Editing a custom control in AWS Audit Manager - AWS Audit Manager

Editing a custom control in AWS Audit Manager

You might need to modify your custom controls in AWS Audit Manager as your compliance requirements change.

This page outlines the steps to edit a custom control's details, evidence sources, and action plan instructions.


The following procedure assumes that you have previously created a custom control.

Make sure your IAM identity has appropriate permissions to edit a custom control in AWS Audit Manager. Two suggested policies that grant these permissions are AWSAuditManagerAdministratorAccess and Allow users management access to AWS Audit Manager.


Follow these steps to edit a custom control.


When you edit a control, your changes are applied to all assessments where the control is active. In all of those assessments, Audit Manager will automatically start to collect evidence according to the latest control definition.

Step 1: Edit control details

Review and edit the control details as needed.


We strongly recommend that you never put sensitive identifying information into free-form fields such as Control details or Testing information. If you create custom controls that contain sensitive information, you can’t share any of your custom frameworks that contain these controls.

To edit control details
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/auditmanager/home.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Control library and then choose the Custom tab.

  3. Select the control that you want to edit and then choose Edit.

  4. Under Control details, edit the control details as needed.

  5. Under Testing information, edit the description as needed.

  6. Choose Next.

Step 2: Edit evidence sources

Next, you can edit, remove, or add evidence sources for the control.


When you edit a control to include more or fewer evidence sources, this might affect how much evidence your control collects in any assessments where it’s active. For example, if you add evidence sources, you might notice that Audit Manager performs more resource assessments and collects more evidence than before. If you remove evidence sources, it’s likely that your control will collect less evidence moving forward.

For more information about resource assessments and pricing, see AWS Audit Manager Pricing.

To edit an AWS managed source
  1. Under AWS managed sources, review the current selections and make changes as needed.

  2. To add a common control, follow these steps:

    1. Select Use a common control that matches your compliance goal.

    2. Choose a common control from the dropdown list.

    3. (Optional) Repeat step 2 as needed. You can add up to five common controls.

  3. To remove a common control, choose the X next to the control name.

  4. To add a core control, follow these steps:

    1. Select Use a core control that matches a prescriptive AWS guideline.

    2. Choose a common control from the dropdown list.

    3. (Optional) Repeat step 4 as needed. You can add up to 50 core controls.

  5. To remove a core control, choose the X next to the control name.

  6. To add customer managed data sources, use the following procedure. Otherwise, choose Next.


You're responsible for maintaining the data source mappings that you edit in this step.

To edit a customer managed source
  1. Under Customer managed sources, review the current data sources and make changes as needed.

  2. To remove a data source, select a data source from the table, then choose Remove.

  3. To add a new data source, follow these steps:

    1. Select Use a data source to collect manual or automated evidence.

    2. Choose Add.

    3. Choose one of the following options:

      • Choose AWS API calls, then choose an API call and an evidence collection frequency.

      • Choose AWS CloudTrail event, then choose an event name.

      • Choose AWS Config managed rule, then choose a rule identifier.

      • Choose AWS Config custom rule, then choose a rule identifier.

      • Choose AWS Security Hub control, then choose a Security Hub control.

      • Choose Manual data source, then choose an option:

        • File upload – Use this option if the control requires documentation as evidence.

        • Text response – Use this option if the control requires an answer to a risk assessment question.


      For information about automated data source types and troubleshooting tips, see Supported data source types for automated evidence.

      If you need to validate your data source setup with an expert, choose Manual data source for now. That way, you can create the control and add it to a framework now, and then edit the control as needed later.

    4. Under Data source name, provide a descriptive name.

    5. (Optional) Under Additional details, enter a data source description and a troubleshooting description.

    6. Choose Add data source.

    7. (Optional) To add another data source, choose Add and repeat step 3. You can add up to 100 data sources.

  4. When you're finished, choose Next.

Step 3: Edit action plan

Next, review and edit the optional action plan.


We strongly recommend that you never put sensitive identifying information into free-form fields such as Action plan. If you create custom controls that contain sensitive information, you can’t share any of your custom frameworks that contain these controls.

To edit an action plan
  1. Under Title, edit the title as needed.

  2. Under Instructions, edit the instructions as needed.

  3. Choose Next.

Step 4: Review and save

Review the information for the control. To change the information for a step, choose Edit.

When you're finished, choose Save changes.


After you edit a control, the changes take effect as follows in all active assessments that include the control:

  • For controls with AWS API calls as the data source type, changes take effect at 00:00 UTC the following day.

  • For all other controls, changes take effect immediately.

Next steps

When you're certain that you no longer need a custom control, you can clean up your Audit Manager environment by deleting the control. For instructions, see Deleting a custom control in AWS Audit Manager.

Additional resources

For solutions to control issues in Audit Manager, see Troubleshooting control and control set issues.