Customizing your Billing preferences - AWS Billing

Customizing your Billing preferences

You can use the AWS Billing preferences page to manage your invoice delivery, alerts, credit sharing, Reserved Instances (RI) and Savings Plans discount sharing, and detailed billing (legacy) reports. For some sections, only the payer account can update them.

You can assign user permissions to view the Billing preferences page. For more information, see Using fine-grained AWS Billing actions.

The Billing preferences page contains the following sections.

Invoice delivery preferences

You can choose to receive a PDF copy of your monthly invoice by email. The monthly invoices are sent to the emails registered as the AWS account root user and the alternate billing contact. For information about updating these email addresses, see Setting up your tax information.

To opt in or out of receiving monthly PDF invoices by email
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Invoice delivery preferences section, choose Edit.

  4. Select or clear PDF invoices delivery by email.

  5. Choose Update.

Depending on the purchase, AWS sends monthly or daily invoices to the following contacts:

  • The AWS account root user

  • The billing contacts on the Payment preferences page

  • The alternate billing contacts on the Account page

Additional invoice email

In addition to the PDF invoice email, AWS sends monthly or daily email with your invoice details to the contact list in the previous section.


If you specify a billing contact on the Payment preferences page, the root user won't receive the PDF invoice or the additional invoice by email.

Alert preferences

You can receive email alerts when your AWS service usage is approaching or has exceeded the AWS Free Tier usage limits.

To opt in or out of receiving AWS Free Tier usage alerts
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Alert preferences section, choose Edit.

  4. Select or clear Receive AWS Free Tier usage alerts.

  5. (Optional) In the Additional email address to receive alerts, enter any email addresses that aren't already registered as a root user or alternate billing contact.

  6. Choose Update.

You can also use Amazon CloudWatch billing alerts to receive email notifications when your charges reach a specified threshold.

To receive CloudWatch billing alerts
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Alert preferences section, choose Edit.

  4. Select Receive CloudWatch billing alerts.


    This preference can't be deactivated at a later time.

  5. Choose Update.

To manage your CloudWatch billing alerts, see your CloudWatch dashboard or view your AWS Budgets. For more information, see the Create a billing alarm to monitor your estimated AWS charges in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Credit sharing preferences

You can use this section to activate sharing credits across member accounts in your billing family. You can select specific accounts or enable sharing for all accounts.


This section is only available for the management account (payer account) as part of AWS Organizations.

To manage credit sharing for member accounts
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Credit sharing preferences section, choose Edit.

  4. To activate or deactivate credit sharing for specific accounts, select them from the table and, then choose Activate or Deactivate.

  5. To activate or deactivate credit sharing for all accounts, choose Actions, and then choose Activate All or Deactivate All.

  6. Choose Update.

  • To activate credit sharing for new accounts that join your organization, select Default sharing for newly created member accounts.

  • To download a history of your credit sharing preferences, choose Download preference history (CSV).

For more information about AWS credits, see Applying AWS credits.

Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discount sharing preferences

You can use this section to activate sharing Reserved Instances and Savings Plan discounts across accounts in your billing family. You can select specific accounts or enable sharing for all accounts.

To share the Savings Plans discount, the Savings Plans owner account must be active in the RI and Savings Plans discount sharing preferences. This enables the discount usage across other eligible linked accounts in the organization.


This section is only available for the management account (payer account) as part of AWS Organizations.

To manage Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discount sharing for member accounts
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discount sharing preference section, choose Edit.

  4. To activate or deactivate discount sharing for specific accounts, select them from the table, and then choose Activate or Deactivate.

  5. To activate or deactivate discount sharing for all accounts, choose Actions, and then choose Activate All or Deactivate All.

  6. Choose Update.

  • To activate credit sharing for new accounts that join your organization, select Default sharing for newly created member accounts.

  • To download a history of your credit sharing preferences, choose Download preference history (CSV).

Detailed billing reports (legacy)

You can receive legacy billing reports that are offered outside of the AWS Cost and Usage Reports console page. However, we strongly recommend that you use AWS Cost and Usage Reports instead because it provides the most comprehensive billing information. Also, these legacy reporting methods will not be supported at a later date.

For more information about detailed billing reports, see Detailed Billing Reports in the AWS Cost and Usage Reports User Guide.

For more information about transferring your reports to AWS Cost and Usage Reports, see Migrating from Detailed Billing Reports to AWS Cost and Usage Reports.

  • This section is only visible if you use AWS Organizations.

  • To download a CSV from the Bills page, first activate monthly reports.

To edit your detailed billing reports (legacy) settings
  1. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.

  3. In the Detailed billing reports (legacy) section, choose Edit.

  4. To set the Amazon S3 bucket for report delivery, select Legacy report delivery to Amazon S3 and Configure.

  5. In the Configure Amazon S3 Bucket section, select an existing Amazon S3 bucket to receive the AWS Cost and Usage Reports, or create a new bucket.

  6. Choose Update.

  7. To configure the granularity of the reports to show your AWS usage, select the reports to activate.

  8. In the Report activation section, choose Activate.