What are connections?
You can use the connections feature in the Developer Tools console to connect AWS resources such as AWS CodePipeline to external code repositories. This feature has its own API, the AWS CodeConnections API reference. Each connection is a resource that you can give to AWS services to connect to a third-party repository, such as BitBucket. For example, you can add the connection in CodePipeline so that it triggers your pipeline when a code change is made to your third-party code repository. Each connection is named and associated with a unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is used to reference the connection.
The service name AWS CodeStar Connections has been renamed. Resources created with the previous namespace codestar-connections will still be supported.
What can I do with connections?
You can use connections to integrate third-party provider resources with your AWS resources in developer tools, including:
Connect to a third-party provider, such as Bitbucket, and use the third-party connection as a source integration with your AWS resources, such as CodePipeline.
Uniformly manage access to your connection across your resources in CodeBuild build projects, CodeDeploy applications, and pipelines in CodePipeline for your third-party provider.
Use a connection ARN in your stack templates for CodeBuild build projects, CodeDeploy applications, and pipelines in CodePipeline, without the need to reference stored secrets or parameters.
What AWS services integrate with
You can use connections to integrate your third-party repository with other AWS services. To view the service integrations for connections, see Product and service integrations with AWS CodeConnections.
How do I get started with
To get started, here are some useful topics to review:
Learn about the concepts for connections.
Set up the resources you need to start working with connections.
Get started with your first connections and connect them to a resource.