View host details - Developer Tools console

View host details

You can use the Developer Tools console or the get-host command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to view details for a host.

To view host details (console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Developer Tools console at

  2. Choose Settings > Connections, and then choose the Hosts tab.

  3. Choose the button next to the host you want to view, and then choose View details.

  4. The following information appears for your host:

    • The host name.

    • The provider type for your connection.

    • The endpoint of the infrastructure where your provider is installed.

    • The setup status for your host. A host ready for a connection is in Available status. If your host was created but setup was not completed, the host might be in a different status.

      The following statuses are available:

      • PENDING - The host has completed creation and is ready to start the setup by registering the provider app on the host.

      • AVAILABLE - The host has completed creation and setup and is available for use with connections.

      • ERROR - There was an error during host creation or registration.

      • VPC_CONFIG_VPC_INITIALIZING - The VPC configuration for the host is being created.

      • VPC_CONFIG_VPC_FAILED_INITIALIZATION - The VPC configuration for the host encountered and error and failed.

      • VPC_CONFIG_VPC_AVAILABLE - The VPC configuration for the host has completed setup and is available.

      • VPC_CONFIG_VPC_DELETING - The VPC configuration for the host is being deleted.

    Console screenshot showing host details with the host in Available status.
  5. To delete the host, choose Delete.

  6. If the host is in Pending status, to complete the setup, choose Set up host. For more information , see Set up a pending host.

To view host details (CLI)
  • Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows), and use the AWS CLI to run the get-host command, specifying the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the host that you want to view details for.

    aws codeconnections get-host --host-arn arn:aws:codeconnections:us-west-2:account_id:host/My-Host-28aef605

    This command returns the following output.

    { "Name": "MyHost", "Status": "AVAILABLE", "ProviderType": "GitHubEnterpriseServer", "ProviderEndpoint": "" }