high_water, lower_high_water_stop, and switch_online are mutually exclusive. You can't combine them with any other optional parameter, such as buffer_pool_name, in the rdsadmin.alter_tablespace command. For more information, see Statement not valid.

For information about checking the status of altering a tablespace, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.

For error messages returned when calling stored procedures, see Troubleshooting errors from stored procedures.


Example 1: Lowering the high water mark

The following example alters a tablespace called SP8 and assigns a buffer pool called BP8 for a database called TESTDB to lower the high water mark.

db2 "call rdsadmin.alter_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'SP8', 'BP8', NULL, NULL, 'Y')"

Example 2: Reducing the high water mark

The following example runs the REDUCE MAX command on a tablespace called TBSP_TEST in the database TESTDB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.alter_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'TBSP_TEST', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y')"

Example 3: Interrupting commands to reduce high water mark

The following example runs the REDUCE STOP command on a tablespace called TBSP_TEST in the database TESTDB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.alter_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'TBSP_TEST', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y')"


Renames a tablespace.


db2 "call rdsadmin.rename_tablespace( ?, 'database_name', 'source_tablespace_name', 'target_tablespace_name')"


The following parameters are required:


A parameter marker that outputs an error message. This parameter only accepts ?.


The name of the database that the tablespace belongs to. The data type is varchar.


The name of the tablespace to rename. The data type is varchar.


The new name of the tablespace. The data type is varchar.

The new name has the following restrictions:

  • It can't be the same as the name of an existing tablespace.

  • It can only contain the characters _$#@a-zA-Z0-9.

  • It can't start with _ or $.

  • It can't start with SYS.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of renaming a tablespace, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.

You can't rename tablespaces that belong to the rdsadmin database.


The following example renames a tablespace called SP8 to SP9 in a database called TESTDB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.rename_tablespace( ?, 'TESTDB', 'SP8'. 'SP9')"


Drops a tablespace.


db2 "call rdsadmin.drop_tablespace( 'database_name', 'tablespace_name')"


The following parameters are required:


The name of the database that the tablespace belongs to. The data type is varchar.


The name of the tablespace to drop. The data type is varchar.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of dropping a tablespace, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example drops a tablespace called SP8 from a database called TESTDB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.drop_tablespace( 'TESTDB', 'SP8')"