Creating your customization
This section explains how to create a customization with Amazon Q.
To create your customization, follow this procedure:
Complete your setup of Amazon Q Developer Pro. This includes enabling IAM Identity Center and authorizing an administrator to Amazon Q Developer, and activating the Amazon Q Developer console.
Open the Amazon Q Developer console.
From the navigation pane on the left, choose Customizations.
The customizations page will appear.
Choose Create customization.
Enter a customization name and (optional) description.
Use both names and descriptions that will be informative to your developers. Developers from your organization who are authorized to use Amazon Q Developer Pro will be able to see them in their IDE through the AWS plugin.
Connecting to your data source
Before you create a customization, you must connect to the data source that contains your codebase. How you do this depends on where your data source is.
If your data source is in Github, GitLab, or Bitbucket, then you can connect to it with AWS CodeConnections. Otherwise, place your data in a folder within an Amazon S3 bucket.
To learn more about CodeConnections, see What are connections? in the Developer Tools console User Guide.
To connect to your data source through CodeConnections
Under Connection to source provider, select AWS CodeStar CodeConnections.
If you want to use an existing connection, choose Select a connection.
Then, under Choose repository selection, do one of the following:
To use all the repositories in the connection to generate the customization, choose Use all repositories in this connection.
To select specific repositories to generate the customization, choose Select specific repositories and then choose Choose repositories. In the the pop-up window, find the repositories you want to use, and then choose Add.
Although there is no limit to the number of repositories you can include in a customization, you are restricted to 100 when you individually select them. If you want to use more than 100 repositories, choose the Use all repositories option, or place the repositories in Amazon S3 and follow the instructions for connecting your data source through Amazon S3.
If you want to create a new connection, choose Create a new connection and follow the remaining steps of this procedure.
In the pop-up window that opens, navigate to your data source and follow the instructions in the console.
After you create your data source, return to the Create customization page.
Under Select a connection, select your connection from the dropdown.
To connect to your data source through Amazon S3
Under Connection to source provider, select Amazon S3.
Choose Browse Amazon S3.
Navigate to your codebase and make a note of the URI. The codebase must be in a folder within the Amazon S3 bucket, not the bucket's root.
For more information, see Creating, configuring, and working with Amazon S3 buckets and Access control best practices in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
Paste the URL into the field labeled Enter Amazon S3 URI.
Before you create your customization, you have the option of adding tags to it.
To learn more about tags, see the Tagging your AWS resources User Guide.
After following the procedures above, choose Create customization.
Customizations and your data
Amazon Q customizations use your content to present suggestions to you in the style of your organization's developers.
However, AWS will not store or use your content in any context that does not directly serve your enterprise.
AWS will not use your content to provide code suggestions to other customers.
Amazon Q will not reference code reviews for other customers (or for you).
For more information, see Amazon Q Developer service improvement.
Troubleshooting the creation of your customization
You may receive the error:
Total size of the provided repositories exceeds the maximum allowed size of
for a customization.In that case, remove a repository from your data source and try again.
You may receive the error:
Insufficient data to create a customization. Add more files from supported languages and retry.
In order for code written in a particular language to be used to create a customization, there must be at least 10 files containing code in that language in your data source. Your data source must contain at least 2 MB, while it is recommended to have close to 20MB, and at most 20 GB, of source code files from supported languages.
Some files, even if they are in the relevant language, will not count toward the 2 MB. For example, duplicate files and files in an unsupported format will not be counted.
If you receive this error, add more files containing the programming language that is the focus of your customization, and try again.
You may receive the error:
Encountered an issue when retrieving some of the selected repositories from CodeConnections. Check the customization's log deliveries for details.
If you receive this error, try creating or updating the customization again with valid repositories that your connection has access to.