Amazon Aurora DSQL is provided as a Preview service.
To learn more, see Betas and Previews
Using AWS Lambda with Amazon Aurora DSQL
The following sections describe how to use Lambda with Aurora DSQL
Authorization to create Lambda functions. For more information, see Getting started with Lambda.
Authorization to create or modify IAM policy created by Lambda. You need to permissions
. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for IAM . -
You must have installed npm v8.5.3 or higher.
You must have installed zip v3.0 or higher.
Create a new function in AWS Lambda.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at
. -
Choose Create function.
Provide a name, such as
. -
Don't edit the default settings to make sure that Lambda creates a new role with basic Lambda permissions.
Choose Create function.
Authorize your Lambda execution role to connect to your cluster
In your Lambda function, choose Configuration > Permissions.
Choose the role name to open the execution role in the IAM console.
Choose Add Permissions > Create inline policy, and use the JSON editor.
In Action paste in the following action to authorize your IAM identity to connect using the admin database role.
"Action": ["dsql:DbConnectAdmin"],
We're using an admin role to minimize prerequisite steps to get started. You shouldn't use a admin database role for your production applications. See Using database roles with IAM roles to learn how to create custom database roles with authorization that has the fewest permissions to your database.
In Resource, add your cluster’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can also use a wildcard.
"Resource": ["*"]
Choose Next.
Enter a name for the policy, such as
. -
Choose Create policy.
Create a package to upload to Lambda.
Create a folder named
. -
In the folder, create a new file named
with the following content.{ "dependencies": { "@aws-sdk/core": "^3.587.0", "@aws-sdk/credential-providers": "^3.587.0", "@smithy/protocol-http": "^4.0.0", "@smithy/signature-v4": "^3.0.0", "pg": "^8.11.5" } }
In the folder, create a file named
in the directory with the following content.import { formatUrl } from "@aws-sdk/util-format-url"; import { HttpRequest } from "@smithy/protocol-http"; import { SignatureV4 } from "@smithy/signature-v4"; import { fromNodeProviderChain } from "@aws-sdk/credential-providers"; import { NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS, NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS } from "@smithy/config-resolver"; import { Hash } from "@smithy/hash-node"; import { loadConfig } from "@smithy/node-config-provider"; import pg from "pg"; const { Client } = pg; export const getRuntimeConfig = (config) => { return { runtime: "node", sha256: config?.sha256 ?? Hash.bind(null, "sha256"), credentials: config?.credentials ?? fromNodeProviderChain(), region: config?.region ?? loadConfig(NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS, NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS), ...config, }; }; // Aurora DSQL requires IAM authentication // This class generates auth tokens signed using AWS Signature Version 4 export class Signer { constructor(hostname) { const runtimeConfiguration = getRuntimeConfig({}); this.credentials = runtimeConfiguration.credentials; this.hostname = hostname; this.region = runtimeConfiguration.region; this.sha256 = runtimeConfiguration.sha256; this.service = "dsql"; this.protocol = "https:"; } async getAuthToken() { const signer = new SignatureV4({ service: this.service, region: this.region, credentials: this.credentials, sha256: this.sha256, }); // To connect with a custom database role, set Action as "DbConnect" const request = new HttpRequest({ method: "GET", protocol: this.protocol, hostname: this.hostname, query: { Action: "DbConnectAdmin", }, headers: { host: this.hostname, }, }); const presigned = await signer.presign(request, { expiresIn: 3600, }); // RDS requires the scheme to be removed // return formatUrl(presigned).replace(`${this.protocol}//`, ""); } } // To connect with a custom database role, set user as the database role name async function dsql_sample(token, endpoint) { const client = new Client({ user: "admin", database: "postgres", host: endpoint, password: token, ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }, }); await client.connect(); console.log("[dsql_sample] connected to Aurora DSQL!"); try { console.log("[dsql_sample] attempting transaction."); await client.query("BEGIN; SELECT txid_current_if_assigned(); COMMIT;"); return 200; } catch (err) { console.log("[dsql_sample] transaction attempt failed!"); console.error(err); return 500; } finally { await client.end(); } } // export const handler = async (event) => { const endpoint = event.endpoint; const s = new Signer(endpoint); const token = await s.getAuthToken(); const responseCode = await dsql_sample(token, endpoint); const response = { statusCode: responseCode, endpoint: endpoint, }; return response; };
Use the following commands to create a package.
npm install zip -r .
Upload the code package and test your Lambda function
In your Lambda function’s Code tab, choose Upload from > .zip file
Upload the
you created. For more information, see Deploy Node.js Lambda functions with .zip file archives. -
In your Lambda function’s Test tab, paste in the following JSON payload, and modify it to use your cluster ID.
In your Lambda function’s Test tab, use the following Event JSON modified to specify your cluster’s endpoint.
{"endpoint": "replace_with_your_cluster_endpoint"}
Enter an Event name, such as
. Choose Save. -
Choose Test.
Choose Details to expand the execution response and log output.
If it succeeded, the Lambda function execution response should return a 200 status code:
{statusCode": 200, "endpoint": "your_cluster_endpoint"}
If the database returns an error or if the connection to the database fails, the Lambda function execution response returns a 500 status code.
{"statusCode": 500,"endpoint": "your_cluster_endpoint"}