Amazon Braket updates to AWS managed policies - Amazon Braket

Amazon Braket updates to AWS managed policies

The following table provides details about updates to AWS managed policies for Braket since this service began tracking these changes.

Change Description Date

AmazonBraketFullAccess - Full access policy for Braket

Added the servicequotas:GetServiceQuota and cloudwatch:GetMetricData actions to be included in the AmazonBraketFullAccess policy.


March 24, 2023

AmazonBraketFullAccess - Full access policy for Braket

Braket adjusted iam:PassRole permissions for AmazonBraketFullAccess to include the service-role/ path.

November 29, 2021

AmazonBraketJobsExecutionPolicy - Hybrid jobs execution policy for Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs

Braket updated the hybrid jobs execution role ARN to include the service-role/ path.

November 29, 2021

Braket started tracking changes

Braket started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies.

November 29, 2021