Set up a pending host - Developer Tools console

Set up a pending host

A host created through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or SDK is in Pending status by default. After you create a connection with the console, AWS CLI, or the SDK, use the console to set up the host to make its status Available.

You must have already created a host. For more information, see Create a host.

To set up a pending host

After your host is created, it is in a Pending status. To move the host from Pending to Available, complete these steps. This process performs a handshake with the third-party provider to register the AWS connection app on the host.

  1. After your host reaches Pending status on the AWS Developer Tools console, choose Set up host.

  2. If you are creating a host for GitLab self-managed, a Set up page displays. In Provide personal access token, provide your GitLab PAT with the followed scoped-down permission only: api.

  3. On the third-party installed provider login page, such as the GitHub Enterprise Server login page, log in with your account credentials if prompted.

  4. On the app install page, in GitHub App name, enter a name for the app you want to install for your host. Choose Create GitHub App.

  5. After your host is successfully registered, the host details page appears and shows that the host status is Available.

    Console screenshot showing the host setup is complete and in Available status.
  6. You can continue with creating your connection after the host is available. On the success banner, choose Create connection. Complete the steps in Create a connection.