Changing a user role - Amazon Monitron

Amazon Monitron is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon Monitron, see our blog post.

Changing a user role

You can change a user's role, but not a user's name. That's because the name is linked to the user directory that is linked to by Amazon Monitron.

To change a project or site's users, you must remove the previous users and add the new ones. For information on removing users from a project or site, see To remove a user using the mobile app. For information on adding new users, see Adding a user.

To change a user role using the mobile app

  1. Log into the Amazon Monitron mobile app on your smartphone.

  2. Navigate to the project or site for the user whose role you want to change, and then to the Users list.

  3. Choose the vertical ellipsis ( Three vertical dots representing a menu or more options in a user interface. ) next to the name of the user whose role you want to change.

  4. Choose Edit user.

  5. Choose a new role for the user: Admin, Technician, or Read only.

  6. Choose Save.

To change a user role using the web app

  1. Choose Users from the navigation pane.

    Users & Permissions interface showing a list of users with roles and edit options.
  2. Choose Edit user role.

  3. Choose a new role for the user: Admin, Technician, or Viewer.

    User role editing interface showing options to change a user's role to Technician.
  4. Choose Save.