Order Planning and Tracking
To generate an order insight, in addition to ingesting the required data entities and columns, you must configure your milestone and process definitions. For more information on configuring orders, see Configuring Order Planning and Tracking for the first time.
The table below lists the required data entities and columns to generate a order planning and tracking process.
Data entity | Column | Is the column used by Order Planning and Tracking? |
NoteThe site data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
id |
Required. When you ingest data from SAP or EDI, the default value for string is SCN_RESERVED_NO_VALUE_PROVIDED. When you upload data using the Amazon S3 connector, you must enter a value or use SCN_RESERVED_NO_VALUE_PROVIDED for successful ingestion. |
NoteThe product data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
id |
NoteThe vendor_product data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
vendor_tpartner_id |
product_id |
eff_start_date |
eff_end_date |
id |
Required – This column is used by conditional filters to display regions or country. | |
NoteThe inbound_order data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
id |
Required |
tpartner_id |
Required | |
NoteThe inbound_order_line data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
id |
Required. When you ingest data from SAP or EDI, the default value for string is SCN_RESERVED_NO_VALUE_PROVIDED. When you upload data using the Amazon S3 connector, you must enter a value or use SCN_RESERVED_NO_VALUE_PROVIDED for successful ingestion. |
order_id |
tpartner_id |
product_id |
NoteThe shipment data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
id |
supplier_tpartner_id |
product_id |
order_id |
order_line_id |
package_id |
NoteThe reservation data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
reservation_id |
Required – This column is a required key for the reservation_id column in the process_product data entity. |
reservation_type |
Required – This column is used when defining a default order plan. | |
reservation_detail_id |
Required – This column is a required key for the reservation_detail_id column in the process_product data entity. | |
NoteThe process_header data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
process_id |
Required |
site_id |
Required – This column is used by the site_id column in the process_header data entity. For example, this column can be referenced in the milestone rules for specific processes. | |
status |
Required | |
required_on_site |
Required – This date is required to calculate the forecast completion date and to determine the Order line status. | |
NoteThe process_product data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
process_product_id |
Required – This column is part of the primary key in the process_product data entity and is used as a reference in other entities. |
process_id |
Required – This column is part of the primary key in the process_product data entity and is used to associate the header with the line. | |
product_id |
Required | |
reservation_id |
Required | |
reservation_detail_id |
Required | |
requested_availability_date |
Required – The field is displayed as Required on site date in the AWS Supply Chain web application. This date is required to calculate the forecast completion date and to determine the Order line status. When you ingest data, you must enter a value for requested_availability_date. When information is not available for the requested_availability_date column, order planning and tracking will use the column values from process_header > planned_start_date to calculate the forecast completion date. | |
process_id |
Required | |
product_id |
Required | |
business_process_id |
Required | |
business_process_sequence |
Required | |
preferred_source |
Required | |
duration |
Required – This column provides the process lead time to determine the target date of the process completion. |
The following table describes the data entities that are not required to generate order planning and tracking. If these data entities are included in your dataset, the required columns are listed in the table below.
Data entity | Column | Is the column used by Order Planning and Tracking? |
id |
Required – This column is used to link the trading partner. | |
tpartner_type |
geo_id |
eff_start_date |
eff_end_date |
NoteThe process_operation data entity columns not listed in this table are optional for order planning and tracking. AWS Supply Chain highly recommends ingesting data for the optional columns to enhance the feature output. When data is ingested for the optional columns, you can use them to configure rules to evaluate the process milestones. |
process_operation_id |
Required |
process_id |