Audit Manager download center - AWS Audit Manager

Audit Manager download center

The download center is where you can find and manage all of your downloadable Audit Manager files. When you generate an assessment report or export search results from evidence finder, the files appear in the download center.

Browsing the download center

Follow these steps to browse your files in the download center.

To find files in the download center
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Download center.

  3. Choose the Assessment reports tab to view the assessment reports that are available to download.

    • This tab shows the assessment reports that you've generated. Assessment reports remain available in the download center until you delete them.

    • To see the latest status of your assessment report, choose the refresh icon (⟳) to reload the table. Each row in the assessment reports table shows the name of the report, its creation date, and one of the following statuses:

      Status Description

      In progress

      Audit Manager is generating the assessment report.


      The assessment report is available for you to download.


      The assessment report failed to generate. In this case, Audit Manager displays a message that describes the error.

      For information about how to resolve these errors, see Troubleshooting assessment report issues.

  4. Choose the Exports tab to view the CSV exports that are available to download.

    • This tab shows the evidence finder search results that you exported in the last seven days. CSV files are removed from the download center after seven days, but they remain available in your export destination S3 bucket. For instructions on how to find an evidence finder CSV export in your S3 destination bucket, see Viewing your results after you've exported them.

    • To see the latest status of your CSV exports, choose the refresh icon (⟳) to reload the table. Each row in the exports table shows the file name, its export date, and one of the following statuses:

      Status Description

      In progress

      Audit Manager is preparing the CSV file.


      The export succeeded and the file is available for you to download.


      The export failed. In this case, Audit Manager displays a message that describes the error.

      For information about how to resolve these errors, see csv-exports.


      Keep in mind that the exports tab might also display CSV files for queries that you ran directly in AWS CloudTrail Lake. This includes queries made in the CloudTrail console or using the CloudTrail API. CloudTrail exports appear on this tab if you queried the Audit Manager event data store, and you chose to save the results to Amazon S3.

Downloading a file

Follow these steps to download a file from the download center.

To download a file
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Download center.

  3. Choose either the Assessment reports tab or the Exports tab.

  4. Select the file that you want to download, and choose Download.

For instructions on how to download a file directly from your S3 destination bucket, see Downloading an object in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) User Guide.

Deleting a file

Follow these steps to delete any assessment reports that you no longer need in the download center.


Deleting CSV exports from the download center isn't currently supported. CSV exports are automatically removed from the download center after seven days.

To delete an assessment report
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Download center.

  3. Choose the Assessment reports tab.

  4. Select the assessment report that you want to delete, and choose Delete.

If you want to delete an assessment report or a CSV export from your S3 destination bucket, we recommend that you complete this task directly in Amazon S3. For instructions, see Deleting Amazon S3 objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) User Guide.

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