Copying database metadata from Db2 to Amazon RDS for Db2 with db2look - Amazon Relational Database Service

Copying database metadata from Db2 to Amazon RDS for Db2 with db2look

db2look is a native Db2 tool that extracts data definition language (DDL) files, objects, authorizations, configurations, WLM, and database layouts. You can use db2look to copy database metadata from a self-managed Db2 database to an Amazon RDS for Db2 database. For more information, see Mimicking databases using db2look in the IBM Db2 documentation.

To copy the database metadata
  1. Run the db2look tool on your self-managed Db2 system to extract the DDL file. In the following example, replace database_name with the name of your Db2 database.

    db2look -d database_name -e -l -a -f -wlm -cor -createdb -printdbcfg -o db2look.sql
  2. If your client machine has access to the source (self-managed Db2) database and the RDS for Db2 DB instance, you can create the db2look.sql file on the client machine by directly attaching to the remote instance. Then catalog the remote self-managed Db2 instance.

    1. Catalog the node. In the following example, replace dns_ip_address and port with the DNS name or the IP address and the port number of the self-managed Db2 database.

      db2 catalog tcpip node srcnode REMOTE dns_ip_address server port
    2. Catalog the database. In the following example, replace source_database_name and source_database_alias with the name of the self-managed Db2 database and the alias that you want to use for this database.

      db2 catalog database source_database_name as source_database_alias at node srcnode \ authentication server_encrypt
    3. Attach to the source database. In the following example, replace source_database_alias, user_id, and user_password with the alias that you created in the previous step and the user ID and password for the self-managed Db2 database.

      db2look -d source_database_alias -i user_id -w user_password -e -l -a -f -wlm \ -cor -createdb -printdbcfg -o db2look.sql
  3. If you can't access the remote self-managed Db2 database from the client machine, copy the db2look.sql file to the client machine. Then catalog the RDS for Db2 DB instance.

    1. Catalog the node. In the following example, replace dns_ip_address and port with the DNS name or the IP address and the port number of the RDS for Db2 DB instance.

      db2 catalog tcpip node remnode REMOTE dns_ip_address server port
    2. Catalog the database. In the following example, replace rds_database_name and rds_database_alias with the name of the RDS for Db2 database and the alias that you want to use for this database.

      db2 catalog database rds_database_name as rds_database_alias at node remnode \ authentication server_encrypt
    3. Catalog the admin database that manages RDS for Db2. You can't use this database to store any data.

      db2 catalog database rdsadmin as rdsadmin at node remnode authentication server_encrypt
  4. Create buffer pools and tablespaces. The administrator doesn't have privileges to create buffer pools or tablespaces. However, you can use Amazon RDS stored procedures to create them.

    1. Find the names and definitions of the buffer pools and tablespaces in the db2look.sql file.

    2. Connect to Amazon RDS using the master username and master password for your RDS for Db2 DB instance. In the following example, replace master_username and master_password with your own information.

      db2 connect to rdsadmin user master_username using master_password
    3. Create a buffer pool by calling rdsadmin.create_bufferpool. For more information, see rdsadmin.create_bufferpool.

      db2 "call rdsadmin.create_bufferpool( 'database_name', 'buffer_pool_name', buffer_pool_size, 'immediate', 'automatic', page_size, number_block_pages, block_size)"
    4. Create a tablespace by calling rdsadmin.create_tablespace. For more information, see rdsadmin.create_tablespace.

      db2 "call rdsadmin.create_tablespace( 'database_name', 'tablespace_name', 'buffer_pool_name', tablespace_initial_size, tablespace_increase_size, 'tablespace_type')"
    5. Repeat steps c or d for each additional buffer pool or tablespace that you want to add.

    6. Terminate your connection.

      db2 terminate
  5. Create tables and objects.

    1. Connect to your RDS for Db2 database using the master username and master password for your RDS for Db2 DB instance. In the following example, replace rds_database_name, master_username, and master_password with your own information.

      db2 connect to rds_database_name user master_username using master_password
    2. Run the db2look.sql file.

      db2 -tvf db2look.sql
    3. Terminate your connection.

      db2 terminate