Enable and Administer OneDrive for Business for Your AppStream 2.0 Users - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Enable and Administer OneDrive for Business for Your AppStream 2.0 Users

AppStream 2.0 supports the following persistent storage options for users in your organization.

  • OneDrive for Business

  • Google Drive for Google Workspace

  • Home folders

You can enable one or more options for your organization. When you enable OneDrive for Business for an AppStream 2.0 stack, users of the stack can link their OneDrive for Business account to AppStream 2.0. Then they can sign into their OneDrive for Business account and access their OneDrive folder during application streaming sessions. Any changes that they make to files or folders in OneDrive during those sessions are automatically backed up and synchronized, so that they are available to users outside of their streaming sessions.


You can enable OneDrive for Business for accounts in your OneDrive domains only, but not for personal accounts. AppStream 2.0 requires that you configure your Microsoft Azure Active Directory environment to allow end-user consent to applications. For more information, see Configure how end-users consent to applications in the Azure Active Directory Application management documentation.

The admin consent workflow lets administrators grant access to applications that require administrator approval. If the admin consent workflow is configured in your Azure Active Directory environment, contact AWS Support. For information about how to contact AWS Support, see AWS Support Center.


You can enable OneDrive for Business for Windows stacks, but not for Linux stacks or stacks associated with multi-session fleets.