Subscribing users to the Amazon Q Developer Pro tier with an organization instance
Use the procedures on this page to subscribe workforce users in your organization to Amazon Q Developer Pro. To subscribe users, you must have administrator permissions to set up AWS IAM Identity Center and Amazon Q Developer subscriptions.
If you can't adopt an organization instance in IAM Identity Center, see Subscribing users to the Amazon Q Developer Pro tier with an account instance. Note that you can’t convert or merge an account instance into an organization instance.
Before you can subscribe users, you must complete the following tasks:
If you don't have an AWS account, see Getting started: Are you a first-time AWS user? in the AWS Account Management Reference Guide.
If you haven't enabled IAM Identity Center, Set up an organization instance of AWS IAM Identity Center.
Add users to your IAM Identity Center instance, from an external identity provider if applicable.
If you want to allow users to use their Amazon Q Developer Pro subscription on AWS apps and websites, enable identity-aware console sessions. For more information, see Enabling identity-aware console sessions in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
If you don't enable identity-aware console sessions, users can still use Amazon Q on AWS apps and websites, but they'll be limited to the Free tier.
From the IAM Identity Center console, copy the AWS access portal URL. Your end users will need this to authenticate to Amazon Q Developer in the IDE.
Attach administrator permissions to configure subscriptions and Amazon Q Developer settings in the AWS Management Console.
For permissions needed to subscribe users in the Amazon Q subscriptions console, see Allow administrators to use the Amazon Q subscription console.
For permissions needed to manage Amazon Q Developer Pro settings in the Amazon Q Developer console, see Allow administrators to use the Amazon Q Developer console
Subscribe users to Amazon Q Developer Pro
To subscribe users, you'll use the Amazon Q console, not the Amazon Q Developer console. The Amazon Q Developer console is for configuring features and settings, and viewing dashboard metrics.
To subscribe users
Sign in to the Amazon Q console.
In the main pane, you see the following message:
Amazon Q connected to IAM Identity Center Note
If you don't see this message, it might be because you're in the wrong console or AWS Region. Make sure you're in the Amazon Q console, in the same Region as your IAM Identity Center instance. (It's OK if the Amazon Q and IAM Identity Center consoles are in a different Region from the Amazon Q Developer console.)
Under Amazon Q Developer Pro, choose Subscribe.
In the Create Amazon Q Developer Pro application dialog box, choose Create application.
In the Assign users and groups dialog box, choose Get started.
Search for and select the users and groups who should have subscriptions to Amazon Q Developer Pro. Then choose Done.
To start using Amazon Q Developer, end users can sign in with their IAM Identity Center credentials and the access portal URL that you obtained from the AWS IAM Identity Center console.
To help your end users get started with Amazon Q Developer Pro, see Using Amazon Q Developer on AWS apps and websites, Using Amazon Q Developer in the IDE, and Using Amazon Q Developer on the command line.
To manage subscriptions and settings, including what features are enabled in your organization, see Managing Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions.