Connections rename - Summary of changes
The connections feature in the Developer Tools console allows you to connect your AWS resources to third-party source repositories. On March 29, 2024, AWS CodeStar Connections was renamed to AWS CodeConnections. The following sections describe the different parts of the feature that changed with the rename, and what actions you need to take to ensure that your resources continue to function properly.
Note that this list is not exhaustive. While other parts of the product also changed, these updates are the most relevant.
Actions for resources that are created under the new service prefix
are available. Creating a resource under the new service prefix
will use codeconnections
in the resource ARN. Actions and resources for the
service prefix remain available. When specifying a
resource in the IAM policy, the service prefix needs to match that of the resource.
Beginning July 1, 2024, the console creates connections with codeconnections
in the resource ARN. Resources with both service prefixes will continue to display in the console.
Renamed service prefix
Connections APIs use a renamed service prefix: codeconnections.
To use the new prefix in CLI commands, download the version 2 of the AWS CLI. The following is an example command with the updated prefix.
aws codeconnections delete-connection --connection-arn arn:aws:codeconnections:us-west-2:
Renamed actions in IAM
The actions in IAM use the new prefix, as shown in the following examples:
New resource ARN
Connections resources that are created will have a new ARN:
Affected service role policies
For the following services, service role policies will use the new prefix in policy statements. You can also update your existing service role policies to use the new permissions, but policies created with the old prefix will continue to be supported.
The CodePipeline customer-managed service role policy
The AWS CodeStar service role
New CloudFormation resource
To use the AWS CloudFormation resources for connections, a new resource will be available. The existing resource will still be supported.
The new AWS CloudFormation
resource is named AWS::CodeConnections::Connection. See AWS::CodeConnections::Connection in the CloudFormation User Guide. -
The existing AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection resource will still be supported. See AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection in the CloudFormation User Guide.