Deleting a sensor - Amazon Monitron

Amazon Monitron is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon Monitron, see our blog post.

Deleting a sensor

Deleting a sensor prevents Amazon Monitron from collecting more data with it. It doesn't delete the data that it has already collected.

To delete a sensor in the mobile app

  1. From the Assets list, choose the asset that is paired to the sensor that you want to delete.

  2. Choose the sensor.

  3. Under Sensor, choose Actions.

  4. Choose Delete sensor.

  5. Choose Delete.

    Dialog box confirming deletion of a sensor paired to "Left bearing 1" with Cancel and Delete options.

    After a sensor has been deleted, the status for that position says No sensor.

    Mobile app interface showing asset details with sensor positions and health statuses.

To delete a sensor in the web app

  • Choose Delete from the Sensor details tab.

    Asset management interface showing sensor details for Position name 3 with a warning status.